- the quality of being mentally slow and limited (同)dumbness, slow-wittedness
English Journal
- Structural, compositional, and sensorial properties of United States commercial ice cream products.
- Warren MM1, Hartel RW.
- Journal of food science.J Food Sci.2014 Oct;79(10):E2005-13. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.12592. Epub 2014 Sep 12.
- Commercial vanilla ice cream products from the United States (full fat, low fat, and nonfat) were analyzed for their structural, behavioral (i.e., melt rate and drip-through), compositional, and sensorial attributes. Mean size distributions of ice crystals and air cells, drip-through rates, percent
- PMID 25220600
- Extreme-value statistics of brain networks: importance of balanced condition.
- Jalan S1, Dwivedi SK1.
- Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys.2014 Jun;89(6):062718. Epub 2014 Jun 30.
- Despite the key role played by inhibitory-excitatory couplings in the functioning of brain networks, the impact of a balanced condition on the stability properties of underlying networks remains largely unknown. We investigate properties of the largest eigenvalues of networks having such couplings,
- PMID 25019825
- The characterization of the physicochemical and sensory properties of full-fat, reduced-fat and low-fat bovine, caprine, and ovine Greek yogurt (Labneh).
- Atamian S1, Olabi A1, Kebbe Baghdadi O1, Toufeili I1.
- Food science & nutrition.Food Sci Nutr.2014 Mar;2(2):164-73. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.89. Epub 2014 Feb 7.
- Concentrated/Greek yogurt or Labneh is a semisolid food produced from yogurt by eliminating part of its water and water-soluble compounds. Today's world is geared toward the production of lower fat foods without compromising the texture and flavor of these products. The objective of this study was t
- PMID 24804075
Japanese Journal
- 3軸力覚センサを用いたムートンの毛込み感評価方法に関する研究
- Effects of Granularity of Complementary Patterns in a Capacity-Equalized Mold Used for UV Nanoimprint Lithography
- 3軸力覚センサを用いたムートンの毛込み感評価方法に関する研究
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