- 日
- 関
- any spherical or nearly spherical bacteria (同)cocci
- of or pertaining to or resembling a coccus
- spherical Gram-positive parasitic bacteria that tend to form irregular colonies; some cause boils or septicemia or infections (同)staphylococci, staph
- spherical Gram-positive bacteria occurring in pairs or chains; cause e.g. scarlet fever and tonsillitis (同)streptococci, strep
- type genus of the Pseudococcidae (同)genus Pseudococcus
- a species of bacteria
- 球菌
- ブドウ状球菌
- 連鎖球菌
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/11/19 15:45:26」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
For the genus of scale insects, see Coccus (insect).
"Cocci" redirects here. For the fungal disease, see Coccidioidomycosis.
Coccus (plural cocci or coccuses) can be used to describe any bacterium that has a spherical shape. It is one of the three distinct types of bacteria shapes, the other two being bacillus (rod-shaped) and spirillum (spiral-shaped) cells. Coccus is an English loanword of a Neolatin noun, which in turn stems from the Greek masculine noun kokkos (κόκκος) meaning "berry".[1]
The term 'coccus' is used in botany to denote a mericarp or 1-seeded segment of a schizocarp.
Like all bacteria, each single coccus bacterium is an entire living organism. And some species exist in groups of cells. If they do group together,[2] the patterns they arrange themselves in are given certain names based on the shape. Diplococci are arranged in two-cell pairs; these may represent several different genera. Bacteria in the Streptococcus genus are arranged in chains. Bacteria in the Sarcina genus typically form a cuboidal arrangement of eight cells. Staphylococcus is a genus of bacteria characterized by cells arranged in tetrad clusters (four cells in a square formation) or large, often irregular, grape-like clusters. While groups of cells together form these characteristic shapes, the individual bacterial cells themselves will appear as distinct circles within the chain or cluster.
- ^ κόκκος. Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert; A Greek–English Lexicon at the Perseus Project
- ^ Councilman, William Thomas. Disease and Its Causes. Project Gutenberg. Retrieved 27 March 2010.
Microbiology: Bacteria
Pathogenic bacteria |
- Bacterial disease
- Coley's Toxins
- Exotoxin
- Lysogenic cycle
Human flora |
- Gut flora
- Skin flora
- Vaginal flora
Substrate preference |
- Lipophilic
- Saccharophilic
Oxygen preference |
- Aerobic
- Anaerobic
- Microaerophile
- Nanaerobe
- Aerotolerant
Structures |
Cell envelope
- Cell membrane
- Cell wall: Peptidoglycan
- Gram-positive bacteria only: Teichoic acid
- Lipoteichoic acid
- Endospore
- Gram-negative bacteria only: Bacterial outer membrane
- Periplasmic space
- Mycobacteria only: Arabinogalactan
- Mycolic acid
Outside envelope
- Bacterial capsule
- Slime layer
- S-layer
- Glycocalyx
- Pilus
- Fimbria
Shapes |
- Bacterial cellular morphologies
- L-form bacteria
- Coccus
- Bacillus
- Coccobacillus
gr+f/gr+a (t)/gr-p (c)/gr-o
drug (J1p, w, n, m, vacc)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Identification by 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing of Negativicoccus succinicivorans Recovered from the Blood of a Patient with Hemachromatosis and Pancreatitis.
- D L C, Simmon KE, Sporina J, Lloyd T, Gregson DB.SourceCalgary Laboratory Services(CLS).
- Journal of clinical microbiology.J Clin Microbiol.2011 Jun 8. [Epub ahead of print]
- We describe a case of Negativicoccus succinicivorans bacteremia in an adult man with hemochromatosis and acute pancreatitis. Conventional phenotypic tests and commercial identification systems failed to definitively identify the anaerobic tiny Gram-negative coccus isolated from two sets of blood cul
- PMID 21653773
- Leuconostoc bacteremia in three patients with malignancies.
- Ishiyama K, Yamazaki H, Senda Y, Yamauchi H, Nakao S.SourceDivision of Cancer Medicine, Department of Cellular Transplantation Biology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science, Ishikawa, Japan, ishiyama-knz@umin.ac.jp.
- Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy.J Infect Chemother.2011 Jun;17(3):412-8. Epub 2010 Sep 14.
- Leuconostoc is a Gram-positive coccus characterized by its resistance to glycopeptide antibiotics. Generally, this bacterium is susceptible to β-lactam antibiotics; however, here we present a leukemia patient who developed leuconostoc bacteremia during antimicrobial therapy with carbapenem. The app
- PMID 20839023
Japanese Journal
- Phylogeography of the Coccus scale insects inhabiting myrmecophytic Macaranga plants in Southeast Asia
- UEDA Shouhei,QUEK Swee-Peck,ITIOKA Takao,MURASE Kaori,ITINO Takao
- Population ecology 52(1), 137-146, 2010-01-01
- … Myrmecophytic Macaranga plants are associated with the obligate mutualistic symbionts: Crematogaster (subgenus Decacrema) ants and Coccus scale insects. … We conduct phylogeographic analyses based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) from 253 scale insects collected from 15 locations in Borneo, Malaya and Sumatra, to investigate the historical biogeography of the scales, and then to draw comparisons with that of the symbiotic, but independently dispersing, Decacrema ants which are not specific to different Coccus lineages. …
- NAID 10027154225
- Leuconostoc bacteremia in three patients with malignancies
- Ishiyama Ken,Yamazaki Hirohito,Senda Yasuko,Yamauchi Hiromasa,Nakao Shinji,石山 謙,山﨑 宏人,千田 靖子,中尾 眞二
- Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy xx(xx), 2010
- … Leuconostoc is a Gram-positive coccus characterized by its resistance to glycopeptide antibiotics. …
- NAID 120002439395
Related Links
- 2009年12月31日 ... coccusの意味や和訳。 【名詞】【可算名詞】(《複数形》 音節coc・ci 発音記号/k?k(s) ??|kk‐/) 球菌. - 約487万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語 辞書。
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- 関
- cocci、coccus
- 関
- coccal、coccus
- 英
- coccus
- 関
- 細菌
- ラ
- Pyrococcus
- 関
- パイロコッカス、パイロコッカス属
- 日
- ストレプトコッカス・ゴルドニ
- 関
- 連鎖球菌属