- (作戦開始直前の)簡単な指令、要旨説明。(一般に)簡単な報告(発表)、事実関係の説明、記者会見
- detailed instructions, as for a military operation
- report of a mission or task
- 戦闘慨況説明,簡潔な指令 / 指令伝達の会合;簡単な報告(発表)の会
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/01/16 18:01:45」(JST)
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Brief or briefs may refer to:
- A firefox extension for RSS
- A letter
- "News in brief", a short-summary format of news items in a news publication or broadcast
- A papal letter less formal than a bull, sealed with the pope's signet ring or stamped with the device borne on this ring
- Brief (architecture), a requirement imposed by a client on an architect
- Brief (law), a number of formal document types
- "Brief", northern English slang for an event ticket e.g. "I have a brief sorted for the United game"
- Brief (text editor), a popular text editor for the MS-DOS operating system
- Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF), a behavioural assessment for children and adolescents
- Briefs, a type of underwear and swimwear
- Mission briefing, a conference before a major event to announce/agree upon the major information and actions necessary to complete the mission
- The Briefs, a Seattle band
- Briefers "Brief" Rock, a fictional character in the anime, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
See also
- Brief intervention, a technique used to address alcohol abuse
- Brief therapy, an umbrella term for psychotherapy approaches
- Design brief, a type of business document
- Watching brief, an archeological recording method
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English Journal
- What Matters Most? Students' Rankings of Simulation Components That Contribute to Clinical Judgment.
- Kelly MA, Hager P, Gallagher R.AbstractAs the pedagogy of health care simulation matures, the level of guidance provided and types of simulation components included increasingly vary. To prepare students for professional practice, one university embedded Tanner's model of clinical judgment within the nursing curricula and integrated simulations. There was interest in seeking students' opinions of "what matters most" in the design and delivery of simulations, which may vary from the academic's viewpoint. Senior undergraduate nursing students (N = 150) from three types of study programs rated 11 simulation components in relation to clinical judgment. The three student groups rated all components above 2.9 on a 5-point Likert scale, with some variation across groups for component rankings. The highest ranking components for applying clinical judgment were facilitated debriefing, postsimulation reflection, and guidance by the academic. The lowest ranked components were patient case notes and briefing and orientation to the simulation area. Age and previous nursing experience did not influence the study variables. [J Nurs Educ. 2014;53(x):xxx-xxx.].
- The Journal of nursing education.J Nurs Educ.2014 Jan 22:1-5. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20140122-08. [Epub ahead of print]
- As the pedagogy of health care simulation matures, the level of guidance provided and types of simulation components included increasingly vary. To prepare students for professional practice, one university embedded Tanner's model of clinical judgment within the nursing curricula and integrated simu
- PMID 24444013
- [No authors listed]
- Nature medicine.Nat Med.2014 Jan 7;20(1):6-7. doi: 10.1038/nm0114-6.
- PMID 24398950
- Briefing in family characteristics of microRNAs and their applications in cancer research.
- Wang Q, Wei L, Guan X, Wu Y, Zou Q, Ji Z.Author information School of Information Science and Technology, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005 Fujian, PR China.AbstractMicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous, short, non-coding RNA molecules that are directly involved in the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. Dysregulation of miRNAs is usually associated with diseases. Since miRNAs in a family intend to have common functional characteristics, proper assignment of miRNA family becomes heuristic for better understanding of miRNA nature and their potentials in clinic. In this review, we will briefly discuss the recent progress in miRNA research, particularly its impact on protein and its clinical application in cancer research in a view of miRNA family. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Computational Proteomics, Systems Biology & Clinical Implications. Guest Editor: Yudong Cai.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2014 Jan;1844(1 Pt B):191-7. doi: 10.1016/j.bbapap.2013.08.002. Epub 2013 Aug 14.
- MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous, short, non-coding RNA molecules that are directly involved in the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. Dysregulation of miRNAs is usually associated with diseases. Since miRNAs in a family intend to have common functional characteristics, proper assi
- PMID 23954304
Japanese Journal
- 児を出産後入院中の母親に対する予防接種の説明会の試み
- 安齋 祐子,成宮 正朗
- 小児保健研究 = The journal of child health 73(4), 613-617, 2014-07
- NAID 40020140532
- CFR Briefing 欧州における反移民感情の台頭 (特集 移民と経済と社会同化)
- CFR Briefing ドライバーレスカーの未来 (特集 テクノロジーが変えた世界)
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