- relatively low in price or charging low prices; "it would have been cheap at twice the price"; "inexpensive family restaurants" (同)inexpensive
- embarrassingly stingy (同)chinchy, chintzy
- …'を'安くする,まける / …'を'見くびる,軽んずる / 安くなる
- 『値段が安い』,料金が安い,安く売る / 『安っぽい』,安物の,質の悪い,価値のない / 下品な,野卑な / 簡単に手に入る / 《おもに米》(人が)けちな,けちくさい(stingy) / 安く / 安っぽく
English Journal
- DNA Sequencing Sensors: An Overview.
- Garrido-Cardenas JA1, Garcia-Maroto F2, Alvarez-Bermejo JA3, Manzano-Agugliaro F4.
- Sensors (Basel, Switzerland).Sensors (Basel).2017 Mar 14;17(3). pii: E588. doi: 10.3390/s17030588.
- PMID 28335417
- [Perspective technologies and researches in the areaof medical laboratory diagnostics].
- Ivanov AM, Zhdanov KV, Krivoruchko AA, Ivoĭlov OO.
- Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal.Voen Med Zh.2013 Jun;334(6):54-7.
- The main principles of organisation of medical laboratory diagnostics are efficiency of analysis, mobility of laboratory services and quality of researches. These goals can be achieved by the use of portative laboratory analizers, by automation and computerization of the laboratorial service, by dev
- PMID 24000640
- Cognitive enhancement, cheating, and accomplishment.
- Goodman R1.
- Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal.Kennedy Inst Ethics J.2010 Jun;20(2):145-60.
- PMID 20653250
Japanese Journal
- 今後のわが国自動車ガソリンエンジンの動向と特徴:昭和31年9月18日特別講演
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- verb (used with object) 1. to make cheap or cheaper. 2. to lower in esteem; bring into contempt: Constant swearing cheapened him. 3. to decrease the quality or beauty of; make inferior or vulgar: She cheapened the dress by adding ...
- cheapenとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)1 〈品物を〉安くする, 値下げする;…を値切る.2 …の品質[価値]を低下させる[落とす], を安っぽくするYou cheapen yourself by telling petty lies.つまらないうそをつくと品位を落としますよ. (自 ...
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- inexpensive、inexpensively、low-cost