- (深刻な)意見の衝突,粉争;〈C〉不和(粉争)の原因
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/04/23 08:54:07」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Dissension |
broken seal of the Guildpact
Released |
May 5, 2006 |
Size |
180 (60 rares, 60 uncommons, 60 commons) |
Keywords |
Graft, Hellbent, Forecast |
Mechanics |
Multicolored cards, Hybrid cards, Split cards |
Designers |
Aaron Forsythe (lead), Brandon Bozzi, Mark L. Gottlieb, and Mark Rosewater |
Developers |
Matt Place (lead), Mark Rosewater, Brian Schneider, and Steve Warner |
Dev. code |
Delete |
Exp. code |
Third set in the Ravnica block |
Ravnica |
Guildpact |
Dissension |
Dissension is the 60th Magic: The Gathering set, 38th expert level set, and the third and final set in the Ravnica Block, released on May 5, 2006.
- 1 Design
- 2 Guilds
- 3 Mechanics
- 4 External links
Main article: Ravnica: City of Guilds Design
Ravnica was conceived following the success of Invasion. Invasion, released in 2000, emphasized interactions between the colors, and it was one of Magic's most popular releases ever. Lead designer Mark Rosewater wanted to expand on the multicolor theme in a new way. Therefore, the design of Ravnica block is based around ten two-color pairs, including cards in which those pairs of colors work in concert.
Of the ten guilds that rule the city of Ravnica, three are the sole focus of this third set in the block. The previous expansions, Ravnica: City of Guilds and Guildpact, focused on seven of these guilds. Dissension brings it to a close by introducing the last three guilds. Each guild corresponds to a different two-color combination. The three guilds featured in Dissension are:
- The Azorius Senate (white/blue): The lawmakers of Ravnica, founded by Azor, hence the name Azorius Senate. The Senate is obsessed with keeping the status quo, no matter the cost. Their current leader, Grand Arbiter Augustin IV, believes that the best way to serve the city is to make any sort of action illegal. For his hierarchical and bureaucratic guild, history, stability, and the rule of law are paramount. The Grand Arbiter consults a sphinx known as Isperia the Inscrutable, who is the champion of the Azorius.
- The Cult of Rakdos (black/red): Named after its demon leader, Rakdos the Defiler. The Cult of Rakdos is completely self-absorbed, out only for a good time. However, their idea of a "good time" usually involves murder and mayhem – the more bloody and depraved, the better. The cult would love to rule Ravnica and turn it into one big slaughter-fest, but to them, it's the process of random death and destruction that is fulfilling, not the goal. Fortunately for the Rakdos, their interest in the dark art of death has made them into top-notch mercenaries and assassins, which the other guilds are more than happy to take advantage of. The guild's champion is Lyzolda, the Blood Witch. She is at the forefront of most of the guild's macabre sacrificial ceremonies.
- The Simic Combine (green/blue): The Simic's original role was to protect and preserve what was left of Ravnica's natural ecosystems. Despite their best efforts, they failed, and there is no place on Ravnica that is left to nature. Now, the Simic Combine spends their resources creating new - and often frightening - species of creatures that not only survive in the concrete jungles of Ravnica, but thrive. The guild is headed by the distant and cool elvish biomancer Momir Vig, Simic Visionary. The Simic champion is known as Experiment Kraj, the culmination of all of Vig's previous experiments. It is intended to be the ultimate life form and rapidly "adapts" to change.
- Split cards: Dissension features the return of the popular split card mechanic originally from Invasion and Apocalypse. There are 10 gold split cards representing some combinations of the other guilds of Ravnica. The allied color guilds are represented in uncommon split cards, whereas the enemy color guilds are represented in rare split cards.
- Hellbent (black/red, Rakdos): Cards with the Hellbent ability word gain additional attributes when their controllers have no cards in their hand. It is very similar to the Odyssey block's threshold ability, but revolves around the hand instead.
- Graft (green/blue, Simic): Similar to Modular from the Mirrodin block, cards with the Graft ability come into play with +1/+1 counters in accordance with the number associated with their Graft ability. When another creature comes into play, a card with Graft may move one of its +1/+1 counters onto that creature.
- Forecast (white/blue, Azorius): Rather than play a card from his or her hand, a player may use its Forecast ability during his or her upkeep, and only once per turn. To use Forecast, the player pays a cost and reveals the card with Forecast in his/her hand. Forecast effects are often either a lesser version of the main spell or a support effect for the main spell. A card with similar mechanic, Infernal Spawn of Evil, was first seen in Unglued.
