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- denitration
English Journal
- In vitro organic nitrate bioactivation to nitric oxide by recombinant aldehyde dehydrogenase 3A1.
- Lin S1, Page NA, Fung SM, Fung HL.
- Nitric oxide : biology and chemistry / official journal of the Nitric Oxide Society.Nitric Oxide.2013 Nov 30;35:137-43. doi: 10.1016/j.niox.2013.09.005. Epub 2013 Oct 11.
- Organic nitrates (ORNs) are commonly used anti-ischemic and anti-anginal agents, which serve as an exogenous source of the potent vasodilator nitric oxide (NO). Recently, both mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) and cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase-1a1 (ALDH1A1) have been shown to exhibit
- PMID 24126018
- Aerobic denitration of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in the presence of phenazine compounds and reduced pyridine nucleotides.
- Stenuit B1, Lamblin G, Cornelis P, Agathos SN.
- Environmental science & technology.Environ Sci Technol.2012 Oct 2;46(19):10605-13. doi: 10.1021/es302046h. Epub 2012 Sep 10.
- Phenazine-containing spent culture supernatants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa concentrated with a C18 solid-phase extraction cartridge initiate NAD(P)H-dependent denitration of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). In this study, TNT denitration was investigated under aerobic conditions using two phenazine secon
- PMID 22881832
- Ellagic acid and its methyl-derivatives inhibit a newly found nitratase activity.
- Léger CL1, Torres-Rasgado E, Fouret G, Lauret C, Carbonneau MA.
- Fundamental & clinical pharmacology.Fundam Clin Pharmacol.2010 Feb;24(1):115-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1472-8206.2009.00734.x. Epub 2009 Aug 12.
- We have recently shown that low density lipoprotein (LDL) was able to denitrate albumin-bound 3-NO(2)-Tyr residues and to concomitantly release NO(3)(-) through a Ca(2+)-dependent process that has been ascribed to a specific protein structure. A lipophilic food component (gamma-tocopherol), which is
- PMID 19678852
Japanese Journal
- 徐放性Isosorbide Denitrate(ISDN)長期服用者におけるISDN静脈内投与の心拍数, 血圧, 血中ISDN・2-ISMN・5-ISMN濃度に及ぼす影響 : 日本循環器学会第66回九州地方会
- 熊谷 治士,小川 恒夫,生島 一平,近藤 裕行,小岩屋 靖,田仲 謙次郎
- Japanese circulation journal 56(SupplementII), 686-687, 1992-05-20
- NAID 110002653735
- 非湛水下における硝酸態窒素とリン酸の同時除去に対する金属鉄粒とジュート資材の効果
- 若月 利之,小村 修一,沢田 吉晴
- 日本土壌肥料學雜誌 62(4), 417-423, 1991-08-05
- マサ土に10〜20メッシュの金属鉄粒を5〜10重量%添加し,それを2×5×10cmサイズのジュート袋に詰めた。このジュート袋を5mmのゼオライト層を介して10×45×45cmサイズのアクリル水槽に充填し,レンガ状に積層させて9段の多段土壌層を作った。水道水に硝酸ナトリウムとリン酸ナトリウムを溶かし,硝酸態窒素が40mg/l,リン酸態リンが20mg/l含まれるように調製した人工汚水を用いて,非湛水条 …
- NAID 110001750923
- マイクロ波加熱法によるプルトニウム・ウラン混合転換連続プロセス
- 大島 博文,辻 信雄
- 日本原子力学会誌 26(4), 339-346, 1984
- … It was also revealed that the apparent property of the denitrate was similar to that produced by the batchwise equipment. …
- NAID 130003909533
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- A: It is the porosity of this material that allows it to function at this rate of water flow. As water passes through this media, any oxygen is used by the aerobic bacterial that lives on the outer crust of this media. As water enters the ...
- denitrate is an economical, natural porous material with a pore distribution and geometry that promotes both aerobic nitrification within the first few millimeters of depth and anaerobic denitrification at the core. The material has ...
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- denitrate
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- denitration、denitrate
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