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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/27 16:44:17」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Engrailed may refer to:
- engrailed (gene), a developmental gene in many animals
- Engrailed (moth), Ectropis crepuscularia, a moth
- Engrailed (heraldry), a term indicating curves pointing outwards in heraldry
Japanese Journal
- Segment Regeneration in the Vestimentiferan Tubeworm, Lamellibrachia satsuma
- Miyamoto Norio,Shinozaki Ayuta,Fujiwara Yoshihiro
- Zoological science 31(8), 535-541, 2014-08
- NAID 40020166341
- Developmental role of dpp in the gastropod shell plate and co-option of the dpp signaling pathway in the evolution of the operculum
- Developmental biology 366(2), 367-373, 2012-06
- … We found that some of the genes involved in shell-field development are expressed in the operculum, such as dpp and grainyhead, whereas engrailed and Hox1 are not. … However, matrix secretion was not completely abolished, and the expressions of ferritin, engrailed or Hox1 were not affected by dpp-dsRNA, indicating that dpp is partly involved in the developmental pathway for shell matrix secretion. …
- NAID 80022559307
- Defective proventriculus specifies the ocellar region in the Drosophila head
- Developmental Biology 356(2), 598-607, 2011-08-15
- … The homeodomain-containing transcriptional repressor Engrailed (En) is also involved in ocellar specification, and the En expression is completely lost in otd mutants. …
- NAID 80021928767
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