- in a decent manner; "they dont know how to dress decently"
- in an indecent manner; "she was rather indecently dressed"
- observing conventional sexual mores in speech or behavior or dress; "a modest neckline in her dress"; "though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down, she was perfectly decent by current standards"
- socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous; "from a decent family"; "a nice girl" (同)nice
- conforming to conventions of sexual behavior; "speech in this circle, if not always decent, never became lewd"- George Santayana
- decently clothed; "are you decent?"
- 見苦しくなく,ちゃんと / 相当に,かなり / 親切に,気前よく
- (社会・道徳的な規範にかなって)『きちんとした』,ふさわしい / 《話》『かなりよい』,まあまあの,そう悪くない / 《話》《補語にのみ用いて》親切な,寛大な
English Journal
- Performance evaluation of hybrid treatment wetland for six years of operation in cold climate.
- Harada J1, Inoue T, Kato K, Uraie N, Sakuragi H.
- Environmental science and pollution research international.Environ Sci Pollut Res Int.2015 Sep;22(17):12861-9. doi: 10.1007/s11356-014-3843-2. Epub 2014 Nov 27.
- In Hokkaido, northern Japan, there are 12 hybrid subsurface constructed wetlands (HSCWs) and most of them are treating high concentrated organic wastewater. One of these systems is an HSCW situated in Embetsu, northern Hokkaido, and it has been in operation since November of 2006 to treat dairy milk
- PMID 25424033
- Computational analysis of thermal-motion effects on the topological properties of the electron density.
- Michael JR1, Koritsanszky T1.
- Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations and advances.Acta Crystallogr A Found Adv.2015 Mar;71(Pt 2):225-34. doi: 10.1107/S2053273315001199. Epub 2015 Feb 11.
- The distributions of bond topological properties (BTPs) of the electron density upon thermal vibrations of the nuclei are computationally examined to estimate different statistical figures, especially uncertainties, of these properties. The statistical analysis is based on a large ensemble of BTPs o
- PMID 25727872
- A rare case of unrecognized and uncommon bladder perforation after transobturator tape procedure.
- Kılınç E1, Akpak YK2.
- Case reports in medicine.Case Rep Med.2015;2015:731593. doi: 10.1155/2015/731593. Epub 2015 Jan 5.
- The transobturator tape (TOT) procedure has become practically widespread worldwide. Complications seem to be rare, but recognizing them intraoperatively is the most significant step because some of the complications which may appear in postoperative period can be challenging for both physicians and
- PMID 25685154
Japanese Journal
- 人間らしく「住まう」ためのセーフティネットに関する法的考察--住居の保障と社会保障法 (特集 人間らしく「住まう」ことを支える社会福祉)
- Measurement of Glucose Level Exploiting a Relative Optical Absorption at Discrete Probe Wavelengths
- Kim Ki-Do,Son Geun-Sik,Lim Seong-Soo [他],Lee Sang-Shin
- Jpn J Appl Phys 48(7), 077001-077001-4, 2009-07-25
- … The glucose level was decently estimated by taking the average of all of the individual prediction values available from each of the probe wavelengths, with the standard error of prediction of ${\sim}28$ mg/dL. …
- NAID 150000052751
- "上部消化管内視鏡検査を契機に""たこつぼ心筋症""を発症した1例"
- 明石 隆吉,大串 正道,吉田 元樹,安達 善充,相良 勝郎,三隅 一彦,宮城 直人,野田 勝生,大嶋 秀一,斎藤 太郎
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 45(3), 253-260, 2003
- 症例は74歳女性.排便時下血を主訴に来院したが,上部消化管内視鏡検査時に"たこつぼ心筋症"を発症した.たこつぼ心筋症は心電図上部分的ST上昇を伴う可逆1生の左心室不全と定義される擬心筋梗塞であり,発症初期には急性心筋梗塞と誤診されることがほとんどである.消化器内視鏡検査時の心停止例にはこのような疑心筋梗塞例が含まれている可能性が否定出来ない.内視鏡検査時のモニタリングは必須と考えられる.
- NAID 130004254622
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- decentlyの意味は?goo辞書は無料で使える日本最大級の辞書サービスです。国語辞典、英和辞典、和英辞典、類語辞典、中国語辞典、百科事典などを提供しています。 ... decent [形]1 〈服装などが〉まともな, 適正な, ふさわしい( ...
- adjective 1. conforming to the recognized standard of propriety, good taste, modesty, etc., as in behavior or speech. 2. respectable; worthy: a decent family. 3. adequate; fair; passable: a decent wage. 4. kind; obliging; generous: It ...
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