- either of two low shelters on either side of a baseball diamond where the players and coaches sit during the game
- a canoe made by hollowing out and shaping a large log (同)dugout, pirogue
- 丸木舟 / (地面や山腹を掘った)待避壕(ごう) / (野球場の)選手控え所,ダッグアウト
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/03/27 21:10:37」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Dugout may refer to:
- Dugout (shelter) - underground shelter
- Dugout (boat) - a synonym for logboat
- Dugout (smoking) - a marijuana container
- Dugout (baseball)
- Also the name of the mascot for Little League Baseball
- Dugout (cricket)
- The technical area (association football) contains the dugouts
- Dugout - Pop-punk band from Lansdale, PA
- Dug Out - the seventh album by the Japanese band The Blue Hearts
English Journal
- Constraints and challenges of meeting the water requirements of livestock in Ethiopia: cases of Lume and Siraro districts.
- Amenu K1, Markemann A, Roessler R, Siegmund-Schultze M, Abebe G, Valle Zárate A.
- Tropical animal health and production.Trop Anim Health Prod.2013 Oct;45(7):1539-48. doi: 10.1007/s11250-013-0397-0. Epub 2013 Mar 31.
- Compared to the total water use in livestock production systems, water for livestock drinking is small in amount but is an important requirement for health and productivity of animals. This study was carried out to assess constraints and challenges of meeting drinking water requirements of livestock
- PMID 23543119
- The ecology of mosquitoes in an irrigated vegetable farm in Kumasi, Ghana: abundance, productivity and survivorship.
- Afrane YA1, Lawson BW, Brenya R, Kruppa T, Yan G.
- Parasites & vectors.Parasit Vectors.2012 Oct 15;5:233. doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-5-233.
- BACKGROUND: Irrigated vegetable farms within the city of Kumasi, Ghana, create hotspots for the breeding of malaria vectors, which could lead to high transmission of malaria. This study investigated the abundance and productivity of mosquitoes in an irrigated vegetable farm in Kumasi, Ghana.METHODS:
- PMID 23069265
- Pure acceleration is the primary determinant of speed to first-base in major-league baseball game situations.
- Eugene Coleman A1, Amonette WE.
- Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association.J Strength Cond Res.2012 Jun;26(6):1455-60. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3182541d56.
- The purposes of this research were to (a) quantify interval sprint times between Home-Plate and the Foul-Line and the Foul-Line and First-Base, (b) determine if differences exist in interval velocities and acceleration between left- and right-handed batters or between-position groupings, and (c) to
- PMID 22450255
- Trapping tsetse flies on water.
- Laveissière C1, Camara M, Rayaisse JB, Salou E, Kagbadouno M, Solano P.
- Parasite (Paris, France).Parasite.2011 May;18(2):141-4.
- Riverine tsetse flies such as Glossina palpalis gambiensis and G. tachinoides are the vectors of human and animal trypanosomoses in West Africa. Despite intimate links between tsetse and water, to our knowledge there has never been any attempt to design trapping devices that would catch tsetse on wa
- PMID 21678789
Japanese Journal
- 丸木舟を用いた観光 : 戸賀湾(男鹿半島)での試み
- 鎌田 幸男
- ノースアジア大学国際観光研究 = North Asia University bulletin of studies in international tourism (8), 45-62, 2015-03
- NAID 40020424589
- African study monographs. Supplementary issue. 51, 77-91, 2015-03
- … Using waterborne transportation, such as dugout canoes, traders sustain urban-rural commodity interexchange. …
- NAID 120005593625
- 『林政八書』の「山奉行所規摸帳」:その和文・英訳と内容分析
- Nakama Yuei,John Michael Purves,Bixia Chen,仲間 勇栄,パーヴェス ジョン・マイケル,陳 碧霞
- 琉球大学農学部学術報告 = The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus (60), 45-58, 2013-12-27
- … The administration of boat and ship-related timber was carried out by forest officials in terms of tree cutting and also by oversight officials stationed at each port to monitor boat and ship construction in accordance with 'tegata' (details on the vessel design).'Kurifune' were a type of log or dugout canoe made by hollowing out large trees but were very wasteful in terms of some of the most important lumber to the kingdom. …
- NAID 120005440602
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