- strike with the flat of the hand; usually in a friendly way, as in encouragement or greeting
- clap ones hands together; "The children were clapping to the music" (同)spat
- cause to strike the air in flight; "The big bird clapped its wings"
- put quickly or forcibly; "The judge clapped him in jail"
- strike the air in flight; "the wings of the birds clapped loudly"
- strike together so as to produce a sharp percussive noise; "clap two boards together"
- cover with clapboards
- a long thin board with one edge thicker than the other; used as siding by lapping one board over the board below (同)weatherboard, weatherboarding
- metal striker that hangs inside a bell and makes a sound by hitting the side (同)tongue
- someone who applauds (同)applauder
- a clap of the hands to indicate approval
- make hastily and carelessly (同)clap together, slap together
- (短く鋭い)ピシャリ(パチン,バタン,ガタン)という音 / 《単数形で》平手打ち / 〈手〉'を'『パチン』(『パチパチ』)『とたたく』 / …'を'ピシャリ(パチン)とたたく(打ちつける) / (激励・あいさつとして)〈人〉'を'ポンとたたく / (ある方向・状態に)…'を'急に動かす,さっと送る / (…に)手をたたく《+『for』+『名』》 / ピシャン(パチン,バタン)と音を立てる
- 羽目板,下見板(雨が入らないように下から重ねてはる外壁用の板)
- たたく人(物),拍手する人 / (鐘・ベルの)舌,(おしゃべりな人の)舌
- 拍手,手拍子
- centiliter[s]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/07/22 18:16:53」(JST)
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Look up clap in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Clap may refer to:
- Clapping, producing sound for applause or other purposes
- Gonorrhea, a venereal disease (often referred to as "the clap")
- Child Labour Action Programme
- Clap skate, type of ice skate used in speed skating
- "Clap", an instrumental song by Yes from The Yes Album
- The Clapper, a gadget that uses a sound activated switch sensitive to clapping
People with the surname
- Margaret Clap or Mother Clap (died c. 1726), Keeper of a homosexual brothel in London, England
- Thomas Clap or Thomas Clapp (1703–1767), President of Yale College
- James R. Clapper, current U.S. Director of National Intelligence
See also
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 成人や青年の淋菌感染症の臨床症状および診断 clinical manifestations and diagnosis of neisseria gonorrhoeae infection in adults and adolescents
- 2. 成人における精神状態検査 the mental status examination in adults
- 3. 失語症患者へのアプローチ approach to the patient with aphasia
- 4. 成人における頭痛の評価 evaluation of headache in adults
- 5. 雷鳴頭痛患者へのアプローチ approach to the patient with thunderclap headache
English Journal
- Neonatal near miss: a systematic review.
- Santos JP1, Pileggi-Castro C2, Camelo JS Jr3, Silva AA4, Duran P5, Serruya SJ6, Cecatti JG7.
- BMC pregnancy and childbirth.BMC Pregnancy Childbirth.2015 Dec 1;15(1):320. doi: 10.1186/s12884-015-0758-y.
- BACKGROUND: The concept of neonatal near miss has been proposed as a tool for assessment of quality of care in neonates who suffered any life-threatening condition. However, there are no internationally agreed concepts or criteria for defining or identifying neonatal near miss. The purpose of this s
- PMID 26625905
- Enhancement of antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles-ceftriaxone conjugate through Mukia maderaspatana leaf extract mediated synthesis.
- Harshiny M1, Matheswaran M2, Arthanareeswaran G2, Kumaran S3, Rajasree S4.
- Ecotoxicology and environmental safety.Ecotoxicol Environ Saf.2015 Nov;121:135-41. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2015.04.041. Epub 2015 May 14.
- Green synthesis of nanoparticles with low range of toxicity and conjugation to antibiotics has become an attractive area of research for several biomedical applications. Nanoconjugates exhibited notable increase in biological activity compared to free antibiotic molecules. With this perception, we r
- PMID 25982731
- Occurrence of the "applause sign" in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
- Anneser JM1, Krzovska M2, Borasio GD3, Danek A2.
- Clinical neurology and neurosurgery.Clin Neurol Neurosurg.2015 Oct;137:8-10. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2015.06.005. Epub 2015 Jun 10.
- The applause sign was originally described as a quick bedside test to discriminate progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) (positive applause sign, PAS) from Parkinson's disease (PD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) (negative applause sign). However, recent research demonstrated that the test is posit
- PMID 26117556
- Interpregnancy interval and perinatal outcomes across Latin America from 1990 to 2009: a large multi-country study.
- Mignini LE1, Carroli G1, Betran AP2, Fescina R3, Cuesta C1, Campodonico L1, De Mucio B3, Khan KS4.
- BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology.BJOG.2015 Sep 24. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.13625. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship of interpregnancy interval with maternal and offspring outcomes.DESIGN: Retrospective study with data from the Perinatal Information System database of the Latin American Centre for Perinatology and Human Development, Uruguay.SETTING: Latin America, 1990-2009
- PMID 26399217
Japanese Journal
- OS1-9 Implementation of the clap-fling effect in an insect-mimicking flapping wing MAV(OS1: Bio-inspired Flight System Biomechanics II)
- Proceedings of the ... Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics : emerging science and technology in biomechanics 2015(8), 70, 2015-09-16
- NAID 110010043725
- カレッジの教授課程と専門職養成の関係 : 1777-1828年のイェールの事例を中心として
- アンテベラム期のアメリカ高等教育史におけるイェール報告の位置 : トマス・クラップのカレッジ・カリキュラム論との比較を通して
- サービス経験価値測定のための叩くアンケートの開発とその効果分析
- 電気学会論文誌. C, 電子・情報・システム部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and Systems Society 133(4), 769-776, 2013-04-01
- NAID 10031161272
Related Links
- http://clap.cc/tommy/ クリエイター、日野トミーの紹介 http://clap.cc/tommy/ クリエイター、日野トミーの紹介
- 【AVプロダクション/CLAP AV女優募集!未経験でも高収入】AVプロダクション株式会社CLAP新人AV女優さんを大募集!業界トップクラスの高収入はもちろん、どこよりも高待遇をお約束します
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