- 《『derogate from』+『名』》《文》(権威・名声などを)傷つける,落とす
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/11/06 02:33:47」(JST)
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Derogation is the partial revocation of a law, as opposed to abrogation or the total abolition of a law. The term is used in both civil law and common law. It is sometimes used, loosely, to mean abrogation, as in the legal maxim: Lex posterior derogat priori, i.e. a subsequent law imparts the abolition of a previous one.
Derogation differs from dispensation in that it applies to the law, where dispensations applies to specific people affected by the law.
In terms of European Union legislation, a derogation can also imply that a member state delays the implementation of an element of an EU Regulation (etc.) into their legal system over a given timescale,[1] such as five years; or that a member state has opted not to enforce a specific provision in a treaty due to internal circumstances (typically a state of emergency).
See also
External links
- Catholic Encyclopedia Derogation
English Journal
- Fear among the extremes: how political ideology predicts negative emotions and outgroup derogation.
- van Prooijen JW1, Krouwel AP2, Boiten M2, Eendebak L3.
- Personality & social psychology bulletin.Pers Soc Psychol Bull.2015 Apr;41(4):485-97. doi: 10.1177/0146167215569706. Epub 2015 Feb 4.
- The "rigidity of the right" hypothesis predicts that particularly the political right experiences fear and derogates outgroups. We propose that above and beyond that, the political extremes (at both sides of the spectrum) are more likely to display these responses than political moderates. Results o
- PMID 25652084
- Red and romantic rivalry: viewing another woman in red increases perceptions of sexual receptivity, derogation, and intentions to mate-guard.
- Pazda AD1, Prokop P2, Elliot AJ3.
- Personality & social psychology bulletin.Pers Soc Psychol Bull.2014 Oct;40(10):1260-9. doi: 10.1177/0146167214539709. Epub 2014 Jul 11.
- Research has shown that men perceive women wearing red, relative to other colors, as more attractive and more sexually receptive; women's perceptions of other women wearing red have scarcely been investigated. We hypothesized that women would also interpret female red as a sexual receptivity cue, an
- PMID 25015338
- Narcissism and Other-Derogation in the Absence of Ego Threat.
- Park SW1, Colvin CR.
- Journal of personality.J Pers.2014 Jun 17. doi: 10.1111/jopy.12107. [Epub ahead of print]
- The relation between narcissism and other-derogation has been examined primarily in the context of ego threat. In three studies, we investigated whether narcissistic individuals derogate others in the absence of ego threat. In Study 1, 79 judges watched four videotaped dyadic interactions and rated
- PMID 24934570
Japanese Journal
- 欧州軍備協力の50年 : ローマ条約第296条(旧223条)をめぐって
- 臼井 実稲子
- 駒沢女子大学研究紀要 15, 31-43, 2008-12-24
- … Article 296 of the Treaty of European Union allows EU member states to derogate from the rules of the common market if their essential security interests are concerned. …
- NAID 110007318781
- 自己卑下呈示を通じた直接的・間接的な適応促進効果の検討
- 吉田 綾乃,浦 光博
- 実験社会心理学研究 42(2), 120-130, 2003
- 自己卑下呈示を通じて適応が促進される過程は2つある。ひとつは自己卑下呈示を行うことそれ自体によって適応が直接的に促進される過程であり, もうひとつは自己卑下的に呈示した内容を他者から「そんなことはない」と否定する反応を受け取ることによって, 間接的に適応が促進される過程である。このような影響過程は, 自己卑下呈示規範を内在化する程度によって調整されることが考えられる。自己卑下呈示に対して他者が返す …
- NAID 130001611803
- Effects of the temporary activated academic identity on retrieval and evaluation of stereotypical information of ingroup and outgroup members
- 池上 知子
- 愛知教育大学研究報告. 教育科学 51, 61-68, 2002-03-01
- … Moreover, students in the AG condition were more likely than those in the NAG condition to derogate the university that was inferior to their own. …
- NAID 110000100035
Related Links
- derogateとは。意味や和訳。[動](自)((形式))1 〈事・人が〉(権威・価値・評判を)減じる,落とす,傷つける((from ...))derogate from ones authority権威を傷つける.2 〈人が〉堕落する.degrave;r・o・ga・tion[名][U](権威などの)低下... - goo ...
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