- 関
- intestinal resection
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/12/23 08:09:23」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Drawing showing bowel resection for colon cancer
A bowel resection or enterectomy (enter- + -ectomy) is a surgical procedure in which a part of an intestine (bowel) is removed, from either the small intestine or large intestine. Often the word enterectomy is reserved for the sense of small bowel resection, in distinction from colectomy, which covers the sense of large bowel resection. Bowel resection may be performed to treat gastrointestinal cancer, bowel necrosis, severe enteritis, diverticular disease, Crohn's disease, endometriosis, ulcerative colitis, or bowel obstruction due to scar tissue. Other reasons to perform bowel resection include traumatic injuries and to remove polyps when polypectomy is insufficient, either to prevent polyps from ever becoming cancerous or because they are causing or threatening bowel obstruction, such as in familial adenomatous polyposis, Peutz–Jeghers syndrome, or other polyposis syndromes.[1] Some patients require ileostomy or colostomy after this procedure as alternative means of excretion.[1] Depending on which part and how much of the intestines are removed, there may be digestive and metabolic challenges afterward, such as short bowel syndrome.
Types of enterectomy are named according to the relevant bowel segment, as follows:
Procedure |
Bowel segment |
Notes |
duodenectomy |
duodenum |
jejunectomy |
jejunum |
ileectomy |
ileum |
colectomy |
colon |
See also
- ^ a b "Small bowel resection". MedlinePlus: U.S. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved 1 June 2013.
External links
- Description of the procedure
- Common large bowel resections
Surgical procedures involving the digestive system (ICD-9-CM V3 42–54, ICD-10-PCS 0D)
Digestive tract |
Upper GI tract |
SGs / Esophagus |
- Esophagectomy
- Heller myotomy
- Sialography
- Impedance–pH monitoring
- Esophageal pH monitoring
- Esophageal motility study
Stomach |
- Bariatric surgery
- Adjustable gastric band
- Gastric bypass surgery
- Sleeve gastrectomy
- Vertical banded gastroplasty surgery
- Collis gastroplasty
- Gastrectomy
- Billroth I
- Billroth II
- Roux-en-Y
- Gastroenterostomy
- Gastropexy
- Gastrostomy
- Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
- Hill repair
- Nissen fundoplication
- Pyloromyotomy
Medical imaging |
- Endoscopy: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Barium swallow
- Upper gastrointestinal series
Lower GI tract |
Small bowel |
- Bariatric surgery
- Duodenal switch
- Jejunoileal bypass
- Bowel resection
- Ileostomy
- Intestine transplantation
- Jejunostomy
- Partial ileal bypass surgery
- Strictureplasty
Large bowel |
- Appendicectomy
- Colectomy
- Colonic polypectomy
- Colostomy
- Hartmann's operation
Rectum |
- Abdominoperineal resection / Miles operation
- Lower anterior resection
- Total mesorectal excision
Anal canal |
- Anal sphincterotomy
- Anorectal manometry
- Lateral internal sphincterotomy
- Rubber band ligation
- Transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization
Medical imaging |
- Endoscopy: Colonoscopy
- Anoscopy
- Capsule endoscopy
- Enteroscopy
- Proctoscopy
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Abdominal ultrasonography
- Defecography
- Double-contrast barium enema
- Endoanal ultrasound
- Enteroclysis
- Lower gastrointestinal series
- Small-bowel follow-through
- Transrectal ultrasonography
- Virtual colonoscopy
Stool tests |
- Fecal fat test
- Fecal pH test
- Stool guaiac test
Accessory |
Liver |
- Artificial extracorporeal liver support
- Bioartificial liver devices
- Liver dialysis
- Hepatectomy
- Liver biopsy
- Liver transplantation
- Portal hypertension
- Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt [TIPS]
- Distal splenorenal shunt procedure
Gallbladder, bile duct |
- Cholecystectomy
- Cholecystostomy
- Hepatoportoenterostomy
- Medical imaging: Cholangiography
- Cholecystography
- Cholescintigraphy
Pancreas |
- Frey's procedure
- Pancreas transplantation
- Pancreatectomy
- Pancreaticoduodenectomy
- Puestow procedure
Abdominopelvic |
Peritoneum |
- Diagnostic peritoneal lavage
- Intraperitoneal injection
- Laparoscopy
- Omentopexy
- Paracentesis
- Peritoneal dialysis
Hernia |
- Hernia repair: Inguinal hernia surgery
- Femoral hernia repair
Other |
- Laparotomy
- Rapid urease test / Urea breath test
CPRs |
- Child-Pugh score
- Ranson criteria
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- 1. 成人における消化管手術後の創部感染の予防策 control measures to prevent surgical site infection following gastrointestinal procedures in adults
- 2. 持続的腹膜透析における溶質クリアランスおよび限外濾過の問題 problems with solute clearance and ultrafiltration in continuous peritoneal dialysis
- 3. 慢性偽性腸閉塞 chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction
English Journal
- Ex Vivo Resection and Autotransplantation for Pancreatic Neoplasms.
- Liou P1, Kato T2.
- The Surgical clinics of North America.Surg Clin North Am.2018 Feb;98(1):189-200. doi: 10.1016/j.suc.2017.09.012.
- PMID 29191274
- Influence of preoperative septic peritonitis and anastomotic technique on the dehiscence of enterectomy sites in dogs: A retrospective review of 210 anastomoses.
- Davis DJ1, Demianiuk RM1, Musser J1, Podsiedlik M1, Hauptman J1.
- Veterinary surgery : VS.Vet Surg.2018 Jan;47(1):125-129. doi: 10.1111/vsu.12704. Epub 2017 Sep 8.
- PMID 28885694
- Distal Duodenogastrostomy or Proximal Jejunogastrostomy in the Management of Ultra-Short Bowel.
- Hofker TO1, Kaijser MA1, Nieuwenhuijs VB2, Lange JFM1, Hofker HS3.
- Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract.J Gastrointest Surg.2017 Dec 22. doi: 10.1007/s11605-017-3654-0. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 29273999
Japanese Journal
- 膀胱留置カテーテル挿入による腹腔内減圧で自然部分還納したと推測される臍ヘルニア嵌頓の1例
- 絞扼性イレウスに超音波検査は不必要か?:─造影超音波検査導入による再評価─
- 腹腔鏡補助下腸切除術を施行した成人特発性回盲部腸重積の1例
Related Links
- enterectomy [en″ter-ek´to-me] excision of a portion of the intestine. en·ter·ec·to·my (en'tĕr-ek'tō-mē), Resection of a segment of the intestine. [entero- + G. ektomē, excision] enterectomy (ĕn′tə-rĕk′tə-mē) n. Surgical removal of a ...
- enterectomyとは。意味や和訳。[名詞] (pl. -mies) 〔外科〕 腸切除(術).[語源]1877.ENTER-+-ECTOMY - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。 ... で始まる で一致する で終わる を説明文に含む を見出し ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- intestinal resection、enterectomy
- 関
- 腸管切除、腸切除術
- 英
- intestinal resection、enterectomy
- 関
- 腸管切除、腸切除
- 関
- enterectomy