- use recreational drugs (同)do drugs
- administer a drug to; "They drugged the kidnapped tourist" (同)dose
- a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic
- a rise in the temperature of the body; frequently a symptom of infection (同)febrility, febricity, pyrexia, feverishness
- intense nervous anticipation; "in a fever of resentment"
- highly excited; "a fevered imagination"
- 『薬』,薬品,薬剤 / 『麻薬』,麻酔剤 / 〈人〉‘に'薬(特に麻酔剤)を与える / 〈飲食物〉‘に'(麻酔薬・毒薬などの)薬を混ぜる
- 〈U〉《しばしばa fever》(身体の異常な)『熱』,発熱 / 〈U〉『熱病』 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…に対する)『興奮』,熱狂《+『for』+『名』》
- (比較変化なし)《名詞の前にのみ用いて》熱のある,熱病にかかった / 熱にうかされたような,興奮した / (憎しみなどが)異常に強い
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/07/18 23:42:19」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Drug-induced fever is a symptom of an adverse drug reaction wherein the administration of drugs intended to help a patient causes a hypermetabolic state resulting in fever. The drug may interfere with heat dissipation peripherally, increase the rate of metabolism, evoke a cellular or humoral immune response, mimic endogenous pyrogen, or damage tissues.
- Directly caused by the drug, e.g. lamictal, progesterone, or chemotherapeutics causing tumor necrosis
- Possible side effect of stimulants and entactogens (e.g. cocaine, MDMA, methamphetamine, PMA, 4-MTA)
- As an adverse reaction to drugs, e.g. antibiotics or sulfa drugs.
- After drug discontinuation, e.g. heroin or fentanyl withdrawal
- Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome; rare, life-threatening hyperpyrexia caused by antidopaminergic drugs (mostly antipsychotics)
- Serotonin Syndrome; excessive serotonergic activity due usually to combined use of serotonergic drugs (e.g. antidepressants, stimulants, triptans)
- 5HT2A agonists, e.g. psilocybin or LSD
- Malignant_hyperthermia
Clinical Treatment
The primary treatment strategy is to eliminate or discontinue the offensive agent. Supportive therapy, such as ice packs, may be provided to get the body temperature within physiologic range. In severe cases, when the fever is high enough (generally at or above ~104.° F), aggressive cooling such as an ice bath and pharmacologic therapy such as benzodiazepines may be deemed appropriate.[1]
External links
Tabor PA (June 1986). "Drug-induced fever". Drug Intell Clin Pharm 20 (6): 413–20. PMID 3522163.
Symptoms and signs: general / constitutional (R50–R61, 780.6–780.9)
Temperature |
heat: |
- Fever
- Fever of unknown origin
- Drug-induced fever
- Postoperative fever
- Hyperhidrosis
- e.g., Sleep hyperhidrosis; "sweating"
- Hyperpyrexia
- Hyperthermia
cold: |
Aches/Pains |
- Headache
- Chronic pain
- Cancer pain
Malaise and fatigue |
- Atrophy
- Debility (or asthenia)
- Lassitude
- Lethargy
- Muscle tremors
- Tenderness
Miscellaneous |
- ^ Diagnosis and treatment of drug-induced hyperthermia. Musselman, ME. Saely, S. doi: 10.2146/ajhp110543 American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy January 1, 2013 vol. 70 no. 1 34-42
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English Journal
- Adverse cutaneous drug reactions among hospitalized patients: five year surveillance.
- Turk BG, Gunaydin A, Ertam I, Ozturk G.SourceEge University Medical Faculty, Department of Dermatology , Bornova, Izmir , Turkey.
- Cutaneous and ocular toxicology.Cutan Ocul Toxicol.2013 Mar;32(1):41-5. doi: 10.3109/15569527.2012.702837. Epub 2012 Jul 20.
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- Espinoza LR, Perez Alamino R.SourceRheumatology Section, Department of Internal Medicine, LSU Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, 70112-2822, USA, lespin1@lsuhsc.edu.
- Current rheumatology reports.Curr Rheumatol Rep.2012 Dec;14(6):532-8. doi: 10.1007/s11926-012-0283-1.
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Japanese Journal
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- YAMAURA Katsunori,AKIYAMA Seri,ODA Manabu,SUWA Eriko,UENO Koichi
- Journal of toxicological sciences 36(5), 669-674, 2011-10-01
- … Acetaminophen (APAP) is one of the most commonly used drugs worldwide to reduce fever, particularly in children. … It is generally considered to be a safe drug. …
- NAID 10029481594
- インフルエンザA/H1N1 pdm感染を契機に急性肝炎重症型を発症した1例
- 舛石 俊樹,酒井 義法,細谷 明徳,鈴木 健一,伊藤 剛,鎌田 和明,水谷 佐和子,村野 竜朗,相馬 友子,永山 和宜,草野 史彦,田沢 潤一,鈴木 恵子
- 肝臓 52(7), 461-467, 2011-07-25
- 症例は23歳女性.38℃台の発熱・倦怠感・嘔気・関節痛が出現したため,当院救急外来を受診した.インフルエンザ迅速診断キットでインフルエンザA型陽性のためインフルエンザウイルス感染症と診断された.また,血液検査ではトランスアミナーゼの著明な上昇とPTの低下を認め,急性肝炎重症型の診断で当科に緊急入院した.与芝らの劇症化予知式により劇症化の可能性があると判断し,劇症肝炎に準じて血漿交換療法・ステロイド …
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- 英
- drug fever
- 同
- 薬物性発熱、薬剤性発熱
- 関
- 発熱、薬物過敏症
[show details]
- 同
- drugs