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English Journal
- The evolution of dental education as a profession, 1936-2011, and the role of the journal of dental education.
- Depaola DP.
- Journal of dental education.J Dent Educ.2012 Jan;76(1):14-27.
- This article describes selected changes in dental education from 1936 to 2011 and describes how the Journal of Dental Education (JDE) has assisted in both reporting and, at times, championing change. The review provides a series of selective contextual milestones as a backdrop and running commentary
- PMID 22262546
- The logic of policy change: structure and agency in political life.
- Wilsford D.
- Journal of health politics, policy and law.J Health Polit Policy Law.2010 Aug;35(4):663-80. doi: 10.1215/03616878-2010-021.
- Policy universes are usually characterized by stability, even when stability represents a suboptimal state. Institutions and processes channel and cajole agents along a policy path, restricting the available solution set. Herein, structure is usually to the fore. But what of agency Do no actors cho
- PMID 21057102
- Developing our leaders in the future.
- Hackett M1, Spurgeon P.
- Health manpower management.Health Manpow Manage.1998;24(4-5):170-7.
- The role of the chief executive in a transformed organisation is an extremely challenging one. The development of vision, building a commitment to it and communicating it constantly are key skills for a chief executive. However, the need to build and empower the stakeholders within and outside the o
- PMID 10346321
Japanese Journal
- 新潟市幼稚園児の食生活に関する研究-3-5歳児の食生活と健康状態との関連性
- 玉木 民子,岡田 玲子,伊藤 フミ,Tamaki tamiko,Okada Reiko,Ito Fumi
- 栄養学雑誌 38(5), p249-255, 1980-09
- … Moreover, there were few mothers trying to cajole them into eating. …
- NAID 120002815686
- 新潟市幼稚園児の食生活に関する研究 (第3報):5歳児の食生活と健康状態との関連性
- 玉木 民子,岡田 玲子,伊藤 フミ
- 栄養学雑誌 38(5), 249-255, 1980
- 幼児の食生活状況と健康状態との間にはどのような関連性があるかについて, 新潟市幼稚園の5歳児405名を対象に, 昭和52年7月に実態調査を行い, 次のような結果を得た。1) 丈夫で虫歯のない子は, かぜをひき易く虫歯のある子に比べで, 牛乳・緑黄色野菜の摂取頻度, 食事量, 好き嫌いがないもの及び朝食の食事内容のバランスの良いものがそれぞれ有意に多かった。2) 丈夫である子のグループは, かぜをひ …
- NAID 130003448168
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