- hunting ducks (同)duck hunting
- (昔の処刑用の)水責めいす
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For the more common usage, see Duck (disambiguation). For the ducking stool, a public humiliation device, see Cucking stool.
Ducking is an audio effect commonly used in radio and pop music, especially dance music. In ducking, the level of one audio signal is reduced by the presence of another signal. In radio this can typically be achieved by lowering (ducking) the volume of a secondary audio track when the primary track starts, and lifting the volume again when the primary track is finished. A typical use of this effect in a daily radio production routine is for creating a voice-over: a foreign language original sound is dubbed (and ducked) by a professional speaker reading the translation. Ducking becomes active as soon as the translation starts.
In music, the ducking effect is applied in more sophisticated ways where a signal's volume is delicately lowered by another signal's presence. Ducking here works through the use of a "side chain" gate. In other words, one track is made quieter (the ducked track) whenever another (the ducking track) gets louder. This may be done with a gate with its ducking function engaged or by a dedicated ducker.
A typical application is to achieve an impression similar to the "pumping" effect. The difference between ducking and side-chain pumping is that in ducking the attenuation is by a specific range while side-chain compression creates variable attenuation.[1] Ducking may be used in place of mirrored equalization to combat masking, for example with the bass guitar ducked under the kick drum, resembling subtle side-chain pumping.[2] A ducking system may be created where one track ducks another, which ducks another, and so on. Examples include Portishead's "Biscuit".[3]
Used most often to turn down the music when the DJ speaks,[4] ducking may be used to combat the muffling and distancing effect of reverb and delay. The ducker is inserted into the reverb and delay line and keyed to a dry track to duck its own reverb and delay so that when the dry track exceeds the ducker's threshold by reaching a certain amplitude the reverb and delay are attenuated. Clear examples include Céline Dion's "The Power Of Love" where the reverb and delay become audible when Dion pauses and Adele's "Cold Shoulder".[5]
- ^ Hodgson, Jay (2010). Understanding Records, p.94. ISBN 978-1-4411-5607-5.
- ^ Hodgson (2010), p.96.
- ^ Hodgson (2010), p.97.
- ^ Izhaki, Roey (2008). Mixing Audio, p.374. Focal Press. Cited in Hodgson (2010), p.95.
- ^ Hodgson (2010), p.95-96.
Music production
People |
- Brian Eno
- Bruce Fairbairn
- Trevor Horn
- Quincy Jones
- Mutt Lange
- Jeff Lynne
- George Martin
- Les Paul
- Sam Phillips
- Conny Plank
- Rick Rubin
- Todd Rundgren
- Phil Spector
- Bill Szymczyk
- Tony Visconti
- Brian Wilson
- Tom Wilson
Techniques |
- Audio filter
- Audio mastering
- Audio mixing
- Critical distance
- Effects loop
- Diffusion
- Overdubbing
- Punch in/out
- Pitch shift
- Auto-Tune
- Chorus effect
- Compression
- Delay effect (STEED)
- Distortion
- Double tracking (ADT)
- Ducking
- Equalization
- Exciter effect
- Farkle effect
- Flanging
- Octave effect
- Noise gate
- Phaser
- Pumping
- Reverberation
- Reverse echo
- Vocoder
Genres |
Other |
- Loudness war
- Overproduction
- Remix
- Music technology
- Wall of Sound
English Journal
- Effects of anxiety on the execution of police arrest and self-defense skills.
- Renden PG, Landman A, Geerts SF, Jansen SE, Faber GS, Savelsbergh GJ, Oudejans RR.Author information a Faculty of Human Movement Sciences , MOVE Research Institute Amsterdam, VU University , Amsterdam , The Netherlands.AbstractWe investigated the effects of anxiety on the execution of police officers' arrest and self-defense skills. Police officers (n=13) performed three tasks in which they kicked, blocked, or restrained an opponent who attacked them with a rubber knife (low anxiety, LA) or a shock knife (high anxiety, HA) in a within-subject design. We analyzed performance (on a 5-point Likert scale), movement times, posture, and movement velocity and acceleration. Results revealed that performance was worse in the HA compared to the LA condition. Furthermore, analysis of full-body movement showed that under increased anxiety, police officers' performance contained characteristics of avoidance behavior, such as faster reactions (to reduce the time being exposed to the threat), leaning further backward (kick), and ducking down (block). In line with recent theoretical developments, it appears that under increased anxiety, police officers were less able to inhibit stimulus-driven processing (fear of getting hit) and enforce goal-directed processing (perform the skill as well as possible) leading to avoidance behavior and a decrease in performance.
- Anxiety, stress, and coping.Anxiety Stress Coping.2014 Jan;27(1):100-12. doi: 10.1080/10615806.2013.810213. Epub 2013 Jul 9.
- We investigated the effects of anxiety on the execution of police officers' arrest and self-defense skills. Police officers (n=13) performed three tasks in which they kicked, blocked, or restrained an opponent who attacked them with a rubber knife (low anxiety, LA) or a shock knife (high anxiety, HA
- PMID 23837827
- Benzimidazole derivative vs. different phases of TiO2-physico-chemical approach.
