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English Journal
- Characterization of a venom peptide from a crassispirid gastropod.
- Cabang AB, Imperial JS, Gajewiak J, Watkins M, Corneli PS, Olivera BM, Concepcion GP.SourceMarine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines.
- Toxicon : official journal of the International Society on Toxinology.Toxicon.2011 Sep 12. [Epub ahead of print]
- The crassispirids are a large branch of venomous marine gastropods whose venoms have not been investigated previously. We demonstrate that crassispirids comprise a major group of toxoglossate snails in a clade distinct from all turrids whose venoms have been analyzed. The isolation and biochemical d
- PMID 21939682
- Analysis of hemoglobin variants using nondenaturing gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry.
- Mathew B, Bhat V, Mandal AK.SourceDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Clinical Proteomics, St. John's Research Institute, St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences, Koramangala, Bangalore 560034, India.
- Analytical biochemistry.Anal Biochem.2011 Sep 1;416(1):135-7. Epub 2011 Apr 27.
- Molecular analysis of hemoglobin variants is crucial in the diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies. Routinely used techniques for identifying variants include alkaline gel electrophoresis and automated HPLC. Sometimes comigration of variants in electrophoresis or coelution in HPLC provides ambiguous result
- PMID 21570941
Japanese Journal
- 固相抽出とダイオードアレイ検出LCを用いた玄米中の10種スルホニル尿素系除草剤の分析
- 秋山 由美,吉岡 直樹,辻 正彦
- 食品衛生学雑誌 43(2), 99-103, 2002
- 玄米中に残留する10種のスルホニル尿素系除草剤(アジムスルフロン,イマゾスルフロン,エトキシスルフロン,クロリムロンエチル,クロルスルフロン,トリベヌロンメチル,ピラゾスルフロンエチル,フラザスルフロン,ベンスルフロンメチル及びメトスルフロンメチル)のスクリーニング分析法をダイオードアレイ検出器付LCで検討した.米抽出液をグラファイトカーボンカートリッジで3分画した後,LC分析を行い,除草剤相互及 …
- NAID 130000102266
- A collaborative study of 209 PCB congeners and 6 Aroclors on 20 different HRGC column; 1. Relation and coelution database
- Fresenius Journal Analytical Chemistry 357, 701-713, 1997
- NAID 80009545626
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