- marked by convention and conformity to customs or rules or styles; "underneath the radical image teenagers are surprisingly conformist"
- someone who conforms to established standards of conduct (especially in religious matters)
- not conforming to some norm or socially approved pattern of behavior or thought; "their rabidly nonconformist deportment has made them legendary"; "the old stubborn nonconformist spirit of the early settlers" (同)unconformist
- someone who refuses to conform to established standards of conduct (同)recusant
- a Protestant in England who is not a member of the Church of England (同)chapelgoer
- 《しばしば軽べつして》慣習に従う人 / 《C-》英国国教従
- 《しばしば『N-』》非国教徒(英国国教会に属さないプロテスタント)・既存の教会(制度など)に従わない人
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This article is about the movement of conformity with the Church of England. For the concept of conformity, see Conformity.
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In English history, Conformists were those whose religious practices conformed with the requirements of the Act of Uniformity and so were in concert with the Established Church, the Church of England, as opposed to those of Nonconformists whose practices were not acceptable to the Church of England.
In 1662 ministers had to sign the Act of Uniformity to use the book of common prayer. Virtually the only church in the UK that is still truly "Conformist" in this sense is the Church of England (Continuing).
See also
English Journal
- John Staniforth-An appreciation: The non-conformist nonconformist.
- Tobyn M1, Price R2.
- International journal of pharmaceutics.Int J Pharm.2016 Dec 5;514(2):333-334. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2016.10.028. Epub 2016 Oct 22.
- PMID 27780744
- Synchronization and Bellerophon states in conformist and contrarian oscillators.
- Qiu T1,2, Boccaletti S3,4, Bonamassa I5, Zou Y1, Zhou J1, Liu Z1, Guan S1.
- Scientific reports.Sci Rep.2016 Nov 9;6:36713. doi: 10.1038/srep36713.
- The study of synchronization in generalized Kuramoto models has witnessed an intense boost in the last decade. Several collective states were discovered, such as partially synchronized, chimera, π or traveling wave states. We here consider two populations of globally coupled conformist and contrari
- PMID 27827411
- Conformity cannot be identified based on population-level signatures.
- Acerbi A1, van Leeuwen EJ2,3, Haun DB4, Tennie C5.
- Scientific reports.Sci Rep.2016 Oct 31;6:36068. doi: 10.1038/srep36068.
- Conformist transmission, defined as a disproportionate likelihood to copy the majority, is considered a potent mechanism underlying the emergence and stabilization of cultural diversity. However, ambiguity within and across disciplines remains as to how to identify conformist transmission empiricall
- PMID 27796373
- Chinese nurses' perceived barriers and facilitators of ethical sensitivity.
- Huang FF1, Yang Q2, Zhang J1, Khoshnood K3, Zhang JP4.
- Nursing ethics.Nurs Ethics.2016 Aug;23(5):507-22. doi: 10.1177/0969733015574925. Epub 2015 Mar 29.
- BACKGROUND: An overview of ethical sensitivity among Chinese registered nurses is needed to develop and optimize the education programs and interventions to cultivate and improve ethical sensitivity.AIM: The study was conducted to explore the barriers to and facilitators of ethical sensitivity among
- PMID 25825415
Japanese Journal
- 不登校中学生が「ギャル」から少し素朴な少女になって高校に通学するまで
- 同調伝達による協力行動・スパイト行動の空間ダイナミクス (第5回生物数学の理論とその応用)
- 書評 谷口基著『戦前戦後異端文学論--奇想と反骨』
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- conformistとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 ((時に軽蔑))(伝統・慣習などへの)順応者((to ...)).2 ((しばしばC-))国教徒;(特に)英国国教徒. [形]順応主義の.con・form・ism[名][U] - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等から ...
- conformist / kənˈfɔr mɪst / Show Spelled [k uh n-fawr-mist] Show IPA noun 1. a person who conforms, especially unquestioningly, to the usual practices or standards of a ... Word Origin & History conformist "one who conforms" in ...
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