English Journal
- Anatomy and approaches along the cerebellar-brainstem fissures.
- Matsushima K1,2, Yagmurlu K1, Kohno M2, Rhoton AL Jr1.
- Journal of neurosurgery.J Neurosurg.2015 Aug 14:1-16. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECT Fissure dissection is routinely used in the supratentorial region to access deeply situated pathology while minimizing division of neural tissue. Use of fissure dissection is also practical in the posterior fossa. In this study, the microsurgical anatomy of the 3 cerebellar-brainstem fissures
- PMID 26274986
- An improved technique for cerebrospinal fluid collection of cisterna magna in Rhesus monkeys.
- Li X1, Han P1, Guo Y1, Sun H2, Xiao Y1, Kang YJ3.
- Journal of neuroscience methods.J Neurosci Methods.2015 Jul 15;249:59-65. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2015.04.004. Epub 2015 Apr 9.
- BACKGROUND: Currently-used cerebellomedullary cistern puncture method for collecting cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from monkeys is simple, inexpensive, and practical, but with high risk for brainstem injury and CSF blood contamination. An improved technique was thus developed and characterized.METHOD: M
- PMID 25864803
- Telovelar Approach to Fourth Ventricle Tumors: Highlights and Limitations.
- Tomasello F1, Conti A2, Cardali S1, La Torre D1, Angileri FF1.
- World neurosurgery.World Neurosurg.2015 Jun;83(6):1141-7. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2015.01.039. Epub 2015 Feb 16.
- OBJECTIVE: Fourth ventricle tumors have been traditionally approached by opening the cerebellar vermis. The "telovelar" approach is an alternative approach performed through the cerebellomedullary fissure to gain access to the fourth ventricle, avoiding neural tissue damage. We describe our experien
- PMID 25698525
Japanese Journal
- Clinical, Histological, and Genetic Features of Fourth Ventricle Ependymoma in the Elderly : Case Report
- , , , , ,
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica = 神経外科 52(8), 611-616, 2012-08-15
- … Imaging studies revealed an extraaxial mass in the fourth ventricle protruding into the right cerebellomedullary cistern, with concomitant obstructive hydrocephalus. …
- NAID 10030694858
- Choroid Plexus Papilloma Presenting With Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea and Otorrhea : Case Report
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- Neurologia medico-chirurgica = 神経外科 50(10), 930-933, 2010-10-15
- … A 52-year-old woman presented with right rhinorrhea and right otorrhea manifesting as aural fullness for 2 years caused by a choroid plexus papilloma in the right cerebellomedullary cistern. … Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a well defined lobulated mass at the foramen of Luschka, which extended towards the right cerebellomedullary cistern with slight dilation of the ventricular systems. …
- NAID 10026743279
- 9 Trans-cerebellomedullary fissure approachによる小脳腫瘍の1例(一般演題,第48回新潟脳神経外科懇話会)
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- The cisterna magna (or cerebellomedullary cistern) is one of three principal openings in the subarachnoid space between the arachnoid and pia mater layers of the meninges surrounding the brain. The openings are collectively referred to as ...
- cer·e·bell·o·med·ull·ar·y cistern (s r -b l -m d l- r , -m -d l -r ). n. The largest of the subarachnoid cisterns between the undersurface of the cerebellum and the dorsal surface of the medulla oblongata.
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