- lowered in value; "the dollar is low"; "a debased currency" (同)devalued, degraded
- lower in value by increasing the base-metal content (同)alloy
- 〈人格・評板など〉'を'落とす,卑しくする / 〈硬貨の質〉'を'低下させる
English Journal
- [Gene-environment-interaction of ODD and Conduct Disorder Versus "Anethic Psychopathy"].
- Schepker R, Schmeck K, Kölch M, Schepker K.
- Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie.Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr.2015;64(4):290-307. doi: 10.13109/prkk.2015.64.4.290.
- Gene-environment-interaction of ODD and Conduct Disorder Versus »Anethic Psychopathy«. In 1934, Kramer and von der Leyen demonstrated in a sophisticated longitudinal study with eleven conduct disordered and neglected children labelled as »anethic psychopaths« that »anethic traits« subsided in
- PMID 25968413
- Systematic review of clinical trials assessing pharmacological properties of Salvia species on memory, cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.
- Miroddi M1, Navarra M, Quattropani MC, Calapai F, Gangemi S, Calapai G.
- CNS neuroscience & therapeutics.CNS Neurosci Ther.2014 Jun;20(6):485-95. doi: 10.1111/cns.12270. Epub 2014 Apr 10.
- Salvia officinalis L. and Salvia lavandulaefolia L. have a longstanding use as traditional herbal remedies that can enhance memory and improve cognitive functions. Pharmacological actions of S. officinalis and S. lavandulaefolia on healthy subjects and on patients suffering of cognitive decline have
- PMID 24836739
- Continuous thoracic epidural block for surgery: gold standard or debased currency?
- Wildsmith JA.
- British journal of anaesthesia.Br J Anaesth.2012 Jul;109(1):9-12. doi: 10.1093/bja/aes177.
- PMID 22696554
Japanese Journal
- 斜角筋間ブロックにより右前腕打撲後の上肢CRPSの痛みが軽減した1症例
- 斜角筋間ブロックにより右前腕打撲後の上肢CRPSの痛みが軽減した1症例
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- The press will be as debased and sensational as possible. Secondly, throughout history gold has been debased or discovered and the monetary system expanded. News literacy won't change a debased media ...
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