- an animal sterol that is normally synthesized by the liver; the most abundant steroid in animal tissues (同)cholesterin
- a tumor composed of granulation tissue resulting from injury or inflammation or infection
- コレステロール(胆汁・血液・神経組織などの脂肪性成分)
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English Journal
- Cholesterol granuloma of the middle ear invading the cochlea.
- Martin C, Faye MB, Bertholon P, Veyret C, Dumollard JM, Prades JM.SourceService ORL et chirurgie cervico-faciale et plastique, hôpital Nord, CHU Saint-Étienne, 42055 Saint-Étienne cedex 2, France.
- European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases.Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis.2012 Mar 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES: To report a second case of cholesterol granuloma of the middle ear invading the cochlea.MATERIAL AND METHODS: A 54-year-old woman, who had undergone right-side tympanoplasty with stapedectomy, complained of intermittent right-side otorrhea associated with cophosis. Otomicroscopy found an
- PMID 22424831
- Endoscopic balloon dilation as an adjunct to extended endoscopic approaches to the skull base.
- Bedrosian JC, Garcia-Navarro V, McCoul ED, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.SourceDepartments of Neurological Surgery.
- Journal of neurosurgery.J Neurosurg.2012 Mar 9. [Epub ahead of print]
- Cholesterol granulomas (CGs) are benign, expanding cystic lesions surrounded by a thick fibrous capsule and filled with fluid, formed by the degradation of blood elements. The goal of surgery is to open the granuloma widely, creating a well-drained cavity. The endonasal endoscopic approach for this
- PMID 22404669
Japanese Journal
- 岡本 亘平,羽鳥 基明,冨田 健介,横山 由就,牧野 武朗,廣野 正法,村松 和道,新井 誠二,森川 泰如,宮久保 真意,野村 昌史,小池 秀和,松井 博,柴田 康博,伊藤 一人,鈴木 和浩
- 日本泌尿器科學會雜誌 102(3), 586-590, 2011-05-20
- 症例は58歳の女性,卵巣癌の治療後の経過観察中にエコーで右腎の腫瘤を指摘され当科に紹介となった.エコー,CTの所見では壁が不整な嚢胞様であり癌の疑いがあるため右腎摘出術を施行した.病理組織検査ではコレステリン肉芽腫であった.コレステリン肉芽腫は中耳以外での報告例は少なく,画像所見からも癌との鑑別は困難であった.
- NAID 110008661931
- Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1-associated cystic pancreatic endocrine neoplasia and multifocal cholesterol granulomas
- Pathology international 60(4), 321-325, 2010-04-01
- NAID 10029331649
Related Links
- Learn about Cholesterol Granuloma treatment options at UPMC, a world leader in minimally invasive brain surgery.
- A cholesterol granuloma (CG) is a special type of middle ear granulation tissue which is particularly prone to bleeding, and is a frequent cause of a haemotympanum.Epidemiology Cholesterol granulomas typically affect young to middle aged ...
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- cholesterol granuloma
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- コレステロール肉芽腫
- 英
- cholesterol granuloma
- 関
- コレステリン肉芽腫