- the kinship relation between a male offspring and the siblings
- people engaged in a particular occupation; "the medical fraternity" (同)fraternity, sodality
- the feeling that men should treat one another like brothers
- the friendship characteristic of blood brothers
- {U}兄弟の間がら,兄弟愛;(兄弟のような)親しい間がら / {C}組合,協会;《集合的に》同業者
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/08/13 15:51:01」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
ウィクショナリーにbrotherhoodの項目があります。 |
ブラザーフッド(英語: brotherhood)
- Brotherhood (B'zのアルバム) - 1999年にB'zがリリースしたアルバム。
- ブラザーフッド (ニュー・オーダーのアルバム) - ニュー・オーダーがリリースしたアルバム。
- ブラザーフッド (テレビドラマ) - アメリカのテレビドラマシリーズ。
- グレート・ホワイト・ブラザーフッド - 超自然的人物の集団。
- アーリアン・ブラザーフッド - アメリカの刑務所内を本拠とするギャング。
- アサシン クリード ブラザーフッド - ユービーアイソフトのゲーム。
- ブラザーフッド (映画) - 2004年の韓国映画。
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[Wiki en表示]
Brotherhood or The Brotherhood may refer to:
- 1 Family and organizations
- 2 Film
- 3 Music
- 4 Television
- 5 Other uses
- 6 See also
Family and organizations[edit source | edit]
- Brother, a male sibling
- Brotherhood (Order of the Arrow), a membership level in the Boy Scouts of America honor society
- Fraternity or Brotherhood, a male social organization
Film[edit source | edit]
- The Brotherhood (1968 film), an American crime drama directed by Martin Ritt
- The Brotherhood (2001 film), a homoerotic horror film by David Decoteau, the first in a series
- Brotherhood: Taegukgi, a 2004 South Korean film
- Brotherhood (2009 film) (Broderskab), a Danish drama
- Brotherhood (2010 film), an American thriller directed by Will Canon
Music[edit source | edit]
- Brotherhood (3T album)
- Brotherhood (B'z album)
- Brotherhood (The Chemical Brothers album)
- Brotherhood (Doobie Brothers album)
- Brotherhood (New Order album)
- The Brotherhood (album), an album by Running Wild
- The Brotherhood (rap group), a 1990s British hip hop group
Television[edit source | edit]
- Brotherhood (2006 TV series), an American crime drama series
- Brotherhood (Singapore TV series), a 2002 Singaporean-Chinese drama series
- The Brotherhood (UK TV series) or The Love School, a 1975 series about the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
- "The Brotherhood" (Stargate Atlantis), an episode of Stargate Atlantis
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, the second version of the anime Fullmetal Alchemist
Other uses[edit source | edit]
- The Brotherhood (comics), a Marvel series featuring a version of the Brotherhood of Mutants
- The Brotherhood (Nineteen Eighty-Four), a fictitious organization in George Orwell's novel Nineteen-Eighty Four
- The Brotherhood (professional wrestling), a former professional wrestling faction
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, a 2010 video game
- The Brotherhood, a fictional gang in the 2008 video game Saints Row 2
See also[edit source | edit]
- Bratstvo (literally: "brotherhood"), an urban Orthodox community in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
- Ahva (disambiguation), (Hebrew: אחווה, lit. Brotherhood) for Israel-related articles
- Brödraskapet (English: The Brotherhood), a Swedish prison gang
- Monasticism, a religious way of life
- Sodality, a type of religious organization
- All pages beginning with "Brotherhood"
- Brothers in Arms (disambiguation)
- Fraternity (disambiguation)
- Sisterhood (disambiguation)
English Journal
- Respecting dignity in forensic care: the challenge faced by nurses of maintaining patient dignity in clinical caring situations.
- Gustafsson LK, Wigerblad A, Lindwall L.SourceSchool of Health, Care and Social Welfare, Mälardalen University, Eskilstuna, Sweden. lena-karin.gustafsson@mdh.se
- Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing.J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs.2013 Feb;20(1):1-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2850.2012.01895.x. Epub 2012 Mar 14.
