- guilty of a misdeed; "delinquent minors"
- a young offender (同)juvenile_delinquent
- past due; not paid at the scheduled time; "an overdue installment"; "a delinquent account" (同)overdue
- (義務・職務を)怠る,怠慢な / 過失を犯した,非行を犯した / 支払期限の過ぎた,未納の / 法律違反者;(特に)非行少年
- 少年犯罪者,非行少年(少女)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/06/21 21:55:02」(JST)
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Look up Delinquent, delinquency, delinquent, or delinquents in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Delinquent or delinquents may refer to:
- A person who commits a felony
- A juvenile delinquent, often shortened as delinquent is a young person (under 18) who fails to do that which is required by law; see juvenile delinquency
- A person who fails to pay a debt or other financial obligation
- The Delinquents (1989 film), an Australian film directed by Chris Thomson starring Kylie Minogue and Charlie Schlatter
- The Delinquent, an alias of a Marvel Comics character also known as Infant Terrible
- Delinquent (royalist)
- The Delinquents (group), a rap group from Oakland, California
- Fighting Delinquents, alternate title for the film Go to Hell, Hoodlums!
- Delinquent Girl Detective, English title of the manga series Sukeban Deka
- "Natural Born Delinquents", an episode of Yes, Dear
- Delinquent Habits, a hip hop group
- The Delicate Delinquent, a 1957 American black and white film starring Jerry Lewis
- Delinquent Road Hazards, a group of cars in the Cars film series
- Denim delinquent, an influential rock and roll fanzine of seven issues in total, published from 1971 to 1976
- Dropout Delinquents, a Playboy TV adult faux-reality series
- Delinquent Daughters, a 1944 exploitation film
See also
- The Delinquents (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Substance abuse treatment for HIV infected young people: An open pilot trial.
- Esposito-Smythers C, Brown LK, Wolff J, Xu J, Thornton S, Tidey J; Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions (ATN 069).Author information Psychology Department, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA. Electronic address: cesposi1@gmu.edu.AbstractThe purpose of this study was to test an integrated cognitive behavioral and contingency management (CBT/CM) intervention for young people living with HIV (YPLH) with an alcohol and/or cannabis use disorder in an open pilot trial. Seventeen participants (ages 18-24) were recruited from three HIV community clinics. Assessments were completed at pre-and post-treatment as well as 3month follow-up. Eighty percent of participants were retained in the study. Results suggest that the CBT/CM intervention was acceptable, feasible, and could be delivered with fidelity. Further, participants reported significant reductions in alcohol use, withdrawal symptoms, dependence symptoms and related problems, as well as co-occurring depressive symptoms and delinquent behavior across assessment periods. A trend was evident for reductions in marijuana use and related problems. Overall, these preliminary results suggest that a substance abuse CBT/CM intervention tailored to YPLH is acceptable, feasible, and holds promise for symptomatic improvement. Further testing of this type of protocol is warranted.
- Journal of substance abuse treatment.J Subst Abuse Treat.2014 Feb;46(2):244-50. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2013.07.008. Epub 2013 Aug 27.
- The purpose of this study was to test an integrated cognitive behavioral and contingency management (CBT/CM) intervention for young people living with HIV (YPLH) with an alcohol and/or cannabis use disorder in an open pilot trial. Seventeen participants (ages 18-24) were recruited from three HIV com
- PMID 23988190
- A national epidemiological study of offending and its relationship with ADHD symptoms and associated risk factors.
- Gudjonsson GH, Sigurdsson JF, Sigfusdottir ID, Young S.Author information 1King's College London, England, UK.AbstractObjective: The objective was to disentangle the relationship between offending, ADHD, and comorbid risk factors. Method: A total of 11,388 students in further education completed a questionnaire, which measured nonviolent and violent delinquency, current ADHD symptoms, conduct disorder, substance use, association with delinquent peers, emotional lability, anger problems, violent attitudes, and low self-esteem. Results: The nonviolent and violent delinquency measures correlated significantly with all the predictor measures, with small to large effect sizes. Multiple regressions showed that after controlling for age and gender, ADHD contributed 8.2% and 8.8% to the variance in nonviolent and violent delinquency, respectively, but these effects were largely mediated by the comorbid measures, particularly substance use, association with delinquent peers, and conduct disorder. Conclusion: The relationship between ADHD symptoms and offending among young people is largely explained indirectly by comorbid factors. A key prevention is to address substance use problems and association with delinquent peers.
