- someone who quits school before graduation
- someone who withdraws from a social group or environment
- (世間一般とは別の生き方を求める)脱落者 / 中途退学者 / (ラグビーで)ドロップアウト
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/04/17 13:13:57」(JST)
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Dropout may refer to:
- Dropping out of society or school.
- Drop out ceilings
In science
- Dropout (astronomy).
- Dropout (bicycle part).
- Dropout (electronics).
- Dropout as a type of sampling bias in scientific studies
Popular culture
- Dropout (1970 film), an Italian film by Tinto Brass starring Vanessa Redgrave.
- "Drop Out," a song from the album Scream, Dracula, Scream! by Rocket from the Crypt.
- "Drop Out", a song from the album You Fail Me by Converge.
- "Drop Out", a song by NW260 released for the video game Dance Dance Revolution Extreme
- The College Dropout, the debut album released by rapper Kanye West in 2004.
- Drop Out with The Barracudas, the debut album by The Barracudas.
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Gender differences in Afghan drug-abuse treatment: an assessment of treatment entry characteristics, dropout, and outcomes.
- Abadi MH1, Shamblen SR, Courser M, Johnson KW, Thompson K, Young L, Browne T.
- Ethnicity & health.Ethn Health.2015 Oct;20(5):453-73. doi: 10.1080/13557858.2014.921898. Epub 2014 Jun 12.
- OBJECTIVE: The current study examines gender differences in drug-abuse treatment (DAT) entry, dropout, and outcomes in seven DAT centers in Afghanistan. This is the first study to examine gender differences in DAT programming in Afghanistan.DESIGN: A prospective cohort design of 504 women and men in
- PMID 24920072
- Enduring effects of Preventive Cognitive Therapy in adults remitted from recurrent depression: A 10 year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial.
- Bockting CL1, Smid NH2, Koeter MW2, Spinhoven P3, Beck AT4, Schene AH5.
- Journal of affective disorders.J Affect Disord.2015 Oct 1;185:188-94. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2015.06.048. Epub 2015 Jul 11.
- BACKGROUND: Prevention of recurrence is a challenge in the management of major depressive disorder (MDD). The long-term effects of Preventive Cognitive Therapy (PCT) in preventing recurrence in MDD are not known.METHODS: A RCT comparing the addition of PCT to Treatment As Usual (TAU), versus TAU inc
- PMID 26188380
- Life Adaptation Skills Training (LAST) for persons with depression: A randomized controlled study.
- Chen YL1, Pan AW2, Hsiung PC3, Chung L4, Lai JS5, Shur-Fen Gau S6, Chen TJ7.
- Journal of affective disorders.J Affect Disord.2015 Oct 1;185:108-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2015.06.022. Epub 2015 Jun 27.
- BAKGROUND: To investigate the efficacy of the "Life Adaptation Skills Training (LAST)" program for persons with depression.METHODS: Sixty-eight subjects with depressive disorder were recruited from psychiatric outpatient clinics in Taipei city and were randomly assigned to either an intervention gro
- PMID 26162281
- Complete Pathologic Response to Pretransplant Locoregional Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Defines Cancer Cure After Liver Transplantation: Analysis of 501 Consecutively Treated Patients.
- Agopian VG1, Morshedi MM, McWilliams J, Harlander-Locke MP, Markovic D, Zarrinpar A, Kaldas FM, Farmer DG, Yersiz H, Hiatt JR, Busuttil RW.
- Annals of surgery.Ann Surg.2015 Sep;262(3):536-45. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000001384.
- OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the rate, effect, and predictive factors of a complete pathologic response (cPR) in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) undergoing locoregional therapy (LRT) before liver transplantation (LT).BACKGROUND: Eligible patients with HCC receive equal model for end-stage li
- PMID 26258323
Japanese Journal
- 2型糖尿病患者における健康行動理論を加えた継続栄養指導の有用性の検討
- 中川 幸恵,森谷 [キヨシ],伊藤 和枝,関谷 千尋
- 天使大学紀要 14(1), 19-39, 2013-11-30
- 継続栄養指導を受けながら効果の得られなかった患者に健康行動理論のトランスセオレティカルモデル(TTM)を付加した再教育を行なうことにより、血糖、体重、血圧、血中脂質諸値を良好なコントロール状態に近づけ、さらに今後の栄養指導のあり方(教育プログラム)について検討することを目的とした。当初の対象者は80名であったが、ドロップアウトした10名を除外して6ヶ月間の継続栄養指導を終了した70名のデータを解析 …
- NAID 110009656976
- 更年期うつ病におけるホルモン療法と抗うつ薬併用の効果 : 文献的検証
- The postcard intervention against depression among community-dwelling older adults: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
- Imai Hissei,Furukawa Toshiaki A,Okumiya Kiyohito,Wada Taizo,Fukutomi Eriko,Sakamoto Ryota,Fujisawa Michiko,Ishimoto Yasuko,Kimura Yumi,Chen Wen-ling,Tanaka Mire,Matsubayashi Kozo
- Trials 14, 2013-07-09
- … Based on an estimated consent and dropout rate of 70%, a total of 180 subjects will be recruited. …
- NAID 120005323004
- 大学の偏差値と退学率・就職率に関する予備的分析:社会科学系学部のケース (伊藤幸雄教授追悼号)
- 清水 一
- 大阪経大論集 64(1), 57-70, 2013-05-15
- 社会科学系学部(約400学部)の偏差値と退学率・就職率をマッチングさせたデータを分析した結果、退学率や就職率は偏差値によってかなりの部分が説明されることが分かった。大学生にとって卒業できるか(退学率が低いか)、就職できるかは、大学生活の満足度を決める主要な要因であるが、偏差値はそれらの指標をかなりの程度代理する。そのため情報の入手しやすさを考慮すると、偏差値による大学選びにはかなりの合理性があると …
- NAID 110009603126
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- 英
- dropout
- 関
- ドロップアウト、離脱者
- 英
- dropout
- 関
- ドロップアウト、脱落者
- 英
- dropout
- 関
- 脱落者、離脱者