- make lively; "lets liven up this room a bit" (同)liven, liven up, invigorate, animate
- not made lively or brightened; "a life unenlivened by romance"
- made sprightly or cheerful
- made lively or spirited; "a meal enlivened by the music"; "a spirited debate" (同)spirited
- …‘を'活気づける,にぎやかにする
English Journal
- Pexidartinib versus placebo for advanced tenosynovial giant cell tumour (ENLIVEN): a randomised phase 3 trial.
- Tap WD, Gelderblom H, Palmerini E, Desai J, Bauer S, Blay JY, Alcindor T, Ganjoo K, Martín-Broto J, Ryan CW, Thomas DM, Peterfy C, Healey JH, van de Sande M, Gelhorn HL, Shuster DE, Wang Q, Yver A, Hsu HH, Lin PS, Tong-Starksen S, Stacchiotti S, Wagner AJ, .
- Lancet (London, England). 2019 08;394(10197)478-487.
- Tenosynovial giant cell tumour (TGCT), a rare, locally aggressive neoplasm, overexpresses colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF1). Surgery is standard with no approved systemic therapy. We aimed to evaluate pexidartinib, a CSF1 receptor inhibitor, in patients with TGCT to provide them with a viable syste
- PMID 31229240
- The OPTIMISE project: protocol for a mixed methods, pragmatic, quasi-experimental trial to improve primary care delivery to refugees in Australia.
- Russell G, Gunatillaka N, Lewis V, Cheng IH, Enticott J, Marsh G, Vasi S, Advocat J, Song H, Saito S, Casey S, Smith M, Harris M.
- BMC health services research. 2019 Jun;19(1)396.
- Australia is one of many nations struggling with the challenges of delivering quality primary health care (PHC) to increasing numbers of refugees. The OPTIMISE project represents a collaboration between 12 organisations to generate a model of integrated refugee PHC suitable for uptake throughout Aus
- PMID 31217004
- Dissociable learning processes in comparative psychology.
- Smith JD, Church BA.
- Psychonomic bulletin & review. 2018 Oct;25(5)1565-1584.
- Comparative and cognitive psychologists interpret performance in different ways. Animal researchers invoke a dominant construct of associative learning. Human researchers acknowledge humans' capacity for explicit-declarative cognition. This article offers a way to bridge a divide that defeats produc
- PMID 28799092
Japanese Journal
- 生徒を活気づかせる文法の授業(中学校一年) : 生きた文法の授業
- 釧路論集 : 北海道教育大学釧路校研究紀要 : journal of Hokkaido University of Education at Kushiro (45), 11-19, 2013
- NAID 40019983960
- 生徒を活気づかせる文法の授業(中学校一年) -生きた文法の授業-
- 快適な飲酒を支援するコースター型飲酒検知デバイスの開発
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