English Journal
- Ejaculatio praecox, erectio praecox, and detumescentia praecox as symptoms of a hypertonic state in lifelong premature ejaculation: A new hypothesis.
- Waldinger MD.Author information Division of Pharmacology, Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of BetaSciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Private Practice, Amstelveen, The Netherlands; Outpatient Department of Neurosexology, HagaZiekenhuis, Den Haag, The Netherlands. Electronic address: md@waldinger.demon.nl.AbstractIn the last two decades, in vivo animal research and human neurobiological, genetic and pharmacological research of lifelong premature ejaculation (PE) have much contributed to a better understanding of the role of the central and peripheral nervous systems in mediating ejaculation. Research of genetic polymorphisms in men with lifelong PE and clinical research of the validity of the classification into four PE subtypes have provided a better insight into lifelong PE and its distinction from the three other PE subtypes. Nevertheless, a number of symptoms of lifelong PE and its treatment by SSRIs are still not well understood. In the current article, it will be argued that lifelong PE is characterized not only by early ejaculations (ejaculatio praecox), a diminished control over ejaculation, and negative personal consequences, but also by early erections (erectio praecox) and an immediately occurring detumescence of the penis after ejaculation (detumescentia praecox) as symptoms of an (sub)acute hypertonic or hypererotic physical state when making love. Based on animal research it is postulated that the facilitated erection, facilitated ejaculation and facilitated penile detumescence are associated with centrally and peripherally increased oxytocin release. In addition, it is postulated that mechano- and thermosensory activity of transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels, located in skin receptors of the glans penis, are associated with lifelong PE. Research into the three characteristics of the (sub)acute hypererotic state will presumably contribute to a better phenomenological description of and better neurobiological understanding of lifelong PE and its delineation to the three other PE subtypes.
- Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior.Pharmacol Biochem Behav.2013 Dec 11. pii: S0091-3057(13)00338-9. doi: 10.1016/j.pbb.2013.12.004. [Epub ahead of print]
- In the last two decades, in vivo animal research and human neurobiological, genetic and pharmacological research of lifelong premature ejaculation (PE) have much contributed to a better understanding of the role of the central and peripheral nervous systems in mediating ejaculation. Research of gene
- PMID 24333546
- Sexual dysfunction in type III chronic prostatitis (CP) and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) observed in Turkish patients.
- Sönmez NC, Kiremit MC, Güney S, Arisan S, Akça O, Dalkılıç A.Author information Department of 1st Urology, Şişli Etfal Research and Training Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey. urologturk@yahoo.comAbstractAIM: Chronic prostatitis (CP) and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) is a common disabling condition that is primarily associated with pain in the urogenital region and disturbances in urinary and sexual function. Chronic pelvic pain symptoms are the most common presentation, especially perineal, lower abdominal, testicular, penile as well as ejaculatory pain. Other genitourinary tract complaints include voiding disorders and sexual dysfunction. We aimed in the study at examining the prevalence rates of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction in patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome and comparing these rates with those of healthy control subjects.
- International urology and nephrology.Int Urol Nephrol.2011 Jun;43(2):309-14. doi: 10.1007/s11255-010-9809-5. Epub 2010 Aug 1.
- AIM: Chronic prostatitis (CP) and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) is a common disabling condition that is primarily associated with pain in the urogenital region and disturbances in urinary and sexual function. Chronic pelvic pain symptoms are the most common presentation, especially perineal, l
- PMID 20680450
- [Major depressive disorder, antidepressants and sexual dysfunction].
- Kinzl JF.Author information Dept. für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Klinik für Psychosomatische Medizin. johann.kinzl@uki.atAbstractDepression and antidepressant therapy have been associated with sexual dysfunction. Studies report wide discrepancies with regard to frequency, gender, and quality of sexual dysfunction. Although sexual side effects are a common reason for non-compliance with medication, information on impairment of sexuality in psychiatric patients is rare. The impact of antidepressant- induced sexual dysfunction is substantial and negatively affects quality of life, self-esteem, mood, and relationship with partner. Sexual side effects resulting from serotonin specific reuptake inhibitors use may be mediated by a number of central and peripheral mechanisms. Some antidepressants such as Bupropion, mirtazapine, and moclobemide have a sexual tolerability profile significantly better than SSRIs, especially escitalopram, paroxetine, venlafaxine, sertraline, or fluoxetine. There are some possibilities for treatment of anti-depressant induced sexual dysfunctions such as waiting for spontaneous remission, reducing the dosage level, substituting the offending drug with other antidepressants, drug holidays, or administration of a phosphodiesterase- 5-inhibitor. These side-effects are increasingly used therapeutically in the context of the common male sexual dysfunction ejaculatio praecox. For this indication short-acting SSRI;s are available.
- Neuropsychiatrie : Klinik, Diagnostik, Therapie und Rehabilitation : Organ der Gesellschaft Österreichischer Nervenärzte und Psychiater.Neuropsychiatr.2009;23(2):134-8.
- Depression and antidepressant therapy have been associated with sexual dysfunction. Studies report wide discrepancies with regard to frequency, gender, and quality of sexual dysfunction. Although sexual side effects are a common reason for non-compliance with medication, information on impairment of
- PMID 19573505
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