- 関
- electropolish、electropolishing
- of or relating to or containing an electrolyte
- a fixed capacitor consisting of two electrodes separated by an electrolyte (同)electrolytic_capacitor, electrolytic condenser
- of or concerned with or produced by electrolysis
- 電気分解の / 電解質の
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English Journal
- [Influence of finishing techniques on the surface roughness of metallic components of prosthetic restorations].
- Baciu ER, Forna NC.SourceFacultatea de Medicină Dentară, Catedra Proteze Amovibile si Tehnologia Protezelor Dentare, Universitatea de Medicină si Farmacie Gr.T. Popa Iaşi.
- Revista medico-chirurgicală̆ a Societă̆ţ̜ii de Medici ş̧i Naturaliş̧ti din Iaş̧i.Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi.2010 Oct-Dec;114(4):1198-203.
- The paper proposes to examine the influence of mechanical and electrolytic finishing techniques on metal surface roughness.MATERIAL AND METHOD: Six non-noble dental alloys and three versions of finishing have been taken into consideration: mechanical polishing with rubber polisher, mechanical polish
- PMID 21500480
- Electropolishing of CP titanium and its alloys in an alcoholic solution-based electrolyte.
- Tajima K, Hironaka M, Chen KK, Nagamatsu Y, Kakigawa H, Kozono Y.SourceDivision of Biomaterials, Kyushu Dental College, 2-6-1 Manazuru, Kokurakita, Kitakyushu 803-8580, Japan. tajima@kyu-dent.ac.jp
- Dental materials journal.Dent Mater J.2008 Mar;27(2):258-65.
- A newly developed electropolishing system, equipped with an original agitation function for an electrolyte and using a safe electrolyte composed of an alcoholic solution, was applied for wrought and cast CP titanium and its alloys. Surface roughness and morphology of the polished surfaces were then
- PMID 18540401
Japanese Journal
- 電解研磨による細管内面の平滑化と表面改質 (特集 手の届かない細管内面の加工と評価法)
- クロムモリブデン鋼の浸炭焼入後の硬化層の回折面間隔変化
- 坂井田 喜久,川内 基範,菖蒲 敬久
- 材料 60(7), 649-654, 2011
- … The carburized surface of one block specimen was gradually removed by electrolytic polishing. …
- NAID 130001027658
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- 検索結果101件中1件から12件までを表示
- 日本電子株式会社のオフィシャルサイト。電子顕微鏡、分析機器、半導体関連機器、産業機器、医用機器の製造・販売・開発研究を行っています。 ... 電解研磨 electrolytic polishing [目次: 試料等] 金属、合金の薄膜試料作製に使われる ...
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- 関
- electrolytic polishing、electropolishing
- 英
- electropolishing、electrolytic polishing、electropolish
- 関
- electrolytic polishing、electropolish
- 関
- electrolysis、electrolyze