- provide with a bunk; "We bunked the children upstairs"
- a long trough for feeding cattle (同)feed bunk
- a rough bed (as at a campsite)
- unacceptable behavior (especially ludicrously false statements) (同)bunkum, buncombe, guff, rot, hogwash
- small rounded bread either plain or sweet (同)roll
- いかさま,ぺてん,かたり
- (また『bunk bed』)(船・列車などの)二段式寝台 / 《話》寝場所 / 寝台(寝だな)に寝る《+『down』》
- 不まじめな話;たわごと(nonsense)
- 寝棚に寝る/ごろ寝する/(狭い)作り付け寝台, 寝棚/だぼら,ごまかし.でたらめを言う,だます
- ロールパン;(しばしば甘味香料などを入れた)丸形パン まげ,束髪
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/13 22:03:07」(JST)
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Look up bunko in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Bunko may refer to:
- Bunkobon, a Japanese book format
- Bunko Kanazawa, a Japanese adult film actress
- Bunco (also Bunko and Bonko), a parlor game played in teams with three dice
- A Confidence trick, also known as a bunco game
English Journal
- Serial changes in glucose-loaded 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography, 99mTc-tetrofosmin and 123I-beta-methyl-p-iodophenyl-penta-decanoic acid myocardial single-photon emission computed tomography images in patients with anterior acute myocardial infarction.
- Fukuoka R, Horita Y, Namura M, Ikeda M, Terai H, Tama N, Takagi T, Bunko H.SourceDepartment of Cardiology, Kanazawa Cardiovascular Hospital, Kanazawa, Japan. mm970076ryota2000@yahoo.co.jp
- Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society.Circ J.2012;77(1):137-45. Epub 2012 Oct 3.
- BACKGROUND: (18)F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) is assumed to be the most useful method for evaluating the viability of the myocardium. However, there are few reports regarding serial changes in (18)F-FDG-PET images of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). We evaluated
- PMID 23037521
- [Siebold and Ishizaka Sotetsu's contribution to the reception of acupuncture in nineteenth century Europe: a comparative research based on the acupuncture manuscripts in the Siebold collection].
- Mathias V, Machi S.SourceNishogakusha University.
- Nihon ishigaku zasshi. [Journal of Japanese history of medicine].Nihon Ishigaku Zasshi.2011 Sep;57(3):325-42.
- This article examines Siebold and his relations with the Tokugawa shogunate acupuncture doctor Ishizaka Sotetsu, based on both Western and Japanese primary sources. It is well known that Siebold's contribution to a better understanding of Oriental medicine in Europe was limited to his interest in Ja
- PMID 22397110
- [The use of mice in glaucoma research --to clarify the mechanism of intraocular pressure regulation and retinal ganglion cell damage].
- Aihara M.SourceDepartment of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo. Bunko-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
- Nippon Ganka Gakkai zasshi.Nihon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi.2010 Mar;114(3):217-46; discussion 247.
- Animal models are indispensable for glaucoma research, because intraocular pressure (IOP) regulation, IOP reduction by ocular hypotensive drugs, and chronic progressive glaucomatous optic neuropathy stem from the eye and its adnexa. The mouse, an excellent animal model available as transgenic mice w
- PMID 20387537
Japanese Journal
- 教育会図書館の社会的意義 : 滋賀県八幡文庫(1904~1909)を例に
- 武田 昌憲 [翻刻]
- 尚絅大学研究紀要. A, 人文・社会科学編 (47), A25-36, 2015-03-31
- 山口県文書館蔵『澄水記』は四国の伊予国(愛媛県)東部の戦国軍記である。「里伝」などの異文を含む特殊な作品なので,翻刻してみたものである。国語学的にも特殊な仮名遣いの訓がみられる。地方の軍記として有益である。
- NAID 110009902988
- 渡辺 英夫
- 秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学自然科学 70, 67-82, 2015-03-01
- … The original Goucho book published in Shouho 4 was lost in thegreat fire of Meireki, and its copy is archived in the Senshu Bunko. …
- NAID 110009897022
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