- of something having the color of chalk; "she turned chalky white"
- write, draw, or trace with chalk
- a soft whitish calcite
- a piece of calcite or a similar substance, usually in the shape of a crayon, that is used to write or draw on blackboards or other flat surfaces
- a pure flat white with little reflectance
- 白亜質の;白亜色の / チョークのついた
- 『チョーク』,白墨(はくぼく) / 〈U〉白亜,チョーク(白自で柔らかく,粉末になりやすい石灰岩) / 〈C〉チョークでつけた印,チョークでかいた絵 / …'を'チョークで書く(印をつける) / …‘に'チョークで塗る(こする),チョークで白くする
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/06/30 01:51:49」(JST)
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This article is about a dog called Chalky. For the 2013 documentary film about British theatre impresario and film producer Michael White, see Chalky (film).
Chalky |
Species |
Dog |
Breed |
Jack Russell Terrier |
Sex |
Male |
Born |
1989 |
Died |
13 January 2007 |
Nation from |
British |
Owner |
Rick Stein |
Chalky was TV chef Rick Stein's rough-haired Jack Russell Terrier dog, who regularly accompanied Stein when filming his popular cookery shows and became recognised and popular in his own right - many of Stein's friends and interviewees claimed he was more famous than the chef himself.
The fearless, ferocious yet frequently affectionate terrier was a perfect foil to Stein's phlegmatic demeanor, and added notes of humour (frequently unintentional) to the series. An example was his name. Chalky had his own line of merchandise, including plushes, teatowels, art prints, art paw prints and two speciality beers - Chalky's Bite and Chalky's Bark, brewed by Sharp's Brewery.
Chalky was born in August 1989 and died on 13 January 2007, and was still filming with Rick until the last month of his life. His popularity was such that Conservative Member of Parliament Andrew Pelling tabled a motion in the House of Commons lamenting his death.
- Profile on website of Rick Stein
- BBC Obituary, 16 January 2007
- The Stage tribute and comments, 16 January 2007
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English Journal
- Characteristics, Detection Methods and Treatment of Questionable Occlusal Carious Lesions: Findings from The National Dental Practice-Based Research Network.
- Makhija SK, Gilbert GH, Funkhouser E, Bader JD, Gordan VV, Rindal DB, Pihlstrom DJ, Qvist V.Author information Department of Clinical and Community Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Ala., USA.AbstractQuestionable occlusal carious lesions (QOC) can be defined as an occlusal tooth surface with no cavitation and no radiographic radiolucencies, but caries is suspected due to roughness, surface opacities or staining. An earlier analysis of data from this study indicates 1/3 of patients have a QOC. The objective of this report has been to quantify the characteristics of these common lesions, the diagnostic aids used and the treatment of QOC. A total of 82 dentist and hygienist practitioner-investigators from the USA and Denmark in the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network participated. When consenting patients presented with a QOC, information was recorded about the patient, tooth, lesion and treatments. A total of 2,603 QOC from 1,732 patients were analyzed. The lesions were usually associated with a fissure, on molars, and varied from yellow to black in color. Half presented with a chalky luster and had a rough surface when examined with an explorer. There was an association between color and luster: 10% were chalky-light, 47% were shiny-dark and 42% were mixtures. A higher proportion of chalky than of shiny lesions were light (22 vs. 9%; p < 0.001). Lesions light in color were less common in adults than in pediatric patients (9 vs. 32%; p < 0.001). Lesions that were chalky and light were more common among pediatric than among adult patients (22 vs. 6%; p < 0.001). This is the first study to investigate characteristics of QOC in routine clinical practice. Clinicians commonly face this diagnostic uncertainty. Determining the characteristics of these lesions is relevant when making diagnostic and treatment decisions. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.
- Caries research.Caries Res.2014 Jan 29;48(3):200-207. [Epub ahead of print]
- Questionable occlusal carious lesions (QOC) can be defined as an occlusal tooth surface with no cavitation and no radiographic radiolucencies, but caries is suspected due to roughness, surface opacities or staining. An earlier analysis of data from this study indicates 1/3 of patients have a QOC. Th
- PMID 24480989
- In vivo detection of acute ischemic damages in retinal arterial occlusion with optical coherence tomography: a "prominent middle limiting membrane sign".
