- (ある結果に)導く,貢献する《+『to』(『toward』)+『名』》
English Journal
- Differential inhibition of noradrenaline release mediated by inhibitory A1-adenosine receptors in the mesenteric vein and artery from normotensive and hypertensive rats.
- Rocha-Pereira C, Sousa JB, Vieira-Rocha MS, Fresco P, Gonçalves J, Diniz C.SourceREQUIMTE/FARMA, Departamento de Ciências do Medicamento, Laboratório de Farmacologia, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto, Rua Jorge Viterbo Ferreira n° 228, 4050-313 Porto, Portugal.
- Neurochemistry international.Neurochem Int.2013 Mar;62(4):399-405. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2013.02.010. Epub 2013 Feb 13.
- Mesenteric arteries and veins are densely innervated by sympathetic nerves and are crucial in the regulation of peripheral resistance and capacitance, respectively, thus, in the control of blood pressure. Presynaptic adenosine receptors are involved in vascular tonus regulation, by modulating noradr
- PMID 23416044
- [Relationship between simulated weightlessness-induced muscle spindle change and muscle atrophy].
- Zhao XH, Fan XL.SourceMedical Function Department, Medical College of Hubei University of Arts and Science, Xiangyang 441053, China; Department of Physiology, Medical College of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, China. E-mail:
- Sheng li xue bao : [Acta physiologica Sinica].Sheng Li Xue Bao.2013 Feb 25;65(1):96-100.
- One of the most important and urgent issues in the field of space medicine is to reveal the potential mechanism underlying the disused muscle atrophy during the weightlessness or microgravity environment. It will conduce to find out effective methods for the prevention and treatment of muscle atroph
- PMID 23426520
- [Use of SPECT-scanning of the heart in estimating of influence of drugs of the background therapy of ischemic heart disease on myocardial perfusion].
- Svistov AS, Sukhov VIu, Makiev RG, Alanichev AE.AbstractSome new facts about the influence of different groups of drugs on myocardial perfusion were educed during the research. Educed facts conduce representation extension by matching the optimal therapy of ischemic heart disease. With the help of SPECT-scanning were educed myocardial blood flow, areas of maximal hypoperfusion and its influence on time pattern and redistribution of myocardial blood flow in patients receiving disease-modifying agents and statins. Some regularities of change of myocardial blood flow depending on applied group of drugs and peculiarities of influence of myocardial perfusion in certain time interval were revealed. Criteria with prognostic significance in prospective individual effectiveness of anti-ischemic drugs were pointed out. New approach, based on choice of anti-ischemic therapy depending on extent of influence on myocardial perfusion and also individual clinical and functional traits of patients, was applied.
- Voenno-medit͡sinskiĭ zhurnal.Voen Med Zh.2012 Oct;333(10):27-36.
- Some new facts about the influence of different groups of drugs on myocardial perfusion were educed during the research. Educed facts conduce representation extension by matching the optimal therapy of ischemic heart disease. With the help of SPECT-scanning were educed myocardial blood flow, areas o
- PMID 23213770
Japanese Journal
- 生物多様性保全に資する木製構造物の工法および施工技術の検討
- A1-1 日常生活での移動意思判断(A1 学生,一般講演)
- EVS6-3 Advanced ICS/LABA conduce the asthma treatment into next stage
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