- give a reduction in price on; "I never discount these books-they sell like hot cakes"
- the act of reducing the selling price of merchandise (同)price reduction, deduction
- a sales outlet offering goods at a discounted price (同)discount store, discounter, wholesale house
- a discount from the list price of a commodity allowed by a manufacturer or wholesaler to a merchant
- the business of selling merchandise at a discount
- a chain of discount stores
- (手形・商品の)『割引』[額] / 〈手形・料金〉‘を'『割引する』,〈商品〉‘を'割り引いて売る / 〈話・見解など〉‘を'割り引いて聞く,軽視する
- 手形割引仲買人
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/08/08 23:55:22」(JST)
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Look up discount in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Discount may refer to:
- Discounts and allowances, reductions to the basic prices of goods or services
- Discounting, a financial mechanism in which a debtor obtains the right to delay payments to a creditor
- Discount (band), a punk rock band that formed in Vero Beach, Florida, in 1995 and disbanded in 2000
See also
- steal, refers to both a legitimate discount, and an illegal "five-finger discount" taking of property
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English Journal
- Comparing predicted and actual affective responses to process versus outcome: An emotion-as-feedback perspective.
- Kwong JY, Wong KF, Tang SK.SourceDepartment of Marketing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Adminstrative Region. Electronic address: jkwong@cuhk.edu.hk.
- Cognition.Cognition.2013 Oct;129(1):42-50. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2013.05.012. Epub 2013 Jul 3.
- One of the conjectures in affective forecasting literature is that people are advised to discount their anticipated emotions because their forecasts are often inaccurate. The present research distinguishes between emotional reactions to process versus those to outcome, and highlights an alternative
- PMID 23831563
- Competitive Integration of Visual and Goal-related Signals on Neuronal Accumulation Rate: A Correlate of Oculomotor Capture in the Superior Colliculus.
- White BJ, Marino RA, Boehnke SE, Itti L, Theeuwes J, Munoz DP.SourceQueen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
- Journal of cognitive neuroscience.J Cogn Neurosci.2013 Oct;25(10):1754-65. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_00429. Epub 2013 May 22.
- The mechanisms that underlie the integration of visual and goal-related signals for the production of saccades remain poorly understood. Here, we examined how spatial proximity of competing stimuli shapes goal-directed responses in the superior colliculus (SC), a midbrain structure closely associate
- PMID 23691982
- Continuing education-"the action level"®.
- Pierce JT.AbstractAccess "The Action Level"® Questions online at: http://www.acgih.org/products/joeh/alquestions.htm Access "The Action Level"® Answers online at: http://www.acgih.org/products/joeh/alanswers.htm Access "The Action Level"® Registration Form online at: https://www.acgih.org/products/joeh/alregfrm.htm "The Action Level,"® a self-study, continuing education program, provides a convenient and interesting opportunity for individuals to expand their knowledge in relevant areas of industrial hygiene, as well as occupational and environmental safety and health. The program is approved by both the American Board of Industrial Hygiene, and the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, which award Certification Maintenance (CM) points and Continuance of Certification (COC) points, respectively, for successful participation. Participants must read each issue of the Journal, answer "The Action Level,"® questions, and return the completed answer sheet at the end of that issue's "The Action Level,"® column. To earn the designated CM or COC credit, a score of 70 percent or better is required within a 12-month period. Certified Industrial Hygienists and Certified Associate Industrial Hygienists may earn 2 points per year. Certified Safety Professionals may earn 1.2 points per year. Enrollment is possible each month, but points are awarded only four times each year-in March, June, September, and December-to participants who score an average of 70 percent or better within each three-month period. If you register in October 2013, you will receive 0.5 CM points and/or 0.3 COC points after you have completed answers sheets for October, November, and December, 2013, and scored a 70 percent or better average on them (only in your first quarter of enrollment, if enrolling in the middle of the quarter, will you be permitted to submit answer sheets for two months and receive full credit; three answer sheets are required for all other quarters). In the next quarter, you'll receive 0.5 CM points and/or 0.3 COC points after satisfactorily completing answer sheets for the January, February, and March 2014 issues, and so on. To enroll, complete the registration form and the answer sheet at the end of this "The Action Level,"® column. The cost is $219 (ACGIH®/AIHA members)/$249 (nonmembers) for one year. Nonmembers are encouraged to become members to take advantage of the member discount. For more information regarding ACGIH® membership, call 513-742-2020, or apply online at http://www.acgih.org/members/memberform.htm . Checks must be in U.S. currency, drawn on a U.S. bank, and payable to ACGIH®. We also accept AmEx, MasterCard, Discover, and Visa. This continuing education program fee is separate from the Journal subscription cost. The fee covers administration costs, and is nonrefundable. Submissions must be received by the date listed on each answer sheet.
- Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene.J Occup Environ Hyg.2013 Oct;10(10):D147-9. doi: 10.1080/15459624.2013.825562.
- Access "The Action Level"® Questions online at: http://www.acgih.org/products/joeh/alquestions.htm Access "The Action Level"® Answers online at: http://www.acgih.org/products/joeh/alanswers.htm Access "The Action Level"® Registration Form online at: https://www.acgih.org/products/joeh/alregfrm.ht
- PMID 24020797
- Cost-Effectiveness of School Support for Orphan Girls to Prevent HIV Infection in Zimbabwe.
- Miller T, Hallfors D, Cho H, Luseno W, Waehrer G.SourcePacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, 11720 Beltsville Drive, Suite 900, Beltsville, MD, 20705, USA, miller@pire.org.
- Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research.Prev Sci.2013 Oct;14(5):503-12. doi: 10.1007/s11121-012-0315-0.
- This cost-effectiveness study analyzes the cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained in a randomized controlled trial that tested school support as a structural intervention to prevent HIV risk factors among Zimbabwe orphan girl adolescents. The intervention significantly reduced early marri
- PMID 23334923
Japanese Journal
- Key Wordで世界を読む(Number 148)conglomerate discount コングロマリットディスカウント : 株価低迷で米GEのトップ交代、「ウェルチモデル」は過去の遺物に
- The Effect of Tacit Knowledge and Marketing Capability on International Diversification Premium by Industry
- 企業会計基準第26号の導入に伴う財務諸表への影響 : 退職給付見込額の期間帰属方法および割引率の変更を中心として
- Negative Interest Rates and Defined Benefit Obligations
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- dis·count (dĭs′kount′, dĭs-kount′) tr.v. dis·count·ed, dis·count·ing, dis·counts 1. a. To sell or offer for sale at a reduced price: discounting all merchandise. b. To reduce in quantity or value: discount a price. 2. To deduct or subtract ...
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- 値引き
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- 割引