- (特に政治的な)亡命者
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/10/15 22:00:35」(JST)
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Emigre may refer to:
- Émigré
- Emigre (type foundry)
- Emigre (magazine)
- Émigré (album) by Wendy Matthews
English Journal
- Dr Karl Koenig: a brief survey of his extraordinary early years.
- Jackson R1.
- Scottish medical journal.Scott Med J.2014 May;59(2):122-5. doi: 10.1177/0036933014527896. Epub 2014 Mar 12.
- Over 70 years ago, an Austrian émigré doctor - Karl Koenig - came to Scotland where he established the Camphill Movement. Today that Movement embraces over 100 communities for children and adults with developmental disabilities in at least 24 countries. One aspect of Koenig's biography that has no
- PMID 24623791
- Nurses across borders: displaced Russian and Soviet nurses after World War I and World War II.
- Grant S1.
- Nursing history review : official journal of the American Association for the History of Nursing.Nurs Hist Rev.2014;22:13-36.
- Russian and Soviet nurse refugees faced myriad challenges attempting to become registered nurses in North America and elsewhere after the World War II. By drawing primarily on International Council of Nurses refugee files, a picture can be pieced together of the fate that befell many of those women
- PMID 24032234
- Personal experiences of émigré cardiologist Paolo G. Camici. Get the most out of a foreign country by learning the system.
- Taylor J.
- European heart journal.Eur Heart J.2013 Nov;34(44):3390.
- PMID 24400364
Japanese Journal
- 越境と記憶 : 17世紀の東スラヴにおけるポーランド語詩篇歌の流行について
- ロシアからの移住化学者ワイマルン : その生涯と業績
- Julie la fataliste? : l'oeuvre de Rousseau, retouchee et recousue par L'Emigre de Senac de Meilhan
Related Links
- Emigre, Inc. is a digital type foundry, publisher and distributor of graphic design related software and printed materials based in Northern California. Founded in 1984, coinciding with the birth of the Macintosh, Emigre was one of the ...
- 日常にアートを! 株式会社Emigreは日常にもっとアートを!をコンセプトにコンテンポラリーアーティストきりクにより2011年に設立されたファッション・アート集団です。自社ブランド「Kiriku」「Emigre」「tacknakagawa」の販売卸しを中心 ...
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