- a natural stream of water smaller than a river (and often a tributary of a river); "the creek dried up every summer" (同)creek
- a small brook
- …'を'がまんする,忍ぶ,‘に'耐える
- 『小川』,細流
- 小川,細流
- 荒々しい口論;けんか騒ぎ,乱闘
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/07/09 18:06:27」(JST)
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- 1 People
- 2 Other uses
- 3 See also
A brook is a small stream. The word may also refer to:
For an etymology and history of the surname, see Brooks (surname).
- A persona of Mary J. Blige
- Brook (One Piece), a fictional skeleton from the anime and manga One Piece
- Brook Mahealani Lee (born 1971), former Miss USA and Miss Universe (1997) from Hawaii, USA
- Abraham Brook (flourished 1789), English physicist and bookseller
- Basil Brook (1576 – c. 1646), English ironmaster, see Basil Brooke (metallurgist)
- Benjamin Brook (1776–1848), English nonconformist minister and religious historian
- Charles Brook (philanthropist) (1814–1872), English philanthropist
- Claudio Brook (1927–1995), Mexican actor
- Clive Brook (1887–1974), English actor
- David Brook (also Broke or Brooke) (c. 1498 – 1560) English judge and Member of Parliament
- Eric Brook (1907–1965), English footballer
- Faith Brook (born 1922), English actress
- Holly Brook (born 1986), American singer and songwriter
- Jayne Brook (born 1962), American actress
- Kelly Brook (born 1979), English model
- Michael Brook (born 1951), Canadian guitarist, inventor, producer, and film music composer
- Norman Brook, 1st Baron Normanbrook
- Peter Brook (born 1925), English theatre and film director and innovator
- Richard Brook (chief executive), English executive
- Timothy Brook (historian) (born 1951), Canadian historian
- Tom Brook (born 1953), BBC World presenter
- Yaron Brook
Other uses
- Brook (programming language), a programming language for GPU programming based on C
- Brook, meaning fart in the Tamil language of India
- Brook+, an explicit data-parallel C compiler
- BrookGPU, a framework for GPGPU programming
See also
- Brooke (disambiguation)
- Brooks (disambiguation)
- Brock (disambiguation)
- Brock (surname)
- Bruck (disambiguation)
English Journal
- Vasoactive effects of stable aqueous suspensions of single walled carbon nanotubes in hamsters and mice.
- Frame MD, Dewar AM, Mullick Chowdhury S, Sitharaman B.Author information Department of Biomedical Engineering, Stony Brook University , Stony Brook, NY 11794 , USA.AbstractAbstract Single-walled carbon nanotubes synthesized with iron (Fe-SWCNT) or gadolinium (Gd-SWCNT) show promise as high performance multimodal contrast and drug-delivery agents. Our purpose was to evaluate potential vasoactive effects of SWCNT. Stable aqueous solutions of Fe-SWCNTs or Gd-SWCNTs were made using the biocompatible amphiphilic polymer N-(carbonyl-methoxypolyethyleneglycol 2000)-1,2-distearoylsn-glycero-3- phosphoethanolamine (PEG-DSPE). Both aggregated and non-aggregated (sonicated) formulations were tested. The initial vasoactivity of the formulations and their potential for inducing pro-inflammatory endothelial dysfunction were investigated in the hamster cheek pouch and murine cremaster muscle intravital microscopy models. These models provide an assay to test several formulations/dosages in a paired fashion. Abluminal exposure to small arterioles exposes both endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells. Using abluminal exposures of dosages that would approximate the first pass of an i.v. bolus injection, both Fe-SWCNTs and Gd-SWCNTs were immediately vasoactive. Aggregated formulations induced dilation and non-aggregated formulations induced constriction in both hamsters and mice. Endothelial dysfunction was evident after exposure to either aggregated or non-aggregated forms. General loss of dilator capability was seen after exposure to non-aggregated but not aggregated forms. Thus concentrations mimicking bolus dosing of PEG-DSPE coated SWCNT induce both acute and chronic vascular responses.
- Nanotoxicology.Nanotoxicology.2014 Dec;8:867-75. doi: 10.3109/17435390.2013.837209. Epub 2013 Sep 30.
- Abstract Single-walled carbon nanotubes synthesized with iron (Fe-SWCNT) or gadolinium (Gd-SWCNT) show promise as high performance multimodal contrast and drug-delivery agents. Our purpose was to evaluate potential vasoactive effects of SWCNT. Stable aqueous solutions of Fe-SWCNTs or Gd-SWCNTs were
- PMID 23992463
- A structure-based distance metric for high-dimensional space exploration with multidimensional scaling.
- Lee JH1, McDonnell KT2, Zelenyuk A3, Imre D4, Mueller K1.Author information 1State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook.2Dowling College, Oakdale.3Pacific Northwest National Lab, Richland.4Imre Consulting, Richland.AbstractAlthough the euclidean distance does well in measuring data distances within high-dimensional clusters, it does poorly when it comes to gauging intercluster distances. This significantly impacts the quality of global, low-dimensional space embedding procedures such as the popular multidimensional scaling (MDS) where one can often observe nonintuitive layouts. We were inspired by the perceptual processes evoked in the method of parallel coordinates which enables users to visually aggregate the data by the patterns the polylines exhibit across the dimension axes. We call the path of such a polyline its structure and suggest a metric that captures this structure directly in high-dimensional space. This allows us to better gauge the distances of spatially distant data constellations and so achieve data aggregations in MDS plots that are more cognizant of existing high-dimensional structure similarities. Our biscale framework distinguishes far-distances from near-distances. The coarser scale uses the structural similarity metric to separate data aggregates obtained by prior classification or clustering, while the finer scale employs the appropriate euclidean distance.
- IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics.IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph.2014 Mar;20(3):351-64. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2013.101.
- Although the euclidean distance does well in measuring data distances within high-dimensional clusters, it does poorly when it comes to gauging intercluster distances. This significantly impacts the quality of global, low-dimensional space embedding procedures such as the popular multidimensional sc
- PMID 24434217
- Gold nanoparticles cellular toxicity and recovery: Adipose Derived Stromal cells.
- Mironava T, Hadjiargyrou M, Simon M, Rafailovich MH.Author information Department of Medicine, Stem Cell Facility, State University of New York at Stony Brook , Stony Brook, NY , USA.AbstractAbstract Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are currently used in numerous medical applications. Herein, we describe their in vitro impact on human adipose-derived stromal cells (ADSCs) using 13 nm and 45 nm citrate-coated AuNPs. In their non-differentiated state, ADSCs were penetrated by the AuNPs and stored in vacuoles. The presence of the AuNPs in ADSCs resulted in increased population doubling times, decreased cell motility and cell-mediated collagen contraction. The degree to which the cells were impacted was a function of particle concentration, where the smaller particles required a sevenfold higher concentration to have the same effect as the larger ones. Furthermore, AuNPs reduced adipogenesis as measured by lipid droplet accumulation and adiponectin secretion. These effects correlated with transient increases in DLK1 and with relative reductions in fibronectin. Upon removal of exogenous AuNPs, cellular NP levels decreased and normal ADSC functions were restored. As adiponectin helps regulate energy metabolism, local fluctuations triggered by AuNPs can lead to systemic changes. Hence, careful choice of size, concentration and clinical application duration of AuNPs is warranted.
- Nanotoxicology.Nanotoxicology.2014 Mar;8:189-201. doi: 10.3109/17435390.2013.769128. Epub 2013 Feb 8.
- Abstract Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are currently used in numerous medical applications. Herein, we describe their in vitro impact on human adipose-derived stromal cells (ADSCs) using 13 nm and 45 nm citrate-coated AuNPs. In their non-differentiated state, ADSCs were penetrated by the AuNPs and stor
- PMID 23330784
- What Is the Value of a Food and Drug Administration Investigational New Drug Application for Fecal Microbiota Transplantation to Treat Clostridium difficile Infection?
- Hecht GA1, Blaser MJ2, Gordon J3, Kaplan LM4, Knight R5, Laine L6, Peek R7, Sanders ME8, Sartor B9, Wu GD10, Yang VW11.
- Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association.Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol.2014 Feb;12(2):289-91. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2013.10.009. Epub 2013 Oct 20.
- PMID 24148361
Japanese Journal
- 二次電池のサイエンス : 電気化学と材料工学の集約
- 電気化学および工業物理化学 : denki kagaku 80(10), 700-705, 2012-10-05
- NAID 10030880294
- O-GlcNAc転移酵素 : 機能、構造、そして、阻害剤の開発
- 竹内 英之
- Trends in glycoscience and glycotechnology 24(135), 43-45, 2012-05-31
- NAID 10030975688
- N-アシル化プラスマローゲン型リン脂質からのN-アシルエタノールアミンの生合成
- 坪井 一人,岡本 安雄,池松 夏紀,井上 愛美,清水 嘉文,宇山 徹,DEUTSCH Dale G.,徳村 彰,上田 夏生
- 脂質生化学研究 54, 259-261, 2012-05-28
- NAID 10030581588
- 日本人患者における, 真皮の連続皮内縫合と単結節縫合における効果の相違に関する比較研究
- 宮下 宏紀,森 弘樹,植村 法子,宮嵜 央后,岡崎 睦
- 日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 32(5), 289-293, 2012-05-20
- NAID 10030631321
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- BROOKは秋田にある住宅会社です。秋田で住宅(新築・一戸建て)をご購入予定のお客様へ、「暮らし」を楽しめるようなアイデアがいっぱい詰まった会社です。
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- 英
- Middlebrook 7H9 broth
- 抗酸菌の分離培養のために用いる。
- 抗酸菌用培地には固形培地、液体培地、二相性培地があるが、本培地は液体培地である。
- 広く用いられている液体培地であり、保存株の継代、薬剤感受性試験、諸種同定試験の基礎培地などに用いられる。(LAB.1030)
- Middlebrook 7H9 broth base 4.7g + glycerin 2ml or tween-80 0.5g in 900ml polish water. Autocrave 121C for 10min. After air cooling until RT, add 100 ml ADC Enrichment, and mix.
Middlebrook 7H9 broth
- 参考1
- Monopotassium Phosphate 2.0 g
- Disodium Phosphate 1.5 g
- Monosodium Glutamate 0.5 g
- Sodium Citrate 0.1 g
- Ammonium Sulfate 0.5 g
- Pyridoxine 0.001 g
- Ferric Ammonium Citrate 0.04 g
- Magnesium Sulfate 0.05 g
- Zinc Sulfate 0.001 g
- Copper Sulfate 0.001 g
- Biotin 0.5 mg
- Calcium Chloride 0.5 mg
ADC enrichment
- 参考1
- Sodium Chloride 0.85 g
- Bovine Albumin (Fraction V) 50 g
- Dextrose 20 g
- Catalase 40 mg
- Sodium Pyruvate 10 g
- http://www.bd.com/europe/regulatory/Assets/IFU/US/L007467%2809%29%281206%29.pdf
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middlebrook_7H9_Broth