- Karunakaran C, Jayabharathi J, Jayamoorthy K.Author information Department of Chemistry, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar 608 002, Tamilnadu, India.Abstract1-Benzyl-2-phenyl-1H-benzo[d]imidazole (BPBI) has been synthesized by simple steps and characterized by spectral studies. Absorption and fluorescence spectral studies have been employed to investigate the interaction of BPBI with the anatase, hombikat, P25 and rutile phases of TiO2. The emission of the BPBI is efficiently quenched by anatase, hombikat and P25 TiO2 nanoparticles owing to charge injection from the excited singlet state of BPBI to the conduction band of the TiO2 nanoparticles. Surprisingly, rutile phase enhances the fluorescence which is likely due to lowering of LUMO and HOMO levels of the ligand on ducking of the benzimidazole moiety of the BPBI molecule into the void space of rutile TiO2. Electron injection from photoexcited BPBI to the TiO2 conduction band (S*→S(+)+e(-)(CB)) is likely to enhance the fluorescence.
- Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy.Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc.2013 Oct;114:303-8. doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2013.05.082. Epub 2013 Jun 1.
- 1-Benzyl-2-phenyl-1H-benzo[d]imidazole (BPBI) has been synthesized by simple steps and characterized by spectral studies. Absorption and fluorescence spectral studies have been employed to investigate the interaction of BPBI with the anatase, hombikat, P25 and rutile phases of TiO2. The emission of
- PMID 23778170
- Dvl3 translocates IPMK to the cell membrane in response to Wnt.
- Wang Y, Wang HY.Author information Department of Physiology & Biophysics, School of Medicine, Health Sciences Center, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-8661 USA.AbstractWnt3a binds Frizzled-1 and the LRP5/6 co-receptors, ultimately activating Lef/Tcf-sensitive gene transcription in development. Inositol polyphosphate multikinase, IPMK, which possesses inositol phosphate kinase and lipid inositol kinase activities, is essential in Wnt3a regulation of its canonical pathway as well as physiologically in AMPK signaling. In the current report we show that translocation of IPMK to the cell membrane, where its substrates exist in high abundance, is obligate to its function in Wnt signaling. Translocation of IPMK to the cell membrane occurs within 5 min after Wnt3a stimulation. IPMK ducking onto Dishevelled-3 (Dvl3) requires a PDZ domain and the COOH-terminal prolyly-rich tail of Dvl3. Wnt3a-stimulates mobilization of Dvl3 to the cell membrane, translocating IPMK to the cell membrane also, to facilitate downstream signaling of Frizzled1. Deletion mutant of IPMK lacking the NH2-terminal variable region, IPMKΔN, fails to translocate to the cell membrane and to propagate canonical signaling. Targeting the IPMKΔN back to the cell membrane by addition of an isoprenylated CAAX box rescues its function in Wnt3a downstream signaling.
- Cellular signalling.Cell Signal.2012 Dec;24(12):2389-95. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2012.08.009. Epub 2012 Aug 30.
- Wnt3a binds Frizzled-1 and the LRP5/6 co-receptors, ultimately activating Lef/Tcf-sensitive gene transcription in development. Inositol polyphosphate multikinase, IPMK, which possesses inositol phosphate kinase and lipid inositol kinase activities, is essential in Wnt3a regulation of its canonical p
- PMID 22940627
Japanese Journal
- 子どもにおける障害物回避行動の発達に関する実験的研究
- 根ヶ山 光一
- 発達心理学研究 11(2), 122-131, 2000-10-20
- 幼児における障害物の回避行動とその機制について, 歩行の妨害となる位置にあるバーを回避させることにより発達的変化と性差を調べた。実験Iにおいては, 3歳から7歳までの幼児が対身長比10%から70%の高さまで10%刻みのいずれかのレベルに水平に設置されたバーを適切に回避・通過しうるか否かが観察された。その結果, バーへの接触は年齢とともに有意に減少したが, 反応所要峙間は5歳で一過的に増大し, その …
- NAID 110003162125
- 浜離宮庭園における鴨場についての研究(平成6年度日本造園学会研究発表論文集(12))
- 服部 勉,進士 五十八
- 造園雑誌 57(5), 1-6, 1994-03-31
- 本研究では,日本に残る数少ない鴨場である浜離宮庭園の庚申堂鴨場,新銭座鴨場を主たる対象として以下の3点について歴史的に考察を行なったものである。まず鴨場の基本的事項として,(1)鴨場の構成,東京周辺における分布,起源について確認を行ない,次に(2)絵図面や江戸期の来訪者が記した記録などから,浜離宮庭園における鴨場の変遷や景観がどの様なものであったかを明らかにし,(3)浜離宮庭園における鴨場と庭園の …
- NAID 110004661623
- Toxicological Approaches to the Metabolites of Fusaria. IX. Isolation of Vomiting Factor from Moldy Corn infected with Fusarium Species
- 石井 賢二,安藤 幸夫,上野 芳夫
- Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 23(9), 2162-2164, 1975-09-25
- … With the aid of rabbit reticulocyte and ducking bioassays, 26 mg of deoxynivalenol, one of trichothecene mycotoxin, was isolated from 3.5 kg of the corn sample. …
- NAID 110003622172
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