- impossible to deny or disprove; "incontrovertible proof of the defendants innocence"; "proof positive"; "an irrefutable argument" (同)irrefutable, positive
- the quality of being undeniable and not worth arguing about (同)incontrovertibleness, positivity, positiveness
- …‘に'反論する,論ばくする
- 議論の余地のない,明らかな
- 議論の余地がなく,明らかに
- 議論の余地がある
English Journal
- [High suspicion of heart disease gained from taking the case history must not controvert negative results of some medical examination--experience of an outpatient internist].
- Slámová H.Sourceinterni a kardiologicka ambulance SPEA s.r.o., Olomouc. hana.slamova@spea.cz
- Vnitr̆ní lékar̆ství.Vnitr Lek.2012 Oct;58(10):765-7.
- We report the case of a patient having atypical chest pain and difficult to breathe. The cardiac gated SPECT had insignificant result in compare with high positive results of coronary artery calcium score and coronarography.
- PMID 23121064
- Mesenchymal stem cells spontaneously express neural proteins in culture and are neurogenic after transplantation.
- Deng J, Petersen BE, Steindler DA, Jorgensen ML, Laywell ED.SourceDepartment of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA.
- Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio).Stem Cells.2006 Apr;24(4):1054-64. Epub 2005 Dec 1.
- Reports of neural transdifferentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) suggest the possibility that these cells may serve as a source for stem cell-based regenerative medicine to treat neurological disorders. However, some recent studies controvert previous reports of MSC neurogenecity. In the curr
- PMID 16322639
- [Chronic illnesses and education. Diabetes mellitus as a paradigm].
- Viniegra-Velázquez L.SourceInstituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. leonardo.viniegra@imss.gob.mx
- Revista médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social.Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc.2006 Jan-Feb;44(1):47-59.
- The purpose of this essay is to controvert ideas that prevail about chronic illnesses, using type 2 diabetes mellitus as an example, and to propose another way of thinking, perceiving, and acting towards them. Initially the dominant vision of the disease as a deviation from the health path is confro
- PMID 16497259
Japanese Journal
- 母性看護実習における教育効果 : 帝王切開分娩見学の意義を検討して
- 島田 文恵,長谷川 ともみ,北 悠理,二川 香里,西村 佳余子,永山 くに子
- 富山大学看護学会誌 7(2), 29-37, 2008-03
- 帝王切開分娩が増加傾向にある現在,母性看護実習においても帝王切開分娩見学の意義を検討することは重要である.前回の報告では,帝王切開分娩を見学した学生の実習後の母性意識に変化はみられなかったが,本研究では,新たな試みとして,見学希望者全員が見学する方法から受持ち学生が見学をすることとし,その教育効果を明らかにすることを目的とした.研究対象は,本学において2001年から2004年まで母性看護実習を受け …
- NAID 110007125878
- 望月 和彦
- 桃山学院大学経済経営論集 40(2), 41-80, 1998-12
- … So if someone claims that it comes from somewhat, not from personal satisfaction, we can't controvert against him. …
- NAID 110006965619
- <論説>令状にたいする challenge (審査請求)権 : アメリカ合衆国における情報提供者問題を契機に
- 河野 通弘
- 法と政治 36(1), 71-119, 1985-03-20
- … It seems to be very difficult in the Japanese criminal procedure that the accused has an opportunity to controvert the propriety of the issued warrants in the proceedings before trial. …
- NAID 110000213594
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