Ravnica block includes many mono-color cards which encourage people to play with multiple colors. Ravnica: City of Guilds featured cards which have activated abilities that use mana of different color from the cards' color. Guildpact introduced cards which are enhanced if another mana color is used to play the card. In Dissension, in addition to the first 'group' of abilities, another group of mono-color cards have abilities associated with two colors, but must be played with mana of a different color or else the card must be sacrificed. An example is Azorius Herald. It is a white creature with a life gain effect (white's specialty), as well as unblockability (blue's specialty). However, if Azorius Herald is played without blue mana, it must be sacrificed just after it comes into play.
External links
- Wizards of the Coast's Magic main page
- MTG Salvation's Full Spoiler
- The Magic Lampoon's Full Visual Spoiler
English Journal
- Do interprofessional education programs produce dissension that destroys them?
- Van Winkle LJ1.
- Frontiers in pharmacology.Front Pharmacol.2015 Feb 6;6:16. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2015.00016. eCollection 2015.
- PMID 25705191
- Consensus, dissension, and admiration: encounters with Robert Kastenbaum and his work.
- Wittkowski J1.
- Omega.Omega (Westport).2014-2015;70(1):133-41. doi: 10.2190/OM.70.1.k.
- The article sheds light on the way the author's scientific views and endeavors in the field of dying, death, and bereavement over 40 years in Germany have been influenced by the work of Robert Kastenbaum. Reconstructing the passage of time, the early years (i.e., the second half of the 1970s), a mid
- PMID 25351595
- Advantages of evaluating mean nuclear volume as an adjunct parameter in prostate cancer.
- Leze E1, Maciel-Osorio CF1, Mandarim-de-Lacerda CA1.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2014 Jul 9;9(7):e102156. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102156. eCollection 2014.
- BACKGROUND: Efforts to improve the diagnosis, prognosis and surveillance of prostate cancer (PCa) are relevant. Gleason score (GSc) overestimation may subject individuals to unnecessary aggressive treatment. We aimed to use stereology in PCa evaluations and investigate whether mean nuclear volume (M
- PMID 25007252
Japanese Journal
- (最終講義)細胞シート再生医療の開始と普及に向けて
- 岡野 光夫
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 84(6), 173-180, 2014-12-25
- 表面に温度に応答して構造、機能を変化させるインテリジェント表面の作製に成功した。この表面は37℃で疎水性で細胞接着性・増殖性があるのに対し、20℃では親水性で細胞非接着性になる。従って37℃で細胞を培養し、単層の細胞シートを作製した後に酸素やEDTAを用いることなく温度変化のみで細胞シートを剥離することに成功した。この構造と機能を保持した細胞シートを移植することで多くの再生治療が可能となると同時に …
- NAID 110009871953
- 「放射能が手に届いた気がしたんだ」 : 原子力災害における<リアリティ>の構成をめぐる人類学的考察(<特集>災害と人類学-東日本大震災にいかに向き合うか)
- 猪瀬 浩平
- 文化人類学 78(1), 81-98, 2013-06-30
- 2011年3月に起きた東京電力の原発事故によってもたらされた原子力災害は、人と人、人と自然との間に様々な分断をもたらしている。本論文は、ボルタンスキーの議論に依拠し、混沌とした事態としての<世界>がたち現れる中で、人々が科学的実践を媒介にしながら制御可能性を取り戻し、共有・調整可能な制度としての<リアリティ>を再構成していく過程を民族誌的に記述する。筆者のフィールドである見 …
- NAID 110009624408
- 第78回東京女子医科大学学会総会 シンポジウム「東京女子医科大学の臨床研究への取り組み-東京女子医科大学病院臨床研究支援センター設立にあたって-」 (3)先端医療研究の実現に向けて-再生医療創出拠点に向けた取り組み
- 岡野 光夫
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 83(3), 181-186, 2013-06-25
- 先端生命医科学研究所は45年の生命医科学研究に関するユニークな研究・報告を行ってきている。20世紀に医薬品が大きく発展し、多くの疾病が治療できるようになってきているものの、未だ多くの患者が難病や障害で苦しんでいる。我々の細胞や組織を人工的に培養して増やし、これを治療に使うことで難病や障害の克服が期待されている。この再生医療が21世紀の主役となるものと世界が注目し、その発展に期待している。この実現の …
- NAID 110009605133
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