- lacking the power of human speech; "dumb animals"
- unable to speak because of hereditary deafness (同)mute, silent
- an exercising weight; two spheres connected by a short bar that serves as a handle
- an ignorant or foolish person (同)dummy, dope, boob, booby, pinhead
- a sketchy or imperfect or faint representation
- 『物の言えない』,口をきくことができない / 口をつぐんでいる,黙っている(silent) / 《名詞的にthe~》口のきけない人々 / 《話》頭の悪い,ばかな
- 亜鈴 / 《おもに米俗》ばか
- (漠然とした)予示,前兆 / 大体の輪郭
- 無言劇,パントマイム
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/01/29 21:27:08」(JST)
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Dumb may refer to:
- Muteness, the condition of being unwilling or unable to speak
- Stupidity, a lack of intelligence
- "Dumb" (Nirvana song), 1993
- "Dumb" (The 411 song), 2004
- "Dumb" (Faith Evans song), 2012
- "Dumb" (Tich song), 2013
- "Dumb", a 1998 song by the band Garbage from the album Version 2.0
- Dumb terminal, a type of computer terminal lacking independent processing
See also
- Dumbing down, the oversimplification of a topic
- Dummy (disambiguation)
- Deaf and dumb
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English Journal
- Common plant toxicology: a comparison of national and southwest Ohio data trends on plant poisonings in the 21st century.
- Petersen DD.SourceEPA Office of Research and Development, 26 W. Martin Luther King Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45268, USA. petersen.dan@epa.gov
- Toxicology and applied pharmacology.Toxicol Appl Pharmacol.2011 Jul 15;254(2):148-53. Epub 2010 Oct 27.
- Data from the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) and the Cincinnati-based Drug and Poison Information Center (DPIC) were analyzed to determine the incidence and trends of human plant poisonings since the year 2000. Approximately 3.4% of the approximately 4.3 million annual calls
- PMID 21034756
- A rare case of dumb-bell lipoma of sole.
- Satish C.SourceDepartment of Plastic Surgery, Columbiaasia Hospital, 67, 14th Cross, 1st Block, R.T. Nagar, Bangalore 560032, India.
- Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS.J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg.2011 Jul 14. [Epub ahead of print]
- A rare case of dumb-bell shaped lipoma of sole of foot in a middle aged lady which had crippled her life for almost a decade in-spite of multiple surgeries. She was initially misdiagnosed to have a corn on her sole and had undergone 3 surgeries spanning about 5 years. Due to the big size of the soft
- PMID 21763228
- Design and synthesis of "dumb-bell" and "triangular" inorganic-organic hybrid nanopolyoxometalate clusters and their characterisation through ESI-MS analyses.
- Pradeep CP, Li FY, Lydon C, Miras HN, Long DL, Xu L, Cronin L.SourceWestCHEM, Department of Chemistry, The University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK.
- Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany).Chemistry.2011 Jun 27;17(27):7472-9. doi: 10.1002/chem.201100257. Epub 2011 May 18.
- A series of tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (TRIS)-based linear (bis(TRIS)) and triangular (tris(TRIS)) ligands has been synthesised and were covalently attached to the Wells-Dawson type cluster [P(2)V(3)W(15)O(62)](9-) to generate a series of nanometer-sized inorganic-organic hybrid polyoxometalate
- PMID 21594915
Japanese Journal
- 日本におけるHIV/AIDSの言説と古橋悌二の〈手紙〉
- 竹田 恵子
- 人間文化創成科学論叢 12, 45-53, 2010-03-31
- This paper investigates how HIV/AIDS and the “ male homosexual ” were represented by various Japanese media including interviews and autobiographies from the 1980s to the first half of 1990s and relat …
- NAID 120002068107
- ダムタイプ《S/N》--メディア化された身体・言語・映像をめぐって
- ダムタイプによるパフォーマンス《S/N》(1994)の物語構造分析
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