- (usually plural) religious observance or prayers (usually spoken silently); "he returned to his devotions"
- commitment to some purpose; "the devotion of his time and wealth to science"
- feelings of ardent love; "their devotion to each other was beautiful" (同)devotedness
- relating to worship; "a devotional exercise"
- a short religious service
- 〈U〉(…への)『深い愛情』《+『to』(『for』)+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…に労力・時間などを)ささげること,(…への)専念,傾倒《+『to』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈U〉(…への)帰依(きえ),信心,信仰《+『to』+『名』》 / 《複数形で》宗教的儀式,勤行(ごんぎょう),祈り
- 信心の,礼拝の,祈りの
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[Wiki ja表示]
ウィクショナリーにdevotionの項目があります。 |
- ディヴォーション (キリスト教) - キリスト教の用語。
- アルバム、楽曲
- Devotion (伊藤静のアルバム) - 伊藤静のミニアルバム。
- DEVOTION (奥井雅美のアルバム) - 奥井雅美のアルバム。表題曲を収録。
- DEVOTION (スターダストレビューのアルバム) - スターダストレビューのアルバム。
- ディヴォーション (制作プロダクション) - 大阪市に本社を置く放送番組・CMの制作プロダクション。
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[Wiki en表示]
Devotion, devotional, or devotee may refer to:
- Devotional song
- Devotional literature
- Anglican devotions
- Catholic devotions
- Bible study — called "devotion" or "devotional" by some Christian denominations
- Hindu devotional movements
Music albums:
- Devotion (John McLaughlin album), 1970
- Devotion (The Best of Yanni), 1997 compilation
- Devotion (Masami Okui album), 2001
- Devotion (Newsboys album), 2004
- Devotion (Beach House album), 2008
- Devotion (Shizuka Itou album), 2010
- Devotion (Mia Martina album), 2011
- Devotion (Jessie Ware album), 2012
- Devo-Tees, a collection of Devo songs as privately recorded by various artists and sent in to KROQ's Dr. Demento
- Devotion, a 1979 album by L.T.D.
Music songs:
- "Devotion" (song), a 1974 song by Earth, Wind & Fire on Open Our Eyes
- "Devotion", a 1999 song by Luscious Jackson on Electric Honey
- "Devotion", a 2010 song by Hurts featuring Kylie Minogue for their 2010 album Happiness
Other in music:
- The Devotions, a 1960s music group
- Devotional Tour, Depeche Mode tour for album Songs of Faith and Devotion.
- Devotional (video) of the Devotional Tour
- Devotion, a 1990s techno-dance band
Films and television:
- Devotion (1931 film), starring Ann Harding and Leslie Howard
- Devotion (1946 film), starring Ida Lupino and Olivia de Havilland as two of the Brontë sisters
- Devotion (1950 film), an Italian film
- "Devotion" (Charlie Jade), an episode of the television series Charlie Jade
- Devotion (TV series), a Singaporean TV series by MediaCorp Channel 8.
- Devotion, North Carolina, an unincorporated community
- devotees, sexual attraction to people with physical disabilities
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English Journal
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- Samson J, Notermans C, Jansen W.Sourcea Institute for Gender Studies , Radboud University , Nijmegen , Netherlands.
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- Comizzoli P, Songsasen N, Hagedorn M, Wildt DE.SourceSmithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, National Zoological Park, Washington DC and Front Royal, Virginia, USA. comizzolip@si.edu
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Japanese Journal
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- 昭和20年代における糸賀一雄のコロニー構想と知的障害観
- 蜂谷 俊隆
- 社会福祉学 53(1), 104-116, 2012-05-31
- 本論文は,糸賀一雄の昭和20年代におけるコロニー構想と知的障害観について,思想的な背景とともに当時の社会状況との関連も含めてとらえ直すことを試みた.そして,糸賀のコロニー構想には,知的障害児の養育と教育を通じて,敗戦後の日本の復興を担うといった直接的な有用性の視点から,人間存在の根源的な問い直しを経て,社会防衛的な観点からではなく,より普遍的な支援の仕組みとしてのコロニーへの展関がみられる.そして …
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