- …‘から'湯あかを除く
English Journal
- Cloud Computing for radiologists.
- Kharat AT1, Safvi A, Thind S, Singh A.Author information 1Department of Radiology, Dr. D Y Patil Hospital, Pimpri, Pune, India.AbstractCloud computing is a concept wherein a computer grid is created using the Internet with the sole purpose of utilizing shared resources such as computer software, hardware, on a pay-per-use model. Using Cloud computing, radiology users can efficiently manage multimodality imaging units by using the latest software and hardware without paying huge upfront costs. Cloud computing systems usually work on public, private, hybrid, or community models. Using the various components of a Cloud, such as applications, client, infrastructure, storage, services, and processing power, Cloud computing can help imaging units rapidly scale and descale operations and avoid huge spending on maintenance of costly applications and storage. Cloud computing allows flexibility in imaging. It sets free radiology from the confines of a hospital and creates a virtual mobile office. The downsides to Cloud computing involve security and privacy issues which need to be addressed to ensure the success of Cloud computing in the future.
- The Indian journal of radiology & imaging.Indian J Radiol Imaging.2012 Jul;22(3):150-4. doi: 10.4103/0971-3026.107166.
- Cloud computing is a concept wherein a computer grid is created using the Internet with the sole purpose of utilizing shared resources such as computer software, hardware, on a pay-per-use model. Using Cloud computing, radiology users can efficiently manage multimodality imaging units by using the l
- PMID 23599560
Japanese Journal
- 重質油の脱硫・脱メタル触媒について(<特集>石油系燃料油及び重質油のクリーン化技術の最近の進展)
- 岩本 隆一郎
- 日本エネルギー学会誌 89(3), 218-223, 2010-03-20
- … Because heavy oil has larger molecular size and less reactivity than lighter fractions, larger pore diameter and severer reaction condition should be selected than those for lighter fraction, In general, three type of catalysts such as descale, HDM and HDS catalysts are practically combined to get optimum performance. …
- NAID 110008613598
- Mechanism of Red Scale Defect Formation in Si-added Hot-rolled Steel Sheets.
- Fukagawa Tomoki,Okada Hikaru,Maehara Yasuhiro
- ISIJ International 34(11), 906-911, 1994
- … Quite high strength of the eutectic compound, even just below the solidus temperature of 1173°C, can also make it difficult to descale. …
- NAID 130000781670
- 金属表面の酸処理に過酸化水素溶液を加用する効果について〔1〕
- 川村 弘一
- 金属表面技術 6(3), 89-95, 1955
- … So it can also be applied to the pickling of metals.The dissolving of various kinds of scale which has heretofore been considered difficult to descale becomes easy almost without dissolving the metal.Moreover, the metal surface treated by the acid solution containing hydrogen peroxide is so perfectly smooth that it can be polished, if necessary, as fine as mirror.With the addition of hydrogen peroxide solution the pickling process is much improved to bring about many advantages in metal finishing. …
- NAID 130003994953
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- descaleとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)…からうろこ[湯あか]を落とす. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。
- Build up of sediments and rust is a continuing challenge. The CIP cleaning process employed by Descale is customized to dissolve and collect specific sediment deposits in the most effective manner. The Descale process ...
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