- 心を奪う(魅了する)ように
English Journal
- Isolation and characterization of hyaluronic Acid from marine organisms.
- Giji S1, Arumugam M2.
- Advances in food and nutrition research.Adv Food Nutr Res.2014;72:61-77. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-800269-8.00004-X.
- Hyaluronic acid (HA) being a viscous slippery substance is a multifunctional glue with immense therapeutic applications such as ophthalmic surgery, orthopedic surgery and rheumatology, drug delivery systems, pulmonary pathology, joint pathologies, and tissue engineering. Although HA has been isolate
- PMID 25081077
- Centrosome and retroviruses: the dangerous liaisons.
- Afonso PV1, Zamborlini A, Saïb A, Mahieux R.
- Retrovirology.Retrovirology.2007 Apr 14;4:27.
- Centrosomes are the major microtubule organizing structures in vertebrate cells. They localize in close proximity to the nucleus for the duration of interphase and play major roles in numerous cell functions. Consequently, any deficiency in centrosome function or number may lead to genetic instabili
- PMID 17433108
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