- 関
- discoloration、versicolor
- change color, often in an undesired manner; "The shirts discolored" (同)discolour, colour, color
- cause to lose or change color; "The detergent discolored my shirts"
- lose color or turn colorless; "The painting discolored"
- the act of changing the natural color of something by making it duller or dingier or unnatural or faded (同)discolouration
- …‘を'変色させる;…‘の'色を汚す / 変色(退色)する
- 〈U〉変色,退色 / 〈C〉変色した部分,しみ
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Penicillium echinulatum |
Scientific classification |
Kingdom: |
Fungi |
Phylum: |
Ascomycota |
Class: |
Eurotiomycetes |
Order: |
Eurotiales |
Family: |
Trichocomaceae |
Genus: |
Penicillium |
Species: |
P. echinulatum |
Binomial name |
Penicillium echinulatum
Raper & Thom ex Fassat., Acta Universitatis Carolinae Biologica 5-6 (1974 [publ. 1976]) page 326[1] |
Subspecies |
Penicillium echinulatum var. discolor Frisvad
Penicillium echinulatum var. echinulatum
Synonyms |
Penicillium cyclopium var. echinulatum Raper & Thom
Penicillium palitans var. echinoconidium S. Abe (1956)
Penicillium echinulatum is a mould species in the genus Penicillium. It is a source of cellulase.[2]
5-Hydroxymaltol and mycophenolic acid are substances that can be found in P. echinulatum.[3]
- ^ Penicillium echinulatum on www.cybertruffle.org.uk
- ^ Comparison of Penicillium echinulatum and Trichoderma reesei cellulases in relation to their activity against various cellulosic substrates. Leonardo F. Martins, Daniel Kolling, Marli Camassola, Aldo J. Dillon and Luiz P. Ramos, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 99, No. 5. (March 2008), pp. 1417-1424, doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2007.01.060
- ^ 5-Hydroxymaltol and mycophenolic acid, secondary metabolites from Penicillium echinulatum. H.A. Anderson, J.M. Bracewell, A.R. Fraser, D. Jones, G.W. Robertson and J.D. Russell, Transactions of the British Mycological Society, Volume 91, Issue 4, December 1988, pp. 649-651, doi:10.1016/S0007-1536(88)80040-8
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English Journal
- Phytochemical and antioxidant profiles of leaves from different Sorbus L. species.
- Raudonė L1, Raudonis R, Gaivelytė K, Pukalskas A, Viškelis P, Venskutonis PR, Janulis V.
- Natural product research.Nat Prod Res.2014 Aug 21:1-5. [Epub ahead of print]
- Leaves of Sorbus L. have been used in various traditional medicine systems. Phenolic compounds determine the main pharmacological effects of Sorbus L. In this study, phytochemical and antioxidant profiles of Sorbus anglica, Sorbus aria, Sorbus arranensis, Sorbus aucuparia, Sorbus austriaca, Sorbus c
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- Bosso L1, Lacatena F2, Cristinzio G2, Cea M3, Diez MC3, Rubilar O3.
- New biotechnology.N Biotechnol.2014 Aug 19. pii: S1871-6784(14)02132-3. doi: 10.1016/j.nbt.2014.08.001. [Epub ahead of print]
- Pentachlorophenol (PCP) is an extremely dangerous pollutant for every ecosystem. In this study we have detected how PCP concentration and pH levels can influence PCP adsorption by Anthracophyllum discolor in the form of live fungal pellets. PCP adsorption was evaluated after 24hours in KCl 0.1M elec
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- Echo-acoustic flow dynamically modifies the cortical map of target range in bats.
- Bartenstein SK1, Gerstenberg N1, Vanderelst D2, Peremans H3, Firzlaff U1.
- Nature communications.Nat Commun.2014 Aug 18;5:4668. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5668.
- Echolocating bats use the delay between their sonar emissions and the reflected echoes to measure target range, a crucial parameter for avoiding collisions or capturing prey. In many bat species, target range is represented as an orderly organized map of echo delay in the auditory cortex. Here we sh
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- Metabonomic analysis of the therapeutic effect of Potentilla discolor in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
- Li Y1, Li JJ, Wen XD, Pan R, He YS, Yang J.
- Molecular bioSystems.Mol Biosyst.2014 Aug 14. [Epub ahead of print]
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increased worldwide in parallel with the obesity epidemic. Potentilla discolor is one of the most important crude materials in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for therapy of hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia. In this work, a plasma metabonomic approach based on t
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Japanese Journal
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- Tanaka Katsuhiko,Nishi Eijiroh
- Zoological science 28(8), 587-592, 2011-08
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- MIRONOV Vladimir G.,GALSWORTHY Sir Anthony,坂巻 祥孝
- 蝶と蛾 61(2), 137-172, 2010-07-30
- … ノニム,Eupithecia subviridis Vojnits,1983(模式産地:ネパール)をSyncosmia trichophora(Hampson,1895)(模式産地:インド・ニルギリ)のシノニムとして整理した.つづいてInoue(2000)によってE.rubridorsata Hampson,1895のシノニムとされたE.discolor Vojnits,1983は追加標本による再検討の結果,別種と判断されたため有効名とした.さらに,本調査域で新たに以下の7種の分布を確認した.国別に挙げるとインドからE.anasticta Prout,1926,ネパールからE.barteli …
- NAID 110007681892
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- 関
- discolor、discoloration
- 関
- discolor、versicolor