- a tie in tennis or table tennis that requires winning two successive points to win the game
- one of the four playing cards in a deck that have two spots (同)two
- ひどい(ひどく),いまいましい(しく)
- 〈C〉(カードの)2の札,(さいの)2の目(2点) / 〈U〉(テニスで)ジュース
- 悪運;厄介,災厄;悪魔(devil) / 《古》《俗》《遠回しに》(1)=devil{名}5(1) / 《強い否定》なったく(…でない) / 《肯定文で》ちくしょう
English Journal
- Identification, expression and tissue distribution of a renalase homologue from mouse.
- Wang J1, Qi S, Cheng W, Li L, Wang F, Li YZ, Zhang SP.
- Molecular biology reports.Mol Biol Rep.2008 Dec;35(4):613-20. Epub 2007 Sep 7.
- FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide)-dependent monoamine oxidases play very important roles in many biological processes. A novel monoamine oxidase, named renalase, has been identified in human kidney recently and is found to be markedly reduced in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Here, we
- PMID 17846919
Japanese Journal
- Structure and organization of the mitochondrial genome of the unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae deuced from the complete nucleotide sequence
- ノロゲンゲAllolepis hollandiの体表面粘質物の研究-1-糖たんぱくおよび糖ペプチドの化学組成〔英文〕
- 橋本 弘信,吉村 寿次
- 日本水産学会誌 43(11), 1319-1325, 1977
- … The linkage between carbohydrate and protein was deuced to be of the N-glycosidic type between asparagine and glucosamine. …
- NAID 130001548233
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- (intensifier, usually qualifying something undesirable) damned; confounded he's a deuced idiot. adv. (intensifier) deuced good luck. deucedly adv. deuc•ed (ˈdu sɪd, ˈdyu-; dust, dyust) adj. 1. confounded; damned. adv. 2. Also, deuc′ed•ly.
- Dude 1: I was at a party last night and some dude was passed out. And this other dude thought it would be funny to deuced all over his chest. Dude 2: A Cleveland steamer at a party? That is some straight up gangsta shit son. buy deuced ...
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