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English Journal
- PCR testing for diagnosis of Ichthyophonus hoferi: Comment on Hamazaki et al. (2013).
- Lapatra SE, Kocan RM.SourceResearch Division, Clear Springs Foods, PO Box 712, Buhl, Idaho 83316, USA.
- Diseases of aquatic organisms.Dis Aquat Organ.2013 Nov 6;106(3):273-4. doi: 10.3354/dao02681.
- It is our opinion that Hamazaki et al. (2013; Dis Aquat Org 105:21-25) overstate the usefulness of PCR as a field diagnostic technique and underestimate the accuracy and utility of in vitro explant culture. In order for field diagnostic studies to be meaningful they should accurately and dependably
- PMID 24192004
- Characterization of the stray light in a space borne atmospheric AOTF spectrometer.
- Korablev O, Fedorova A, Villard E, Joly L, Kiselev A, Belyaev D, Bertaux JL.SourceSpace Research Institute (IKI), 84/32 Profsoyuznaya, 117997 Moscow, Russia.
- Optics express.Opt Express.2013 Jul 29;21(15):18354-60. doi: 10.1364/OE.21.018354.
- Acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) spectrometers are being criticized for spectral leakage, distant side lobes of their spectral response function (SRF), or the stray light. SPICAM-IR is the AOTF spectrometer in the range of 1000-1700 nm with a resolving power of 1800-2200 operating on the Mars Exp
- PMID 23938707
- Crop seed oil bodies: from challenges in protein identification to an emerging picture of the oil body proteome.
- Jolivet P, Acevedo F, Boulard C, d'Andréa S, Faure JD, Kohli A, Nesi N, Valot B, Chardot T.SourceINRA, UMR1318, Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, Saclay Plant Sciences, Versailles, France.
- Proteomics.Proteomics.2013 Jun;13(12-13):1836-49. doi: 10.1002/pmic.201200431. Epub 2013 Jun 6.
- Oleaginous seeds store lipids in specialized structures called oil bodies (OBs). These organelles consist of a core of neutral lipids bound by proteins embedded in a phospholipid monolayer. OB proteins are well conserved in plants and have long been grouped into only two categories: structural prote
- PMID 23589365
Japanese Journal
- スーパーコンピュータ運用手順に対するディペンダビリティの確認手法の提案(一般)
- スーパーコンピュータ運用手順に対するディペンダビリティの確認手法の提案(一般)
- 計測自動制御学会論文集 = Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 45(5), 276-282, 2009-05-31
- NAID 10024758283
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