- Chu YK, Hong YT, Byeon SH, Kwon OW.Author information *Institute of Vision Research, Department of Ophthalmology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea †Siloam Eye Hospital, Seoul, Korea.AbstractPURPOSE: To describe characteristic findings of acute retinal ischemic damage in optical coherence tomography.
- Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.).Retina.2013 Nov-Dec;33(10):2110-7. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0b013e3182899205.
- PURPOSE: To describe characteristic findings of acute retinal ischemic damage in optical coherence tomography.METHODS: Eighteen cases of acute retinal arterial occlusion with available fundus photography, optical coherence tomography, and/or fluorescein angiography in the early phase (<1 month) w
- PMID 23594722
- Effect of ethanol on growth of Chrysonilia sitophila ('the red bread mould') and Hyphopichia burtonii ('the chalky mould') in sliced bread.
- Berni E, Scaramuzza N.Author information Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle Conserve Alimentari (SSICA), Parma, Italy.AbstractContamination of food industrial environments and recontamination of finished products by Chrysonilia sitophila and Hyphopichia burtonii have long represented serious problems for the bakery industries. As one of the most common ways to slow down or avoid fungal spoilage on bakery products is the use of ethanol, in the present work the effect of this substance has been assessed on growth of two of the most frequently occurring associated moulds, C. sitophila and H. burtonii, by means of tests on both synthetic media and sliced bread. Test on synthetic media: H. burtonii was less markedly affected in lag-phase duration and radial growth rates by the addition of ethanol to DG18 and the reduction in incubation temperature than C. sitophila that failed to grow at the highest concentrations of ethanol tested (2·0 and 4·0% at 15°C; 4·0% at 25°C). Test on sliced bread: ethanol proved to be effective to prevent spoilage by C. sitophila even at the lowest concentration tested (0·8%, w/w), while higher concentrations (2·0%, w/w) were needed to prevent spoilage by H. burtonii.
- Letters in applied microbiology.Lett Appl Microbiol.2013 Oct;57(4):344-9. doi: 10.1111/lam.12119. Epub 2013 Jul 8.
- Contamination of food industrial environments and recontamination of finished products by Chrysonilia sitophila and Hyphopichia burtonii have long represented serious problems for the bakery industries. As one of the most common ways to slow down or avoid fungal spoilage on bakery products is the us
- PMID 23772878
Japanese Journal
- Detection of QTLs for white-back and basal-white grains caused by high temperature during ripening period in japonica rice
- Wada Takuya,Miyahara Katsunori,Sonoda Jun-ya,Tsukaguchi Tadashi,Miyazaki Masayuki,Tsubone Masao,Ando Tsuyu,Ebana Kaworu,Yamamoto Toshio,Iwasawa Norio,Umemoto Takayuki,Kondo Motohiko,Yano Masahiro
- Breeding Science 65(3), 216-225, 2015
- … High temperatures during ripening increase the ratio of undesirable chalky grains followed by deteriorating grain appearance quality. … In order to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling the occurrence of white-back and basal-white chalky grains of brown rice, QTL analysis was performed using recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between two strains, 'Tsukushiroman' (sensitive to heat stress) and 'Chikushi 52' (tolerant of heat stress). …
- NAID 130005088167
- 近藤 仁,清水 篤
- 獣医臨床皮膚科 20(3), 153-157, 2014
- 猫の足底に限局した石灰沈着症は稀な皮膚疾患である。今回我々は本症に罹患した2例を経験したのでその概要を報告する。症例は,慢性腎不全の高齢猫2例で,両後肢肉球に,膿瘍の自壊を伴う境界明瞭な半ドーム状の結節性病変が認められた。1例では自壊部より約4 mmおよび2 mmの結石が摘出され,分析結果は主にタンパク質を主成分としたリン酸カルシウム結晶であった。また,病理学検査では限局性石灰化症と診断された。も …
- NAID 130004713655
- Open-Top Chambers with Solar-Heated Air Introduction Tunnels for the High-Temperature Treatment of Paddy Fields
- Chiba Masahiro,Terao Tomio
- Plant Production Science 17(2), 152-165, 2014
- … The increase in the percentage of chalky grains by the use of OTC-SAT was similar to that obtained with the other treatment methods; …
- NAID 130004462319
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