- Journal of attention disorders.J Atten Disord.2014 Jan;18(1):3-13. doi: 10.1177/1087054712437584. Epub 2012 Apr 20.
- Objective: The objective was to disentangle the relationship between offending, ADHD, and comorbid risk factors. Method: A total of 11,388 students in further education completed a questionnaire, which measured nonviolent and violent delinquency, current ADHD symptoms, conduct disorder, substance us
- PMID 22522573
- Cognitive and academic functioning of juvenile detainees: implications for correctional populations and public health.
- Lansing AE, Washburn JJ, Abram KM, Thomas UC, Welty LJ, Teplin LA.Author information 1Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA.AbstractCognitive functioning affects health. This study assessed cognitive functioning among participants in the Northwestern Juvenile Project, a stratified random sample of 1,829 newly detained juveniles (10 to 18 years old) from Cook County, Illinois. The study examined receptive vocabulary, oral reading, arithmetic computation skills, and general intellectual abilities. The sample exhibited impaired overall intellectual functioning and deficits in all areas. Males performed more poorly than females. More than three quarters of males showed below average overall intellectual functioning, and 9 in 10 had below average receptive vocabulary skills. Hispanic and African American males performed more poorly than non-Hispanic White males. The multiple systems that serve delinquent youth-correctional, health, legal, and rehabilitative-must collaborate to tailor needed services to the cognitive level of youth in the juvenile justice system.
- Journal of correctional health care : the official journal of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care.J Correct Health Care.2014 Jan;20(1):18-30. doi: 10.1177/1078345813505450.
- Cognitive functioning affects health. This study assessed cognitive functioning among participants in the Northwestern Juvenile Project, a stratified random sample of 1,829 newly detained juveniles (10 to 18 years old) from Cook County, Illinois. The study examined receptive vocabulary, oral reading
- PMID 24352405
- Assessing conduct disorder: a new measurement approach.
- Reavy R, Stein LA, Quina K, Paiva AL.Author information 1Department of Psychology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, USA.AbstractThe Delinquent Activities Scale (DAS) was used to develop indicators of conduct disorder (CD) in terms of symptom severity and age of onset. Incarcerated adolescents (N = 190) aged 14 to 19 were asked about their delinquent behaviors, including age the behavior was first performed, as well as substance use and parental and peer influences. Assessments were performed for the 12 months prior to incarceration and at 3-month postrelease follow-up. Evidence supports the utility of the DAS as a measure of CD diagnosis, including concurrent incremental validity. Furthermore, CD severity (symptom count) was significantly associated with two peer factors: friend substance use and friend prior arrests, with medium to large effect sizes (ESs). Earlier age of CD onset was associated with earlier marijuana use. This study finds that the DAS is a useful instrument in that it is easy to apply and has adequate psychometrics.
- Journal of correctional health care : the official journal of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care.J Correct Health Care.2014 Jan;20(1):4-17. doi: 10.1177/1078345813505448. Epub 2013 Nov 15.
- The Delinquent Activities Scale (DAS) was used to develop indicators of conduct disorder (CD) in terms of symptom severity and age of onset. Incarcerated adolescents (N = 190) aged 14 to 19 were asked about their delinquent behaviors, including age the behavior was first performed, as well as substa
- PMID 24241820
Japanese Journal
- 非行系青少年支援における「男性性」の活用 : 文化実践に埋め込まれたリテラシーに着目して (特集 困難を抱える若年者のリテラシーとその支援)
- 知念 渉
- 部落解放研究 = Bulletin of buraku liberation : 部落解放・人権研究所紀要 (199), 41-52, 2013-11
- NAID 40019891953
- 児童自立支援施設における発達障害のある児童生徒への指導・支援に関する研究 : 施設併設の分校・分教室における教育的支援について
- 学校を離脱した子どもの社会的自立とリテラシー : 元「非行少年」たちの語りから
- 複数の強制換価手続から配当を受ける場合の諸問題 : 特に抵当権の実行に対する交付要求について (税務行政特集号)
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