- cloth gracefully draped and arranged in loose folds
- place casually; "The cat draped herself on the sofa"
- a sterile covering arranged over a patients body during a medical examination or during surgery in order to reduce the possibility of contamination
- the manner in which fabric hangs or falls; "she adjusted the drape of her skirt"
- arrange in a particular way; "drape a cloth"
- cover or dress loosely with cloth; "drape the statue with a sheet"
- a dealer in fabrics and sewing materials (and sometimes in clothing and drygoods)
- 〈U〉〈C〉(優美なひだのよった)垂れ布,掛け布,衣服 / 〈U〉優美なひだ / 〈U〉《英》=dry goods / 〈U〉《米》(厚地の)カーテン
- …‘を'掛け布でおおう;(垂れ布などで)…‘を'飾る《+『名』+『with』(『in』)+『名』》 / …‘を'ぞんざいに置く,だらりと下げる / 〈布・服など〉‘に'ゆるい優美なひだをつける / 〈掛け布などが〉優美なひだになって垂れ下がる / 〈C〉《通例複数形で》掛け布,垂れ布;《米》特に左右に開閉する1対の長いカーテン / 〈U〉《またa~》(布などの)たれぐあい
- 服地屋,反物屋婦人服店
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/01/15 19:15:48」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Drapery is a general word referring to cloths or textiles (Old French draperie, from Late Latin drappus[1]). It may refer to cloth used for decorative purposes – such as around windows – or to the trade of retailing cloth, originally mostly for clothing, formerly conducted by drapers.
In art history, drapery refers to any cloth or textile depicted, which is usually mostly clothing. The schematic depiction of the folds and woven patterns of loose-hanging clothing on the human form, with ancient prototypes, was reimagined as an adjunct to the female form by Greek vase-painters and sculptors of the earliest fifth century and has remained a major source of stylistic formulas in sculpture and painting, even after the Renaissance adoption of tighter-fitting clothing styles. After the Renaissance, large cloths with no very obvious purpose are often used decoratively, especially in portraits in the grand manner; these are also known as draperies.
Fresco of Mithras and the Bull from the mithraeum at Marino, (3rd century CE)
For the Greeks, as Sir Kenneth Clark noted,[2] clinging drapery followed the planes and contours of the bodily form, emphasizing its twist and stretch: "floating drapery makes visible the line of movement through which it has just passed.... Drapery, by suggesting lines of force, indicates for each action a past and a possible future." Clark contrasted the formalized draperies in the frieze at Olympia with the sculptural frieze figures of the Parthenon, where "it has attained a freedom and an expressive power that have never been equalled except by Leonardo da Vinci". Undraped male figures, Clark observed, "were kept in motion by their flying cloaks."
Gallery of drapery in art[edit]
11th century Anglo-Saxon miniature
Portrait by Joshua Reynolds of one of George III's sons, with lavish robes and including a hanging drapery above
- ^ "Perhaps of Celtic origin" OED.
- ^ Clark, The Nude: A Study in Ideal Form 1956:245ff.
English Journal
- [Intramedullary nailing of the distal tibia illustrated with the Expert(TM) tibia nail].
- El Attal R, Hansen M, Rosenberger R, Smekal V, Rommens PM, Blauth M.SourceUniversitätsklinik für Unfallchirurgie und Sporttraumatologie, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck, Anichstr. 35, 6020, Innsbruck, Österreich. rene.attal@uki.at
- Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie.Oper Orthop Traumatol.2011 Dec;23(5):397-410. doi: 10.1007/s00064-011-0071-5.
- OBJECTIVE: Restoration of axis, length, and rotation of the lower leg. Sufficient primary stability of the osteosynthesis for functional aftercare and to maintain joint mobility. Good bony healing in closed and open fractures.INDICATIONS: Closed and open fractures of the tibia and complete lower leg
- PMID 22159844
- Expander/implant reconstruction with AlloDerm: recent experience.
- Namnoum JD.SourceAtlanta Plastic Surgery, Atlanta, Ga 30342, USA. jdnamnoum@atlplastic.com
- Plastic and reconstructive surgery.Plast Reconstr Surg.2009 Aug;124(2):387-94. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e3181aee95b.
- BACKGROUND: Expander/implant reconstruction with acellular dermal matrix (AlloDerm) has become an increasingly popular technique. Potential advantages include lengthening of the pectoralis major muscle, preventing "window-shading" after muscle release; precise control of the inframammary fold and la
- PMID 19644253
- A two-level generative model for cloth representation and shape from shading.
- Han F, Zhu SC.SourceDepartment of Computer Science and Statistics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. hanf@cs.ucla.edu
- IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence.IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell.2007 Jul;29(7):1230-43.
- In this paper, we present a two-level generative model for representing the images and surface depth maps of drapery and clothes. The upper level consists of a number of folds which will generate the high contrast (ridge) areas with a dictionary of shading primitives (for 2D images) and fold primiti
- PMID 17496380
Japanese Journal
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