- North American herb with pungent scaly or toothed roots (同)crinkle-root, crinkle root, pepper root, toothwort, Cardamine diphylla, Dentaria diphylla
- uneven by virtue of having wrinkles or waves (同)crinkly, rippled, wavy, wavelike
- …‘に'しわを寄せる;…'を'縮ませる / しわが寄る;縮まる / カサカサ(パチパチ)音を立てる / しわ;縮れ / カサカサ(パチパチ)いう音
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/11/25 10:32:22」(JST)
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Crinkle may refer to:
- Crinkle Crags, a fell in the English Lake District
- Crinkle-cutting, a cutting technique in cooking
- Chocolate crinkle, a kind of chocolate-flavored cookie covered in white powdered sugar.
See also[edit]
English Journal
- A nuclear fraction of turnip crinkle virus capsid protein is important for elicitation of the host resistance response.
- Kang SH1, Qu F2, Morris TJ3.
- Virus research.Virus Res.2015 Dec 2;210:264-70. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2015.08.014. Epub 2015 Aug 20.
- The N-terminal 25 amino acids (AAs) of turnip crinkle virus (TCV) capsid protein (CP) are recognized by the resistance protein HRT to trigger a hypersensitive response (HR) and systemic resistance to TCV infection. This same region of TCV CP also contains a motif that interacts with the transcriptio
- PMID 26299399
- Requirement for Host RNA-Silencing Components and the Virus-Silencing Suppressor when Second-Site Mutations Compensate for Structural Defects in the 3' Untranslated Region.
- Chattopadhyay M1, Stupina VA1, Gao F1, Szarko CR1, Kuhlmann MM1, Yuan X1, Shi K1, Simon AE2.
- Journal of virology.J Virol.2015 Nov 15;89(22):11603-18. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01566-15. Epub 2015 Sep 9.
- Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) contains a structured 3' region with hairpins and pseudoknots that form a complex network of noncanonical RNA:RNA interactions supporting higher-order structure critical for translation and replication. We investigated several second-site mutations in the p38 coat protein
- PMID 26355083
- Satellite RNAs and Satellite Viruses.
- Palukaitis P1.
- Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMI.Mol Plant Microbe Interact.2015 Nov 9. [Epub ahead of print]
- Satellite RNAs and satellite viruses are extraviral components that can affect the pathogenicity and/or the accumulation of their associated viruses, while themselves being dependent on the associated viruses as helper viruses for their infection. Most of these satellite RNAs are noncoding RNAs and
- PMID 26551994
Japanese Journal
- 新潟県下のトルコギキョウにおけるLisianthus necrotic stunt virusの発生
- 伊藤 由衣,小田 正之,棚橋 恵,佐野 義孝,Ito Yui,Oda Masayuki,Tanahashi Megumu,Sano Yoshitaka
- 新潟大学農学部研究報告 64(1), 37-41, 2011-09
- … また、 Eggplant mottled crinkle virus(EMCV)と78%の相同性を示した。 …
- NAID 120005239931
- 新潟県下のトルコギキョウにおけるLisianthus necrotic stunt virusの発生
- 伊藤 由衣,小田 正之,棚橋 恵 [他],佐野 義孝
- 新潟大学農学部研究報告 64(1), 37-41, 2011-09
- … また、Eggplant mottled crinkle virus(EMCV)と78%の相同性を示した。 …
- NAID 120005068696
- Crinkle: A heuristic mapping algorithm for network on chip
- Saeidi Samira,Khademzadeh Ahmad,Vardi Fatemeh
- IEICE Electronics Express 6(24), 1737-1744, 2009
- … In this paper, a heuristic mapping algorithm which maps tasks, using priority lists and the crinkle moving pattern is proposed. …
- NAID 130000140901
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