- 関
- C-terminal、carboxy terminus、carboxy-terminal、COOH terminus、COOH-terminal
- terminus(終着駅, 終点; 目的地(点); 限界)の複数形
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English Journal
- C-termini are essential and distinct for nucleic acid binding of human NABP1 and NABP2.
- Vidhyasagar V1, He Y1, Guo M1, Ding H1, Talwar T1, Nguyen V1, Nwosu J1, Katselis G2, Wu Y3.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2016 Feb;1860(2):371-83. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2015.11.003. Epub 2015 Nov 10.
- BACKGROUND: Human Nucleic Acid Binding Protein 1 and 2 (hNABP1 and 2; also known as hSSB2 and 1, respectively) are two newly identified single-stranded (ss) DNA binding proteins (SSB). Both NABP1 and NABP2 have a conserved oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding (OB)-fold domain and a divergent carb
- PMID 26550690
- The function of the two-pore channel TPC1 depends on dimerization of its carboxy-terminal helix.
- Larisch N1, Kirsch SA2, Schambony A3, Studtrucker T1, Böckmann RA2, Dietrich P4.
- Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS.Cell Mol Life Sci.2016 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of print]
- Two-pore channels (TPCs) constitute a family of intracellular cation channels with diverse permeation properties and functions in animals and plants. In the model plant Arabidopsis, the vacuolar cation channel TPC1 is involved in propagation of calcium waves and in cation homeostasis. Here, we disco
- PMID 26781468
- Generation and Validation of MYTH Baits: iMYTH and tMYTH Variants.
- Snider J1, Stagljar I2.
- Cold Spring Harbor protocols.Cold Spring Harb Protoc.2016 Jan 4;2016(1):pdb.prot087817. doi: 10.1101/pdb.prot087817.
- Generation of baits for membrane yeast two-hybrid (MYTH) screening differs depending on the nature of the protein(s) being studied. When using native yeast proteins with cytoplasmic carboxyl termini, the integrated form of MYTH (iMYTH) is the method of choice. iMYTH involves endogenous carboxy-termi
- PMID 26729907
Japanese Journal
- コラーゲンモデルポリペプチドの水溶液中でのダイナミックスと水和挙動(物性,一般)
- 四方 俊幸,皆川 綾子,吉田 奈央 [他],奥山 健二
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. US, 超音波 109(239), 49-54, 2009-10-15
- コラーゲンのモデルポリペプチドである(Pro-Pro-Gly)_n(PPGn)の水溶液中での構造とダイナミックスさらに水和挙動を、1kHzから20GHzの周波数域の誘電緩和測定法を用いて広い温度範囲において検討した。PPG5は分子量が低く、水溶液中で三重螺旋を形成せずにシングルコイルとして溶解し、両端のアミノ基とカルボシ基がそれぞれ正と負の電荷を有するようにイオン化した鎖状分子として振る舞う。また …
- NAID 110007482994
- Functional Role of Spliced Cytoplasmic Tails in P2X2-Receptor-Mediated Cellular Signaling
- Koshimizu Taka-aki,Tsujimoto Gozoh
- Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 101(4), 261-266, 2006
- … P2X receptors belong to a unique family of ligand-gated channels in terms of their molecular architecture, in which the channel subunit has two transmembrane alpha-helixes with a large extracellular loop keeping amino- and carboxy-termini in the cytoplasm. … The P2X2e has a shorter cytoplasmic carboxy-terminal tail than those of full-length P2X2a or splice variant P2X2b subunits. …
- NAID 130000074469
- Membrane-bound fatty acid desaturases are inserted co-translationally into the ER and contain different ER retrieval motifs at their carboxy termini
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- 33 st the outside of the coiled coil, placing the amino and carboxy termini near each other at one end of the long rod 34 the central region but vary in sequence at the amino and carboxy termini (NT and CT) of the predicted ...
- Trypsin digestion then yields the original protein C-terminal peptides, now with protected carboxyl groups, which differ from the internal and N-terminal tryptic peptides that have free, newly generated C termini. In the ...
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- C termini、C terminus、C-tail、C-terminally、carboxy termini、carboxy terminus、carboxy-terminal、carboxyterminal、COOH terminus、COOH-terminal
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- C-terminal、carboxy termini、carboxy terminus、COOH terminus、COOH-terminal
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- C-terminal、carboxy termini、carboxy terminus、carboxy-terminal、COOH terminus
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- C-terminal、carboxy termini、carboxy terminus、carboxy-terminal、COOH-terminal
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- C-terminal、carboxy termini、carboxy-terminal、COOH terminus、COOH-terminal
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- terminal、terminus
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- carboxylic