- 関
- choriocarcinoma、villous tumor
English Journal
- [Pathology of gestational trophoblastic tumors].
- Vuong PN1, Guillet JL, Houissa-Vuong S, Lhommé C, Proust A, Cristalli B.
- Gynécologie, obstétrique & fertilité.Gynecol Obstet Fertil.2000 Dec;28(12):913-26.
- Gestational trophoblastic tumours result from an abnormal proliferation of different types of trophoblasts. The morphological pattern, together with the immunohistochemical aspect, the cytogenetic data and the clinical profile, helps identify each pathological entity. Hydatiform moles represent malf
- PMID 11192198
- Placental-site chorioma. The neoplasm of the implantation-site trophoblast.
- Driscoll SG.
- The Journal of reproductive medicine.J Reprod Med.1984 Nov;29(11):821-5.
- The unusual lesion of gestational trophoblast, variously termed "placental site tumor" and "placental site trophoblastic tumor," may complicate or follow seemingly normal pregnancy, abortion or hydatidiform mole. Posing indeterminate risks of malignant behavior, those lesions must be differentiated
- PMID 6394754
- Trophoblastic growths: morphologic aspects and taxonomy.
- Driscoll SG.
- The Journal of reproductive medicine.J Reprod Med.1981 Apr;26(4):181-91.
- The hydatidiform mole-gestational choriocarcinoma complex constitutes a graft qua tumor whose natural invasion, rejection and resolution share features of normal pregnancy and of neoplasms of other tissues. Trophoblastic neoplasms sometimes arise from morphogenetically abnormal chorions, notably the
- PMID 6260933
Japanese Journal
- 肺血管への腫瘍塞栓で発症した肺原発と思われる絨毛癌の1例
- 田尻 さくら子,小澤 秀樹,小松 昌道,端山 直樹,近藤 祐介,伊藤 正仁,岡 晶子,浦野 哲哉,近藤 哲理
- 日本呼吸器学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Respiratory Society 46(12), 1029-1033, 2008-12-10
- NAID 10024823115
- 排卵誘発時及び妊娠時の尿中 Estrogens 及び Pregnanediol, Pregnanetriol の Gas Liquid Chromatographyによる分析
- 酉 望
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 22(9), 1013-1022, 1970-09-01
- … P, diol は26〜27週までは Double Sigmoid 次いで36週迄平担であり, 38週頃より減少.(H) P, triol は12〜17週で稍下降気味となり次いでスパートがおこり, 27週頃ピークとなり再び下降, 37週頃小さなピークをつくり38週より減少する.(I) 病的状態では胎児死亡, 無脳児の時Eは著滅し.(J) 胎児副腎が健全なものは心奇形を伴つていても母体尿中Eは正常.(K) 胎児側変化は P, diol には表現され難く.(L) Choriomaで P, diol P, triol の著増をみた. …
- NAID 110002125682
Related Links
- chorioma /cho·ri·o·ma/ (kor″e-o´mah) 1. any trophoblastic proliferation, benign or malignant. 2. choriocarcinoma. cho·ri·o·ma (kôr′ē-ō′mə)
- noun, plural choriomas, choriomata [kawr-ee-oh-muh-tuh, kohr-] ). Pathology 1. any benign or malignant tumor of chorionic tissue; choriocarcinoma.
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- 関
- choriocarcinoma、chorioma