- spoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly; "I bungled it!"
- someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence (同)blunderer, fumbler, bumbler, stumbler, sad sack, botcher, butcher, fuckup
- close with a cork or stopper
- a plug used to close a hole in a barrel or flask (同)spile
- showing lack of skill or aptitude; "a bungling workman"; "did a clumsy job"; "his fumbling attempt to put up a shelf" (同)clumsy, fumbling, incompetent
- spoiled through incompetence or clumsiness; "a bungled job" (同)botched
- …'を'へたにやる,しくじる / へまをする / 不手際,しくじり,へま
- へまをする人,不器用な人
- (たるの)せん / =bunghole
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2020/01/29 05:15:40」(JST)
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Bungle may refer to:
- Bungle (Rainbow), a fictional children's television character
- The Glass Cat, also called Bungle, a fictional character from the Land of Oz books
- The Bungle Family, an American comic strip
- Mr. Bungle, an experimental rock/avant-garde metal band
- Bungle Bungle Range in the Purnululu National Park in northern Western Australia
See also
- Bungles, a 1916 series of short films
- Bangle, a rigid bracelet
English Journal
- Esthetic management of complicated crown fracture of three permanent maxillary teeth by grout technique -A case report.
- Singh TK, Passi D, Aggarwal S, Mohan S, Sharma A, Gupta U.
- Journal of family medicine and primary care. 2019 Jul;8(7)2538-2541.
- Dental injury particularly anterior teeth trauma has severe effects on the social and mental prosperity of a patient hence requiring useful and esthetic repair at the most urgent. Customarily, fracture anterior teeth have been reestablished with composite tars; in any case, they have the essential d
- PMID 31463292
- Blepharoptosis-Blepharoplasty Bundle Bungle.
- , P P, J J, J J, .
- American journal of ophthalmology. 2018 03;187()xiv-xvii.
- PMID 29277398
- Antibacterial activity of 14, 15-dihydroajugapitin and 8-o-acetylharpagide isolated from Ajuga bracteosa Wall ex. Benth against human pathogenic bacteria.
- Ganaie HA, Ali MN, Ganai BA, Meraj M, Ahmad M.
- Microbial pathogenesis. 2017 Feb;103()114-118.
- Ajuga bracteosa Wall ex. Benth. (Lamiaceae) commonly known as Bungle Weed has been in use since ancient times and is mentioned Ayurvedic literature. The upper ground parts of the plant are used for treatment of various diseases. The weed is credited with astringent, febrifugal, stimulant, aperient,
- PMID 28012983
Japanese Journal
- キャリアを台無しにしないために 転職で失敗する理由 (Feature Articles プロフェッショナル 「仕事と人生」論)
- Groysberg Boris,Abrahams Robin,スコフィールド 素子 [訳]
- Diamondハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー 36(3), 104-112, 2011-03
- NAID 40018710489
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