[Maintenance of balance between airway pressure and intracranial pressure in a patient with tracheal stenosis undergoing craniotomy: a case report.]
Güçlü ÇY1, Meço BC2, Karamustafa M2, Keçik Y2.
Revista brasileira de anestesiologia.Rev Bras Anestesiol.2015 Mar 5. pii: S0034-7094(15)00022-7. doi: 10.1016/j.bjan.2014.10.002. [Epub ahead of print]
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Tracheal stenosis is a rare but a life-threatening condition and anesthesia of a patient with tracheal stenosis is challenging for anesthesiologists. Maintaining stable hemodynamics and ventilation parameters are important issues in neuroanesthesia. Any increase in airway
¿Qué es una craneotomía? Una craneotomía es la extracción quirúrgica de parte del hueso del cráneo para exponer el cerebro para hacer una cirugía. El cirujano usa instrumentos especiales para quitar esa parte de hueso (el colgajo ...
This video and protocol demonstrate how to implant a glass-covered cranial window in rodents. These preparations can be used for chronic in vivo two-photon imaging of the neocortex over time scales of months. It may also be used