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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/11/29 13:52:03」(JST)
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The desmogleins are a family of cadherins consisting of proteins DSG1, DSG2, DSG3, and DSG4. They play a role in the formation of desmosomes that join cells to one another.
Desmogleins are targeted in the autoimmune disease pemphigus.[1][2][3]
- ^ Waschke J, Bruggeman P, Baumgartner W, Zillikens D, Drenckhahn D (November 2005). "Pemphigus foliaceus IgG causes dissociation of desmoglein 1–containing junctions without blocking desmoglein 1 transinteraction". J. Clin. Invest. 115 (11): 3157–65. doi:10.1172/JCI23475. PMC 1242188. PMID 16211092.
- ^ Kljuic A, Bazzi H, Sundberg JP, et al. (April 2003). "Desmoglein 4 in hair follicle differentiation and epidermal adhesion: evidence from inherited hypotrichosis and acquired pemphigus vulgaris". Cell 113 (2): 249–60. doi:10.1016/S0092-8674(03)00273-3. PMID 12705872.
- ^ Müller R, Heber B, Hashimoto T, et al. (May 2009). "Autoantibodies against desmocollins in European patients with pemphigus". Clin. Exp. Dermatol. 34 (8): 898–903. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2230.2009.03241.x. PMID 19456767.
External links
- Histology image: 20502loa - Histology Learning System at Boston University
- Desmogleins at the US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
Membrane proteins: cell adhesion molecules
Calcium-independent |
- N-CAM (Myelin protein zero)
- ICAM (1, 5)
- VCAM-1
- L1-CAM
- Nectin (PVRL1, PVRL2, PVRL3)
Integrins |
- LFA-1 (CD11a+CD18)
- Integrin alphaXbeta2 (CD11c+CD18)
- Macrophage-1 antigen (CD11b+CD18)
- VLA-4 (CD49d+CD29)
- Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (ITGA2B+ITGB3)
Calcium-dependent |
Cadherins |
Classical |
Desmosomal |
- Desmoglein (DSG1, DSG2, DSG3, DSG4)
- Desmocollin (DSC1, DSC2, DSC3)
Protocadherin |
Unconventional/ungrouped |
- T-cadherin
- CDH4
- CDH5
- CDH6
- CDH8
- CDH11
- CDH12
- CDH15
- CDH16
- CDH17
- CDH9
- CDH10
Selectins |
- E-selectin
- L-selectin
- P-selectin
Other |
- Lymphocyte homing receptor: CD44
- L-selectin
- integrin (VLA-4, LFA-1)
- Carcinoembryonic antigen
- CD22
- CD24
- CD44
- CD146
- CD164
- See also
- cell membrane protein disorders
B memb: cead, trns (1A, 1C, 1F, 2A, 3A1, 3A2-3, 3D), other
Histology: Epithelial proteins (TH H1.00.01.1)
Lateral/cell-cell |
- Cell adhesion molecules: Adherens junction
- Desmosome
- Ion channels: Gap junction/Connexon
- Cytoskeleton: Desmosome
- Desmoplakin
- Plakoglobin
- Tonofibril
- other membrane proteins: Tight junction
- Claudin
- Occludin
Basal/cell-matrix |
- Basal lamina
- Hemidesmosome/Tonofibril
- Focal adhesion
- Costamere
Apical |
- Cilia/Kinocilium
- Microvilli/Stereocilia (STRC)
B strc: edmb (perx), skel (ctrs), epit, cili, mito, nucl (chro)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Low-dose rituximab is effective in pemphigus.
- Horváth B, Huizinga J, Pas HH, Mulder AB, Jonkman MF.SourceDepartments of Dermatology Laboratory Medicine, Centre for Blistering Diseases, University Medical Centre Groningen, University of Groningen, PO Box 30001, 9700 RB Groningen, the Netherlands.
- The British journal of dermatology.Br J Dermatol.2012 Feb;166(2):405-12. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2011.10663.x. Epub 2012 Jan 9.
- Background Rituximab, an anti-CD20 antibody, was shown in open series studies to be effective in treating pemphigus at a dose of 4 × 375 mg m(-2) as approved for B-cell malignancies. Objectives We investigated whether a lower dose of rituximab is also effective for pemphigus. Methods
- PMID 21967609
Japanese Journal
- 難治性重症尋常性天疱瘡に対してリツキシマブを使用した1例
- 鷲尾 健,鬼木 俊太郎,辻本 昌理子 [他]
- 日本皮膚科学会雑誌 = The Japanese journal of dermatology 122(11), 2655-2661, 2012-11-00
- NAID 40019469867
- Clinical Trend 天疱瘡に対するγグロブリン大量静注療法の作用機序
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