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- cell morphology、cell shape、cytomorphology
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English Journal
- Clear cell adenocarcinoma of the lower urinary tract: Cytopathologic characteristics and differential diagnoses.
- Whitworth SA, Subhawong AP, Rosenthal DL, Ali SZ.SourceDepartment of Pathology, Division of Cytopathology, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Cancer cytopathology.Cancer Cytopathol.2012 Oct 25;120(5):308-12. doi: 10.1002/cncy.21197. Epub 2012 Apr 19.
- Clear cell adenocarcinomas (CCAs) of the lower urinary tract are uncommon neoplasms that may present in routinely processed urinary cytology specimens. There is only limited discussion of the features of CCA of the lower urinary tract in the cytology literature. The authors report a series of 3 case
- PMID 22517612
- Adult granulosa cell tumor presenting as metastases to the pleural and peritoneal cavity.
- Gupta N, Rajwanshi A, Dey P, Suri V.SourceDepartment of Cytology and Gynecological Pathology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India. nalini203@rediffmail.com.
- Diagnostic cytopathology.Diagn Cytopathol.2012 Oct;40(10):912-5. doi: 10.1002/dc.21675. Epub 2011 May 26.
- Ovarian tumors of sex-cord stromal derivation rarely exfoliate malignant cells in serous effusions. Adult granulosa cell tumor (AGCT) often presents as a stage I disease and association with ascites is about 10%. AGCT is rarely known to exfoliate tumor cells in the ascitic fluid. Exfoliation of mali
- PMID 21618710
Japanese Journal
- 吉本 尚子,今井 律子,佐竹 立成,溝口 良順
- 日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 53(1), 47-50, 2014
- 背景 : 乳腺原発の血管肉腫は非常にまれな疾患であるが, 予後が不良であるだけに, 早期発見が望まれる. 今回穿刺吸引細胞診標本を観察する機会を得たが, 吸引された材料は少ないものの, 注目すべき所見が認められたので報告する.症例 : 70 歳代, 女性. 乳がん検診マンモグラフィーにて左右乳房に異常所見を認め, 精査のため, 穿刺細胞診が施行された. 非常に強い出血を背景にして, 弱拡大像で大小 …
- NAID 130004513232
- 術中圧挫標本が診断に有用であった異型性髄膜腫の 1 例
- 望野 唯明,茅野 秀一,佐々木 惇,清水 道生
- 日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 52(1), 43-44, 2013
- … A smear/crush preparation obtained at the intraoperative consultation showed not only typical features of meningioma such as whorl formation and intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions, but also an unusual cytomorphologic feature of a few mitoses. …
- NAID 130004885780
- 各種細胞所見を利用した反応性尿細管上皮細胞と尿路上皮癌G1細胞の鑑別について
Related Links
- Definition of cytomorphologic in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of cytomorphologic. What does cytomorphologic mean? Information and translations of cytomorphologic in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource ...
- cytomorphologic (not comparable) Of or pertaining to cytomorphology Retrieved from "https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=cytomorphologic&oldid=26832320" Categories: English words prefixed with cyto-English lemmas ...
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- cell morphology、cell shape、cytomorphology、cytomorphologic
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- cell morphology、cell shape、cytomorphologic
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- cell morphology、cytomorphologic、cytomorphology
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- cell shape、cytomorphologic、cytomorphology
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