- 〈法律・習慣など〉'を'破る,違反する / 〈声明書など〉‘に'反ばくする
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English Journal
- Why Litigation-Driven History Matters: Lessons Learned from the Secret History of TCE.
- Zahniser KA.
- The Public historian.Public Hist.2015 Feb;37(1):46-53.
- Litigation drives extensive historical research but often allows only select observers to see the results. Historians have conducted untold studies for litigation that become "secret histories" because these histories are not published. An example is the historical use and regulation of the chemical
- PMID 26281240
- The genus name Methanothrix Huser et al. 1983 and the species combination Methanothrix soehngenii Huser et al. 1983 do not contravene Rule 31a and are not to be considered as rejected names, the genus name Methanosaeta Patel and Sprott 1990 refers to the same taxon as Methanothrix soehngenii Huser et al. 1983 and the species combination Methanothrix thermophila Kamagata et al. 1992 is rejected: Supplementary information to Opinion 75. Judicial Commission of the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes.
- Tindall BJ1.
- International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol.2014 Oct;64(Pt 10):3597-8. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.069252-0.
- The Judicial Commission affirms that the genus name Methanothrix Huser et al. 1983 and the species combination Methanothrix soehngenii Huser et al. 1983 do not contravene Rule 31a and are not to be considered as rejected names. The genus name Methanosaeta Patel and Sprott 1990 applies to the same ta
- PMID 25288667
- Sympatric metabolic diversification of experimentally evolved Escherichia coli in a complex environment.
- Puentes-Téllez PE1, van Elsas JD.
- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek.2014 Sep;106(3):565-76. doi: 10.1007/s10482-014-0228-y. Epub 2014 Jul 10.
- Sympatric diversification in bacteria has been found to contravene initial evolutionary theories affirming the selection of the fittest type by competition for the same resource. Studies in unstructured (well-mixed) environments have discovered divergence of an ancestor strain into genomically and p
- PMID 25008542
Japanese Journal
- 判例研究(NO.316)赤毛のアン商標無効事件 知財高裁平成18.9.20判決
- A Potential Use of Color Ultrasound as a Tool for Reproductive Management : New Observations Using Color Ultrasound Scanning that were not Possible with Imaging Only in Black and White
- Miyamoto Akio,Shirasuna Koumei,Hayashi Ken-Go [他],KAMADA Daichi,KAWASHIMA Chiho,KANEKO Etsushi,ACOSTA Tomas J.,MATSUI Motozumi
- The Journal of reproduction and development 52(1), 153-160, 2006-02-01
- … While US may not seem to fit preconceived ideas of a "green" technology, it does not contravene environmental priorities, and it is non-invasive ("ethical") and non-hormonal ("clean"). …
- NAID 130000054666
- 個人情報保護法下における情報通信技術の活用とセキュリティ対策 ―医療を中心に―
- 三友 仁志,大槻 明
- ITヘルスケア誌 1(1), 4-13, 2006
- 個人情報保護法が2005年4月に全面施行されたものの、その後も個人情報流出事故は後を絶たない。セキュリティを高めることによって相当程度対処が可能であるものの、対策の費用対効果を斟酌すべきである。また、「うっかり」「悪意」といったヒューマンファクターの存在を考慮すれば、事故の発生を前提とした追跡システムを導入することが、事後的な対応を可能にするために重要である。
- NAID 130000069991
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- He made the basic decisions to contravene policies established by law and by his own commitments. So, anyone who seeks to contravene this implied contract will have trouble. But the name has given rise to ...
- contraveneとは。意味や和訳。[動]((形式))(他)1 …と矛盾[衝突]する;〈陳述・原則などに〉反対[反駁(はんばく)]する.2 〈法律・慣例などを〉破る,に違反する. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が ...
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