- We must recognize the importance of increased understanding for maintaining patient dignity to expand earlier formulated knowledge about caring ethics. Illuminations of this topic can create conditions for changing and developing care, as well as making caregivers' preservation of dignity evident. T
- PMID 22417206
- Darwin's explanation of races by means of sexual selection.
- Millstein RL.SourceDepartment of Philosophy, One Shields Avenue, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. RLMillstein@UCDavis.edu
- Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences.Stud Hist Philos Biol Biomed Sci.2012 Sep;43(3):627-33. doi: 10.1016/j.shpsc.2012.05.001. Epub 2012 Jun 7.
- In Darwin's Sacred Cause, Adrian Desmond and James Moore contend that "Darwin would put his utmost into sexual selection because the subject intrigued him, no doubt, but also for a deeper reason: the theory vindicated his lifelong commitment to human brotherhood" (2009: p. 360). Without questioning
- PMID 22683495
- Predictors of abdominal injuries in blunt trauma.
- Farrath S, Parreira JG, Perlingeiro JA, Solda SC, Assef JC.SourceEmergency Department, Brotherhood of Holy Home of São Paulo-SP-BR.
- Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões.Rev Col Bras Cir.2012 Jul-Aug;39(4):295-301.
- OBJECTIVE: To identify predictors of abdominal injuries in victims of blunt trauma.METHOD: retrospective analysis of trauma protocols (collected prospectively) of adult victims of blunt trauma in a period of 15 months. Variables were compared between patients with abdominal injuries (AIS>0) detec
- PMID 22936228
- High-affinity disaccharide binding by tricyclic synthetic lectins.
- Sookcharoenpinyo B, Klein E, Ferrand Y, Walker DB, Brotherhood PR, Ke C, Crump MP, Davis AP.SourceSchool of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantock's Close, Bristol, BS8 1TS UK.
- Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English).Angew Chem Int Ed Engl.2012 May 7;51(19):4586-90. doi: 10.1002/anie.201200447. Epub 2012 Mar 29.
- PMID 22461406
Japanese Journal
- キリスト教神学における歴史認識 -ラインホールド・ニーバーによる正義の捉え方-
- 佐久間 重
- 名古屋文理大学紀要 13(情報メディア学部・基礎教育センター・食と栄養研究所開設記念号), pp.33-42, 2013-03-31
- 本論は,ラインホールド・ニーバーが彼の著作『人間の本性と運命』の中で正義をどのように解釈しているかを詳述したものである.ニーバーの解釈を通じて,キリスト者は社会的正義をどのように捉えているかを明らかにすることを狙いとしている.ニーバーは,歴史的状況の中で人間が正義を実現するための手段や,正義が確立した理想的な社会を提示することはない.社会の中で同胞愛の理想を求めながらも,歴史から戦争や悪政を取り除 …
- NAID 110009558681
- 概説: ムリッド教団(2): セネガル共和国の社会経済理解に向けて
- エジプト1月25日革命の展開 = 軍とムスリム同胞団そして若者たち
- イスラーム国家としてのパキスタンにおける歴史言説 : ウルドゥー語教科書の分析から
- 須永 恵美子
- アジア・アフリカ地域研究 = Asian and African area studies 12(2), 157-191, 2013-03-00
- … and fourth, multi-ethnicity and the Islamic brotherhood. …
- NAID 120005244876
Related Links
- 2007年7月6日 ... B'zのBrotherhoodのジャケットの裏の二人が握手している写真が好きで自分も祖父の 見舞いの後、必ず握手をしていました。 最高ですね、この曲は。 この動画に出会えて よかったです。 ありがとうございました。. tkgyamato 2 years ago 65 ...
- 2010年2月8日 ... 2008.9.21―雨の日産スタジアムで行われた、B'zデビュー20周年伝説のライブ。 『B'z LIVE-GYM Pleasure 2008 "GLORY DAYS"』から『Brotherhood』です。
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