- remaining the same for indefinitely long times (同)unalterable
- unvarying in nature; "maintained a constant temperature"; "principles of unvarying validity" (同)constant, invariant, unvarying
- the quality of being unchangeable; having a marked tendency to remain unchanged (同)unchangeability, unchangeableness, unchangingness
- the property of remaining unchanged
- 変わることのない,分変の
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Changeless could refer to:
- Changeless (album), a 1988 live album by American pianist Keith Jarrett
- Changeless (novel), a 2010 steampunk novel by American author Gail Carriger
English Journal
- Spatial and spectral coherence in propagating high-intensity twin beams.
- Haderka O1, Machulka R1, Peřina J2, Allevi A3,4, Bondani M5,4.
- Scientific reports.Sci Rep.2015 Sep 25;5:14365. doi: 10.1038/srep14365.
- Spatial and spectral coherence of high-intensity twin-beam states propagating from the near-field to the far-field configurations is experimentally investigated by measuring intensity auto- and cross-correlation functions. The experimental setup includes a moving crystal and an iCCD camera placed at
- PMID 26403609
- Clinical significance of preoperative and postoperative cytokeratin 19 messenger RNA level in peripheral blood of esophageal cancer patients.
- Qiao YF1, Chen CG1, Yue J1, Ma Z1, Yu ZT1.
- Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus / I.S.D.E.Dis Esophagus.2015 Sep 18. doi: 10.1111/dote.12403. [Epub ahead of print]
- The purpose of this study is to analyze the correlation between preoperative/postoperative Cytokeratin 19 (CK19) messenger RNA (mRNA) level in peripheral blood (PB) and the clinical significance in esophageal cancer patients with different clinicopathological factors. We detected the preoperative an
- PMID 26382739
- Identification of phosphorylated MYL12B as a potential plasma biomarker for septic acute kidney injury using a quantitative proteomic approach.
- Wu F1, Dong XJ2, Li YY3, Zhao Y3, Xu QL4, Su L4.
- International journal of clinical and experimental pathology.Int J Clin Exp Pathol.2015 Nov 1;8(11):14409-16. eCollection 2015.
- Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common and increasingly encountered complication in hospitalized patients with critical illness in intensive care units (ICU). According to the etiology, Sepsis-induced AKI (SAKI) is a leading contributor to AKI and significantly has very poor prognosis, which might be
- PMID 26823757
- Equilibrium contact angle or the most-stable contact angle?
- Montes Ruiz-Cabello FJ1, Rodríguez-Valverde MA2, Cabrerizo-Vílchez MA3.
- Advances in colloid and interface science.Adv Colloid Interface Sci.2014 Apr;206:320-7. doi: 10.1016/j.cis.2013.09.003. Epub 2013 Oct 6.
- It is well-established that the equilibrium contact angle in a thermodynamic framework is an "unattainable" contact angle. Instead, the most-stable contact angle obtained from mechanical stimuli of the system is indeed experimentally accessible. Monitoring the susceptibility of a sessile drop to a m
- PMID 24140073
Japanese Journal
- 所有者居住ビルにおける土地・建物利用の変化 : 広馬場通り界隈を事例として
- 古達 知佳,小山 雄資,木方 十根,フルタツ チカ,コヤマ ユウスケ,キカタ ジュンネ,Furutatsu Chika,Koyama Yusuke,Kikata Junne
- 鹿児島大学工学部研究報告 (55), 23-28, 2013-10
- … 4) The changeless building tended to have faced the main street and the back street. …
- NAID 120005367605
- 小学校国語教材「スーホの白い馬」の主題についての再検討
- 宮川 久美
- 研究紀要 (21), 25-34, 2013-03-31
- この作品は,従来,スーホの白馬に対する思いの深まり,純粋な愛,「変わらぬ絆」を描いていると解釈されてきた.しかし本稿は,スーホの二度の決断をとおして,彼の白馬に対する愛の変容を描いていると考えた.一度目は,白馬にまたがって殿様主催の競馬に出たこと.それは,白馬と他の馬とを比べることであり,自慢の白馬をみんなに見せびらかすことである.その結果白馬を失うことになる.二度目の決断は,スーホの元に瀕死の重 …
- NAID 110009772894
- VCCS Models of DPLEDMOS for PDP Data Driver IC
- , , , ,
- IEICE Transactions on Electronics E96.C(8), 1061-1067, 2013
- … In an actual PDP system, TERC is restricted and CL is changeless. …
- NAID 130003370454
- 透析液温度が血液温度と穿刺側上肢の疼痛へ与える影響
- 宮田 誠治,齋木 豊徳
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 45(3), 255-259, 2012-03-28
- 透析患者は年々増加の一途を辿っており,透析療法の質の向上とQOLの向上が求められている.われわれは,透析中に発生する合併症の一つである穿刺側上肢の疼痛を緩和させる手段として透析液温度に着目した.まず,透析液温度の設定により体外循環中の血液温度がどの程度変化しているのかを検討した.次に透析液温度の設定を3週間ごとのクロスオーバーにて変化させ,透析液温度が穿刺側上肢の疼痛に与える影響について検討した. …
- NAID 10030813520
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- So riveted and intense had been that gaze, and so changeless his attitude, that a stranger might not have told the living from the dead, but for the occasional gleamings of a troubled spirit, that shot athwart the dark visage of one, and ...
- One of only a handful of Keith Jarrett S… 2500円(税込)以上のご注文で送料無料! Pontaポイント使えます! | Changeless | Keith Jarrett | GER 盤 | CD | 839618 | HMV ONLINE 支払い方法、配送方法もいろいろ選べ、非常に便利です!
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